How To Tell What Set A Lorcana Card Is From

How To Tell What Set A Lorcana Card Is From
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Disney Lorcana has lots of sets under its belt, which means keeping track of which card debuted in which set can be tricky. It’s important, though, as it’s the easiest way to keep your collection nice and organised.


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Fortunately, working out the set a card is from is easy, as it’s all printed on the card if you know where to look.

How To Identify What Set A Lorcana Card Is From

To work out the set a Lorcana card was printed in, look at the bottom left corner of the card. There, you’ll see four pieces of information: the artist, collector number, the language, and the set number.

That last number is the important one, as each Lorcana set is numbered. If you already know what order the sets launched in, working this out is easy: The First Chapter has a “1”, Rise Of The Floodborn has “2”, and so on.

There is one important caveat to this: this number shows when the card made its debut, not the specific product that individual card was pulled from. To prevent scalping of first-edition cards, it is impossible to tell if a card is a reprint, unless it has been errata’d and had its text changed between printings.

Anna, Ensnared Sister with the set code circled in Disney Lorcana.

Cards from the Illumineer’s Quest scenario decks have their own set codes, which will start with the letter Q. For instance, despite launching alongside the fourth set, cards from Deep Trouble, the first Illumineer’s Quest, have the set code Q1.

Every Lorcana Set Number

Lorcana Robin Hood, Mickey, and Stitch

Once you’ve found the card’s set number, it’s simply a matter of finding the set it corrosponds to.


Set Number

The First Chapter


Rise Of The Floodborn


Into The Inklands


Ursula’s Return


Illumineer’s Quest: Deep Trouble


Shimmering Skies


Azurite Sea


Archazia’s Island


Reign Of Jafar


Illumineer’s Quest: Palace Heist




Italic entries are assumed following the numbering conventions introduced in The First Chapter, as they have not yet been released,


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