Items You Should Not Sell To Merchants In Avowed

Items You Should Not Sell To Merchants In Avowed
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  • Collecting and using Cooking ingredients can yield powerful food items worth more than selling for profit.
  • Lockpicks are crucial to success in Avowed, so prioritize acquiring and never sell them.
  • Keep unique weapons and accessories for their utility in battles or to dismantle for valuable materials.

Players looking for an immersive, satisfying RPG will be incredibly pleased with Avowed. Current discourse on the title might be split between “this is God’s gift to gaming” and “this game is terrible, millions must replay Skyrim,” but for those willing to shut out the information overload and just accept the game at face value will find a genuine, satisfying RPG with a myriad of ways to engage with combat, dialogue, and exploration.


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Part of the exploration, combat, and upgrade loop that defines this game is earning and spending Skeyts, the currency in the Living Lands. Copper Skeyts are the player’s pathway to many incredibly useful items, powerful weapons, or even unique and named gear that can define an entire build. This might put players in the mind of copper-counting, and while that might be true, some items are simply too useful in their own right to be worth selling for money. When figuring out what to sell and what to keep in Avowed, think twice before letting these items go.


Cooking Ingredients

Ingredients Are Plentiful And Powerful

Common foodstuffs like fruits, vegetables, and grains are found in pretty high quantities across the Living Lands, though in some more forgotten places, the food has unfortunately gone to rot (they don’t have Skyrim’s helpful Draugr restocking crypt barrels of cabbages, it seems). Food can be collected in large amounts from a single area and, clogging up the inventory, it can seem tempting to sell it en masse to a merchant for a tidy profit.

However, some of the foods players can cook in this game using even the simplest ingredients can be incredibly helpful, occasionally surpassing even potions in terms of how much health they restore. It’s much better to put this food to use, even if it’s just to brew a quick nip of alcohol or cook up some meat, rather than let it go to waste by selling it for meager individual sums to a merchant in one of the towns.



An Essential Tool In Any Area Of The Game

If there’s one area that tends to stifle players in both Outer Worlds and Avowed, it’s the lockpicking system. Based on lockpicking skill, players need to consume a certain quantity of lockpicks to unlock any locked chest in the world. While this mechanic does make sense, something a little more immersive like Skyrim‘s lockpicking system or even something a bit more low-key like Morrowind‘s may be better suited.

But we go to war with the soldiers we have, and making the most of this system means scrounging for every lockpick one can find. Players do not want to find themselves short a lockpick to unlock a chest and then have to backtrack to town, search for a merchant, and then come all the way back. Lockpicks should be the most bought item for players, but never sold, as even one lockpick extra can mean unlocking the next vital weapon or accessory in a build.


Potions And Food

Players Never Want To Be Short On Healing Items

In the early game or on higher difficulties, a single potion is often what makes or breaks an encounter. Players still getting their bearings with this new title or clashing with some supremely difficult foes need every edge they can get, and while money can always be found somewhere in the world, health is a resource that should be conserved and bolstered as much as possible.


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What this means in practice is: don’t sell potions. Don’t do it. That common pistol that costs 23 Skeyts more than players currently have might look tempting, but there are other things to sell besides the game’s most efficient way of restoring health and essence.


Upgrade Materials

There Is Always A Weapon That Could Use These Materials

One of Avowed‘s most interesting and in-depth systems is the upgrading mechanic. Players need to work long-term in order to get the most out of their equipment, and that means scrounging up any materials they can find. Even materials that don’t seem like they’re within a build’s preferred weapons’ upgrade tree have merit, as the profit made from selling upgraded weapons that won’t be used outweighs the profit from raw materials.


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Selling unwanted, non-unique gear is a decent way to make money, but selling this same gear upgraded with materials that aren’t needed otherwise is a surefire way to increase funds to purchase the things that do matter, like lockpicks and potions. Both are far more valuable than selling the upgrade materials themselves.


Unique Weapons

These Items Are Too Impressive To Sell

In every area of the game, players can find unique weapons that help make their journey through the Living Lands more memorable. Some of these weapons have unique animations or damage types that are uncommon for that particular weapon class, while others are simply very effective at slaying foes, often replete with unique enchantments and special effects.

Even if players find unique weapons that aren’t in their preferred style of play, holding onto them is often worthwhile. Players might need them in a pinch if coming up against a boss weak to that weapon’s enchantment, or in the very worst case scenario, these unique items can be broken down into valuable materials if players are absolutely sure they’ll never be using them.



These Can Help Immensely In A Pinch

Similar to unique weapons, it’s just good due diligence to keep accessories on standby in case they could be useful at a later date. More so than weapons, this is a good call, as accessories don’t usually require any kind of skill investment to be useful, meaning that challenging foes can suddenly become trivialized by the right accessory.

Keeping a ring that turns critical hits into poison damage might be a great move if facing enemies that are weak to poison with a build that doesn’t often access that power. A ring that increases defense might be good on a build that typically prioritizes speed if there’s some damage coming the player’s way that’s hard to dodge. Keeping accessories instead of selling them for a quick profit means players have more options when it comes to adapting their build on the go.

Avowed Tag Page Cover Art



February 18, 2025


Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Strong Language, Violence


Xbox Game Studios

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