How To Beat Other Players In Invasive Fish Wrangler In Genshin Impact

How To Beat Other Players In Invasive Fish Wrangler In Genshin Impact

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When Genshin Impact was first released, there wasn’t a lot of side content for players apart from a few quests and minigames. However, with time, the developers have added various endgame content like fishing, Serenitea Pot and TCG that consistently gets updates with new elements.


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The Invasive Fish Wrangler is an event that combines two of these by allowing you to fish with other players and then giving you a special fish as a reward that you can place in your Serenitea Pot. However, you’ll have to understand how the fishing works if you want to beat this event quickly.

How To Unlock Invasive Fish Wrangler Event

Whenever a new event comes to Genshin Impact, it has a set criteria that you need to fulfill if you want to take part in it. Thankfully, for Invasive Fish Wrangler, all you have to do is reach adventure rank 20 and finish the third act of prologue, which can be done very quickly.

After finishing the required tasks, you can head over to the Fort Charybdis Ruins area of Fontaine, which can be found to the southeastern side. Here, you’ll meet an NPC called Jala who starts the event for you with a small quest. You can skip through this quest since the basics of the event are explained after it anyway.

How To Fish In Invasive Fish Wrangler

Genshin Impact fishing in Invasive Fish Wrangler Event.

Regardless of the mode that you choose during the Invasive Fish Wrangler event, you’ll play with four other players. Once you queue up and press ready, all four players will be placed on one side of a small pond, and each one of you will have a total of three nets with different sizes.

You can switch between these sizes by pressing the right side of the screen or their respective buttons shown there. In the pond below, the fish spawn from all four corners, and they can also be of three sizes to correlate with the nets. Here’s everything you need to know about the nets and fish:

Small Net

Casting each one of these costs five action points, and they have a high chance of catching small fish.

Medium Net

You’ll have to spend 20 action points to cast this one, but it has a bigger radius than the small net and is perfect to capture medium fish.

Large Net

The large net has the biggest radius out of all, but also costs 60 action points to cast. It’s perfect to capture the large and super large fish.

Your action points are displayed at the top and you can generally tell the size of a certain fish by looking at it.

After casting the net, you can get 15, 60, and 200 action points for each small, medium, and large fish you capture. After regular intervals, all fish in the pond will disappear and a Bejeweled Unihornfish will spawn from one of the corners. This fish is considered a super large fish and has a very low chance of capture even with the large net.

When this fish spawns, it’s recommended to keep throwing your large nets at it as the player who catches this fish gets 2500 action points instantly.

In our experience, the chances of catching a certain fish size are higher with its corresponding net than the net of a bigger size.

For example, you’ll find yourself catching more small fish if you cast a small net for them.

Marvelfish, Explained

Genshin Impact all special fish in Invasive Fish Wrangler event.

Other than the different fish sizes, you’ll also see a small raffle between three types of Marvelfish every time you queue into a game. Marvelfish refers to fish of different sizes that have a specific glow on them. Depending on the glow you get in the run, you can get special effects after catching a Marvelfish:

Red Glow

Whenever you get a fish with the red glow, it has a chance of applying one of the three effects: you can shoot small nets like a machine gun without any action points consumed, throw three medium nets instead of one, or lose half the action points for large nets.

After you get one of these fish, you can see which buff was applied by looking at the blue receding circle around a specific net on the right.

Green Glow

When you catch a fish with the green glow, you can apply a buff to either your small or medium net. Once the buff is applied, you can increase the amount of action points you get when you catch fish from these nets. The point gain increases with each catch.

Golden Glow

Finally, catching a fish with the golden glow will simply give you five times the points you’d get for catching a regular fish of that size. So, if you capture a small fish with golden glow, you’d get 75 points instead of 15.

Apart from the golden glow, no other glow buff can be applied until the previous one runs out.

Co-op And Fish-Off Modes, Explained

Genshin Impact fish off mode screen in Invasive Fish Wrangler.

When you get to the main event screen for Invasive Fish Wrangler in Genshin Impact, you can see two tabs on the left that let you switch between Co-Op and Fish-Off mode. As mentioned above, your gameplay will be the same for both of these modes, but there are some differences in how you get points and what other players do:

Co-Op Mode

Fish-Off Mode

In this mode, you’ll be working with other players to catch as many fish as you collectively can. You can queue together with a friend by inviting them to your world in this mode.

You gain points by collectively and individually reaching a certain score in Co-Op mode. You can also gain some general points by catching certain fish.

You can start a run in Co-Op mode for free.

On the other hand, in Fish-Off mode, you’ll be battling other players in getting the highest possible points among the four players. You can’t queue with friends in this mode as you have to be solo in your world.

In Fish-Off mode, you gain points based on the tier of your challenge, your rank in the match, and the general tasks that you do in co-op mode as well.

You have to pay a certain amount of action points to play the Fish-Off mode.

When you first play Fish-Off mode, you’ll be on the beginner tier. Your tier increases based on the total amount of action points you’ve gained through your runs. You reach the Veteran and Master tier after getting 10,000 and 30,000 points respectively. As your tier increases, your cost to start a game and the points you receive will also increase.

Catching the Bejeweled Unihornfish becomes very important in Fish-Off mode as it gives a game-winning boost to the lucky catcher.

Invasive Fish Wrangler Reward Guide

Genshin Impact Invasive Fish Wrangler event rewards.

If you’ve been playing Genshin Impact for a while, you might already know that most events in this game are time-gated. This means that you won’t be able to get all the rewards in them if you attempt it on the release day. The time-gate on Invasive Fish Wrangler comes from the total points you can accumulate as the cap slowly increases every day.

As it’s a mini-event, after getting enough points, you can get a total of 420 Primogems from it. You can also get a bunch of talent items, upgrade items, and Mora by finishing normal and special tasks. You’ll also get a total of 12 Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish after getting all the rewards.

How To Use Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish In Serenitea Pot

Genshin Impact adding Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish in Serenitea Pot

The Phony Bejeweled Unihornfish is likely one of the best rewards in this event if you use your Serenitea Pot, but using it can be a little confusing. On the item’s description, it says that it’s an animal that can be used both indoors and outdoors, but you won’t find it in the generic animal menu in the placement screen.

Instead, you’ll have to build a pond in your teapot. After building it, you can go to the wooden structure to get a “Place Fish” prompt, where you can find the required fish. After being placed, these fish will swim around in the pond and swim away if you get too close.


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