How To Complete The Hunger And Despair Quest In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How To Complete The Hunger And Despair Quest In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
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In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, the war is still going on, but now, the shortage of food is becoming a problem. Everyone is hungry, and morale is low. There is almost nothing that can be done to prevent the enemies from winning the war.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – So It Begins… Quest Walkthrough

All hail, Commander Henry!

However, Henry gained some allies during the King’s Gambit quest, so not all hope is lost. After defending the fortress from another wave of attack, Henry and Samuel will be tasked with leaving and getting reinforcements.

Bring Food For Hans Capon

In-game cutscene featuring Henry and Hans sitting and talking.

Hunger and Despair starts with you talking to Hans Capon during a cutscene. He asks you to bring him some food. For starters, you can go to Janosh and ask him if there is any food available. He will be marked on the map, so follow the coordinates and talk to him. However, upon talking to him, he will reveal that no food is left.

Henry lockpicking a chest.

You can either go to Hans and tell him there is no food left, or you can find some. There are two ways you get more food:

  • Bring him wine: You can find some wine in locked chests in the room opposite yours. You can lockpick the chest; its difficulty will be medium. On the floor, there is also one more chest containing more wine, but that won’t be necessary to complete the objective; you just need to give Hans one.
  • Bring him soup: Talk to Musa in the courtyard, and he will tell you that you can make soup with fine lamb leather. After that, you will get the objective of getting the shoes from Lady Frenzl’s chest. It will be marked, so go to the coordinates and find a chest there. This chest can be lockpicked, but its difficulty is hard. After getting the Lambskin shoes, bring them to Musa, and he will make you soup. You can give that to Hans.

If you proceed with making the shoe soup, you will not be able to get the Lent trophy. Even if you don’t drink the soup, it will still void the trophy.

You don’t have to go out of your way to bring Hans any food. If you can’t lockpick the chests, then you can just tell him there is no food, and a cutscene will trigger.

After that, a cutscene will trigger, and Godwin will say a prayer for the dead. You will get two skill checks as Godwin. Choose any, as both have easy difficulty, and another cutscene will start.

Defend The Fortress From Enemies

Godwin saying a prayer for the dead.

Once the cutscene is over, you will be tasked with defending the north wall. The objective is to push down four ladders. However, don’t just rush to push them down; defeat the enemies first and stay with your allies. You can easily get outnumbered, which will lead to inevitable death, so be patient and defend the wall.

Once you have completed the objective, another cutscene will start. After the cutscene is over, break the door open and kill all the enemies in the tower. Now, go downstairs and defeat any enemy left. Again, don’t rush in; wait for your allies to take aggro and attack from behind. Make sure to open the door to the inner courtyard, allowing your allies in.

After a while, another cutscene will commence featuring the enemy’s retreat. Following that, you will talk to all of your allies, and Zizka will task you and Samuel to go out in search of reinforcements.

Henry saying goodbye to Katherine.

After talking to Ziska, go and find Katherine. She will be marked on the map with the marker L, so go to her and initiate a conversation, which can also initiate romance with her.

While you can romance Katherine, during this quest, there is also an option to romance Hans. Instead of going to her, you can say goodbye to Hans, and there will be an option to kiss him. However, if you don’t have enough reputation with him, or you didn’t pick the heart icon dialogues during the previous missions, you won’t be able to romance him.

Upon talking to her, you will eventually get the dialogue option with a heart. Wait at the ramparts for Katherine. If you romanced her, a cutscene will commence featuring Katherine and Henry making love. Following that, the quest will be over.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Reckoning Quest Walkthrough

Reckoning, a late quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 asks you to find a horse to escape the Praguers camp.

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