Mecha BREAK is one of the most anticipated titles set to release in 2025, but is it crossplay?
While in the past, one of the big selling points of consoles was exclusivity to some titles, in the modern era, it’s more important that the game be accessible for the most people, and have cross platform compatibility with other consoles. With Mecha BREAK set to release later this year (2025), will the upcoming multiplayer mech-battler game have crossplay?

Image Credit: Amazing Seasun Games
Is Mecha BREAK Crossplay?
Mech BREAK currently has crossplay between the PC and Xbox Series X|S versions of the game. This was implemented during the current Mecha BREAK Open Beta and should continue throughout the duration of the game’s life span.
The only question about crossplay compatibility may come from the PS5 version – it’s currently unknown if the upcoming PS5 version of the game will have crossplay between Xbox and PC.
Does Mecha BREAK Have Cross Progression?
Cross progression is often a sought after feature with some players wanting to transfer their progress from one console to another or from console to PC if they get an upgrade. However, at the time of writing Mecha BREAK does not have cross progression, and if you start again on a new platform there’s no way to link your progress.
Mecha BREAK Platforms
Mecha BREAK is currently scheduled to release on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5. However, despite Mecha BREAK launching into open beta, the PlayStation 5 version is yet to materialize (at the time of writing) and PC and Xbox Series X|S users are able to access the game.
If you’re thinking of playing the game on PC, why not check out our Mecha BREAK PC system requirements page.
And stick with for more Mecha BREAK news, guides, and more.
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