The Best Power Rangers Episodes

The Best Power Rangers Episodes

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In the sentai genre, the Power Rangers franchise has always stood out as a clear favorite, and deservedly so. Following the explosive success of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the early ’90s, the series has continued on in dozens of incarnations and hundreds of episodes, including a number of instant classics.


Power Rangers: Strongest Teams, Ranked

The Power Rangers have consisted of multiple teams over the years, but these are the strongest ones.

Alongside their signature blend of martial arts and mecha combat, the best Power Rangers episodes also showcase the series’s heart, humor, and enduring moral that with teamwork and discipline, anyone can accomplish anything. These are the episodes that stuck with viewers and critics alike, helping create and fuel its rapid fandom and impressively long life.


Dawn Of Destiny

Power Rangers Time Force – Season 1, Episode 28

Although technically part one of a three-episode arc, “Dawn of Destiny” is an excellent prototypical Time Force episode. The plot does a good job weaving together the season-long arc of Ransik’s efforts to change history with the monster-of-the-week, in this case, the bladed, insectoid Severax.

However, the shocking reveal in its final moments is where it truly earns its awe-factor. Thought dead by the Time Rangers since the first episode of the season, Alex, the series’s original Red Ranger, returns alive. Happily, he remains through the season finale.


The Power Of Pink

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Season 1, Episode 31

The Lost Galaxy episode “The Power of Pink” has a few memorable distinctions within the Power Rangers canon. Some are joyous, like being one of the few inter-season crossover episodes. The Galaxy Rangers make a natural team with their successors, the Space Rangers.

More than any other reason, though, fans remember “The Power of Pink” for being the first episode to show a Power Ranger die, namely the Pink Galaxy Ranger, Kendrix. Making the plot point hit harder for fans, the character’s onscreen death was due to actress Valerie Vernon’s diagnosis with leukemia. Fortunately, Vernon survived and even later reprised her role as Kendrix.


One More Energem

Power Rangers Dino Charge Season 1, Episode 20

Power Rangers Dino Charge is meant as a grand return to the Dinozords of Mighty Morphin and Dino Thunder past and even goes so far as to make dinosaurs themselves the season’s central plot. Serving as a finale before Dino Super Charge, “One More Energem” is all about this plot and yet still serves up plenty of what makes classic Ranger episodes fun.

Like some of the most memorable episodes, “One More Energem” debuts a new Ranger and Zord, namely Dino Charge Purple Ranger Kendall and her Plesio Zord. Accordingly, that also gives fans a new Megazord’ always a fan-favorite moment.



Power Rangers Dino Charge Season 1, Episode 11

One of the coolest aspects of Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge is how experimental they are with the lineup of Rangers, Zords, and Megazords. In that respect, “Breakout” is one of the season’s best episodes, introducing new Rangers and one of the strangest Zord transformations ever.

“Breakout” shows Ivan become the Gold Ranger and introduces Phillip, who would go on to become the Graphite Ranger, a nearly unprecedented eighth Ranger in one season. Moreover, it features Red Ranger Tyler using his newfound Dino Stretch Charger to imbue his T-Rex Zord with a stretchable giraffe neck.


Doctor K

Power Rangers R.P.M. Season 1, Episode 11

While it’s fair to think of Power Rangers as simple, light-hearted camp, a few episodes and even whole seasons exist to prove that notion wrong. Power Rangers RPM is one of those seasons, and “Doctor K” is a perfect example of one of those episodes.

Doctor K is one of the best of the Rangers’ mentors and almost certainly the most sympathetic, largely due to the events of “Doctor K.”

The episode flashes between the present day and flashbacks to K’s upbringing, which is a decidedly poignant tale of suffering brought on by her own genius and the many who exploited it.


The Fate Of Lightspeed

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Season 1, Episodes 39-40

Power Rangers had a lot to prove in the days of Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed Rescue, having finally ended the Zordon Era and therefore most ties to the smash success of Mighty Morphin. “The Fate of Lightspeed” goes a long way towards proving the franchise’s continued worth, with both of its constituent episodes becoming some of its highest-rated ever.


Best Power Rangers Series, Ranked

The Power Rangers franchise has witnessed plenty of TV series over the years. But which of them are the best of the bunch?

The many battles that make up the finale are as varied as they are effective. The Rangers are overwhelmed by Bansheera and her army of Batlings to the point that even their Megazord is commandeered against them, trapping them in a leaking underwater base and creating one of the tensest finale moments in Power Rangers history.


The End Of The Power Rangers

Power Rangers Wild Force Season 1, Episodes 39-40

When Disney and Saban made “The End of the Power Rangers,” they legitimately thought the name was true. Facing what seemed like a guaranteed cancelation, the show swung for the fences, attempting to end the show in a manner worthy of the Power Rangers name. They succeeded, and even though the show continued on for years to come, “The End of the Power Rangers” is still one of its most epic arcs ever.

Perhaps the single most fulfilling aspect of “The End of the Power Rangers” is how it spent the majority of its second half saying goodbye to its rangers instead of fighting, offering fans much-needed closure for a show they thought ended.


Countdown To Destruction

Power Rangers in Space Season 1, Episodes 42-43

It’s generally agreed that Power Rangers in Space is one of the best seasons in Power Rangers history. Despite that, the two-part “Countdown to Destruction” still manages to stand out as its best and most beloved episode, which says a lot about its impact and longevity.


Power Rangers: Zordon’s Origins, Explained

Everyone knows how the Power Rangers began their adventures, but where did Zordon come from?

“Countdown to Destruction” raises the stakes to astronomical new levels for the Rangers, who now have to face a cabal of their past supervillains with the entire galaxy at stake. Such massive conflicts require suitably massive sacrifices, which is why the episode includes the controversial death of Power Rangers founder and mentor Zordon.


The End Of Time

Power Rangers Time Force Season 1, Episodes 38-40

  • IMDb Rating: 8.6, 8.9, and 9.2

As the three-part finale to the relatively convoluted Time Force, “The End of Time” had a lot of work to do to land the Time Ship safely. It had to close out storylines and character arcs from across timelines, but despite its bittersweet, even bleak tone, it managed to close out a fan-favorite season with three straight fan-favorite episodes.

In “The End of Time,” many of its Rangers aren’t given the same wrap-up closure as most of their peers from other seasons, while season villain Ransik attempts redemption. Together, these nuanced beats helped end the relatively mature, complex season on the right note, and happily for fans of traditional Power Rangers endings, most of the characters return in Wild Force.


Forever Red

Power Rangers Wild Force Season 1, Episode 34

Some fans consider Power Rangers Wild Force to be an odd duck in the franchise for being the first to be created under new parent company, Disney. If nothing else, fans can always say Wild Force gave them “Forever Red,” the type of colossal crossover event that previously only seemed possible in the comics.

“Forever Red” celebrates the franchise’s tenth anniversary with a storyline that gathers all ten Red Rangers from seasons past, all the way back to original Mighty Morphin Red Ranger, Jason. It remains perhaps the most impactful and wide-ranging Power Rangers crossover to date, aside from perhaps only The Legendary Battle from Megaforce.


Here’s When Netflix Users Can Go Go Watch The Power Rangers Movie

The 2017 Power Rangers movie arrives on Netflix March 6, giving fans a fresh chance to revisit the action-packed reboot of the classic series.

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