How To Get The Toran Lake Castle Treasure Chests In Suikoden 1 HD Remaster

How To Get The Toran Lake Castle Treasure Chests In Suikoden 1 HD Remaster
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The Toran Lake section of Suikoden is one of the more difficult dungeons you’ll encounter in the Suikoden 1 & 2 HD Remasters. Since this is one of the earlier dungeons, your party will be pre-determined, and you’ll have fairly limited options when it comes to weapons and equipment.


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To top it all off, the boss can melt your entire party’s health bars if you aren’t careful. However, victory rewards the bold, and this dungeon does have some enticing goodies to grab along the way. This walkthrough will show you how to get all the treasures while also breaking down the boss fight for you.

Reaching Toran Castle

Playing Chinchirorin in the Suikoden 1 HD Remaster.

Once you have passed through Kwaba on your search for a new base of operation, you’ll want to head to Kaku, which is southwest of Seika. Once you enter Kaku, head to the building with the wine bottle and glass sign. Talk to the woman with red hair, that is Camille, and she’ll be joining your party.

You need to head into the basement to recruit Tai Ho, but before you do, go to the Inn and save. Head back to the bar, enter the basement, and gamble with Tai Ho. This game is pure luck, so don’t feel bad reloading your game from the inn if he takes you for everything you’re worth.

You’ll be taken to Toran Castle, where Tai Ho will officially join you. However, Camille and Tai Ho are both poorly equipped. Tai Ho’s weapon is level 3 and Camille’s is level 4. So, hop into the boat and go back to Kaku. Sharpen their weapons and give them some better armor. Buy medicine if you are low as well. Every party member should have their own stack of medicine for the boss. So, buy a spare bundle or two for healing on the way to the boss.

Additionally, give as many party members Guard Robes as possible (you can buy them at the Kaku armor shop), and place the Clone Orb on Viktor, and the Fire Rune on Cleo.

The Toran Lake Dungeon

Once you finish this dungeon, all the treasure chests that went unlooted will be lost. So, make sure to get them the first time around.

Before you enter the castle, grab the Mega Medicine in the chest south of the castle’s entrance. In the southern section of the first room you’ll find Toe Shoes in a chest. Just hug the south side of the pool of water to reach the chest.

The two treasure chests in the second room of the Toran Lake Castle in the Suikoden 1 HD Remaster

There are two chests in the second room, the north chest has antitoxin inside, and the in the south chest holds 2,000 Potch. You’ll head up the stairs into a small hallway, then into another room with three chests. The chest in the southwest corner of the room has a STR Rune Piece, the north chest has a Pointy Hat, and the southeast chest has medicine.

Once you are at the top floor you’ll have an opportunity to save. There is also an antitoxin in the chest next to the save point. Now move up through a hallway, up the stairs, then right. You’ll enter into a room with two chests that appear to be out of reach: don’t be fooled.

The path to the hard to get treasure chests in the fourth room of the Toran Lake Castle in the Suikoden 1 HD Remaster.

To get to the chest in the southwest corner of the room, walk into the section of the wall above the chest and below you. Go all the way down, then left, then down, then right, then up, then right, then down, and finally, left. You’ll come out of the right side of the clearing and claim the Fuzzy Rune.

The Fuzzy Rune makes the wearer considerably harder to hit. It is a great rune for someone who isn’t magically gifted like Gremio.

For the chest in the northeast corner of the room, simply walk through the wall. There is a Wind Orb in this chest. Now, leave this room through the southeast exit, and you’ll be in the castle proper. From here, just take the stairs down. But make sure to heal, as you’ll run into a boss on the bottom floor.

It is also a good idea to spread out the items. Try to make sure that everyone has medicine on them. If you equipped Viktor with the Clone Orb, giving him two sets of medicine isn’t a bad idea, as he can heal when he is unbalanced.

Boss: Zombie Dragon

This boss is both quite simple, while also being potentially pretty brutal. He has two attacks: a lunging attack, which will target a single character and cause massive damage, and a flaming breath attack, that will hit your entire party. Which one you get seems to be a toss of a coin. If you have your party equipped with Guard Robes, that will make the fire breath far less dangerous (as they boost your magic defense).

The name of the game should be healing pretty regularly. If a character gets close to half-health, have them heal. If you are being consistently pelted with fire breath attacks, this can be a brutal encounter. Especially if you are running low on medicine. Hopefully you have the Fire Rune on Cleo, and the Clone Rune on Viktor.

If you didn’t sharpen your weapons, don’t have great equipment, and are out of medicine, you can always run back to the entrance, talk to Yam Koo and go back to Kaku to rectify this. It will be quicker than just grinding mindlessly in hopes of overwhelming the Dragon. Make no mistake about it. As simple as the Zombie Dragon is, if you are poorly equipped it is a nightmare.


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