Ranch Simulator is a game where you inherit a ranch and try to make money while taking care of farm animals in a small forest town. There are plenty of farm animals, materials to buy, and more in the game, though not an overwhelming amount. However, looking at shop prices and then checking your available money might leave you frustrated.
Everything can seem quite expensive. That’s why you’ll want to know effective ways to make money. Additionally, while taking care of your farm animals might sound easy, following some efficient strategies will elevate your experience to the next level. If you haven’t started the game yet or are just beginning, these beginner tips will make your ranch life much easier.
Complete Side Quests To Earn Quick Money
At the beginning of the game, unfortunately, you don’t have much money, so you can’t afford new farm animals or other supplies. Therefore, instead of taking out a loan, completing side quests is a good idea. In fact, it’s even better to complete these quests before buying any animals, as you won’t have to return to the ranch to take care of them.
Most side quests can be repeated after a few days, so repeating them until you’ve earned a good amount of money will be beneficial. There are three people from whom you can get side quests: one is Hunter, who is marked on your map. Another is the male rancher, located to the south of the lake. The third is the female rancher, who is located northeast of the Gas Station.
Earning enough money to at least buy two pigs and meet their food and water needs will be advantageous for you. This way, you’ll get off to a good start in the game.
Don’t Rely On Chickens Alone
If you’ve completed the tutorial, you’ll be given a few chickens at the start, but relying solely on them is not a good idea. Especially if your goal is to make money only by collecting eggs, you won’t be on the right path. Of course, you can make money from various things in the game, but the sooner you acquire income sources other than chickens, the better.
In fact, it’s beneficial to be versatile, so always aim to raise different types of animals. However, if you’re determined to raise chickens, make sure you get a rooster. Remember that chickens lay eggs twice a day, so time your actions accordingly to collect as many eggs as possible.
On the other hand, instead of heavily investing in chickens, focus on other things. Also, make sure not to take the fertile eggs, as the hen will attack you if you do. Eggs that are left alone will hatch into chicks, which you can either use to produce more eggs or later slaughter for meat.
Best Burger’s Requests Can Be Changed By Reloading
At the beginning of the game, you might not visit Best Burger often, but you can still gather wild meat or eggs. It’s not a great idea to sell them directly. Instead, try visiting Best Burger every day and enter the room with the red door at the back to check what items are requested. Three items will be requested each day, and these change every morning when the shop opens.
Let’s say you have 40 eggs and you want to sell them. Save the game outside the store and exit, then reload the game. This will change what Best Burger asks for. Repeat this process until the items you have are shown.
Additionally, the cash multiplier will also change randomly. This way, when you find a good combination, you can sell your items for a more profitable deal.
Don’t Underestimate Transportation
One of the most important things in the game is your vehicle. The starting vehicle is unfortunately mediocre in terms of both fuel capacity and storage. When you leave the ranch, you can’t carry much with it, and since the fuel tank is small, it will run out quickly. Therefore, once you’ve saved up enough money, getting a new vehicle will make things much easier.
Also, make sure to have extra jerrycans in your ranch or vehicle. The last thing you want is to run out of fuel when you’re far away from your ranch. Taking precautions in advance is always beneficial.
Additionally, if you plan to be away from your ranch for a while, check your animals’ food and water supply to ensure they’re full. Otherwise, you could face the worst-case scenario of them dying.
Manage Your Wood Planks Effectively
One of the most important resources in the game is actually the wood planks you get from trees, as most of the things you build will require wood planks. At first, your ranch has a lot of trees, but as you start cutting down the trees around you, it’s normal to feel a little concerned. First, make sure to use your table saw mobile. Move the table saw to where the trees are.
If you’re carrying logs from a distance and then bringing them to the table saw, you’re wasting time. Also, if the trees around your ranch start running low, don’t worry; you can buy planks from the Hardware Store.
However, if you’re low on cash, selling planks isn’t the best idea, as you only get two dollars per plank, and keep in mind that transporting them with your vehicle will consume fuel. Instead of buying planks from the Hardware Store, it’s a better idea to buy tree seedlings from the General Store.
By planting them around your ranch with a shovel, you’ll ease your wood plank problem and make it cheaper in the long run.
The best thing you can do in this case is to plant tree saplings next to your table saw. Additionally, build two racks beside your table saw — place logs on one rack and planks on the other. After the trees you planted grow and you cut them down, they will drop new tree saplings. By collecting and replanting these saplings, you can create an unlimited source of wood.
Manage Your Time Wisely
Although the game doesn’t explicitly mention it, each animal follows specific routines, and knowing them can work to your advantage. For example, chickens lay eggs twice a day, at 10:00 and 16:00. By adjusting your schedule to these times, you can increase the productivity of your chickens.
Another example is with goats. Goats can also be milked at the same times that chickens lay eggs. Since their milk refills, if you milk them at 15:55, you can milk them again at 16:00 when it refills. .
Prioritize Building Structures That Will Simplify Your Tasks
As the number of animals and crops on your farm increases, so will your tasks and responsibilities. Eventually, these will start consuming a significant amount of your time. Constantly checking your animals’ food and water, and watering your crops might seem small at first, but as the variety and number of animals grow, they will begin to take up more and more time.
For example, constantly running low on water can be very frustrating, so build a well as soon as possible; this way, you’ll have an infinite water source and you won’t need to buy water anymore. Additionally, prioritize building the granary and windmill as soon as you can.
While it might be difficult at first due to the expensive resources required for these buildings, remember that they will make your life as a rancher much easier. The windmill will automatically fill water bowls, while the granary will fill the food troughs. Having a granary, in particular, is more economical than constantly buying food.
Boost Your Income By Growing Crops
In addition to farm animals, working with crops is also very beneficial. Unlike farm animals, small crops only need watering. Especially after building a well, your water needs will be eliminated, making it more profitable to grow crops that provide good income.
Starting with small crops, and especially planting pineapples or grapes, growing them, and selling them will bring you good profits. Growing fruit and vegetables will only require small or large crop plots, and besides watering them, you don’t need to do anything else.
Also, if you have a windmill, you can buy sprinklers, so you won’t have to deal with watering. A pack of grape seeds costs 70 dollars, and each harvest yields three grapes, making a profit of 530 dollars per pack.
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