The Abyss Choices Guide In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

The Abyss Choices Guide In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
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Strange things have happened in Velvet Cove since Swann came back to visit, and the answer lies in her past. Revisiting her memories is the whole point of Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, but we have to go deeper into one of the most important turning points.


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – Bloom… Choices Guide

Is your story about vengeance or justice?

And it just happens that one of these points is in her and her friends’ visit to the mysterious Abyss in the woods. This otherworldly fissure goes as far as naming Chapter 21, and you can see its importance in one of the game’s most important, thrilling, and terrifying sections the game has to offer.

All Choices In Chapter 21

The girls from Lost Records: Bloom & Rage staring at the Abyss.

While somewhat small, The Abyss is an impacting chapter with some low-key terror elements in it. You’ll have plenty of choices to make as you reach the namesake hole.

Remembering The Past

Nora and Autumn's future selfs in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

The chapter starts with a fast-forward to the present. The grown-up girls are trying to remember exactly what happened after their Truth or Dare game.

Swann can choose how to proceed. Hover the cursor over the girls to unlock their responses:



What do you remember, Nora?

Nora approves.

What do you remember, Autumn?

Autumn approves.

I remember that night…


When choosing the neutral response, Nora asks if you still believe that the forest is haunted. Saying “Maybe I do…” gets some disapproval from Nora.

If you ask Nora and then choose “Really…?”, you also get some disapproval from her immediately, so you might as well stay quiet. Autumn has no follow-up questions.

The girls remember their promise of never seeing each other again, but Swann questions it once again:



What about the package?


I really cared about you, Nora…

Nora approves.

You shouldn’t run from the past.

Nora disapproves.

The Nora answer only appears if you have good approval with her in the past.

After this short argument, inspect the Moths at the entrance of the bar to return to the past.

Searching For Kate

Swann seeing the glowing moths in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

Once again, back in 1995, Swann goes out of the cabin to find Kate, who went missing during the night. She goes alone, with only her flashlight to illuminate the way.

Use your camera, and you’ll start to see some strange glowing moths around the Cabin. Following them will lead you to Kat, so get behind them.

You can also film them for the Moonlight Moths Memoir. Film them once, then wait until they move to film again. You need four different pieces of footage to complete this Memoir.

Your camera flickers while filming certain distorted locations during this chapter, including the Moths. Don’t zoom them too much, or you won’t be able to capture them.

Your main issue is going through the pitch-black path, which can be annoying even with the moths’ light. But you know you’re on the right path if you keep getting options to call Kat as you go.

As you go into the dark, you have another chance of getting previous Memoirs. They were all available during previous chapters, but this is another chance to get them:

  • Critters: The Frog, found below the bridge leading to the clearing.
  • Hunting: The Hunting Blind, to the right of the bridge. There’s an ominous shadow in it that quickly disappears once you point your camera.
  • Terrible Toys: After crossing the bridge, take the second path to the right to find the Voodoo Doll inside a small cave.
  • Birds: A Common Raven appears after you reach the shore while following the moths.
The Hunting Blind in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

Past the shore, you’ll find a bush that you can enter. Swann tries to find Kat once again:



Anyone there?


Kat? Are you out here?


And after this, she finally encounters her for real:



(Whisper) Kat…

Kat approves.

(Shout) Kat!

Kat disapproves.

If you made the pact with Kat previously, you can choose “We made our blood pact here…” . If you didn’t, Kat will mention the pact instead. She then asks you to film the Anomaly Memoir.

To complete it, you only need to film four elements: the Tree Eyes, the Ravens, the Glowing Flowers, and the Abyss (saved with a strange name). Kat herself is saved as “Kat & Raven”.

Approach the girl once you’re done with the filming, and you’ll start having a little chat with her.

The Abyss

Kat looking ominously at the camera in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

While you and Kat are speaking about the Abyss, she asks you what you think it is:




Kat is excited about your response. Your choice will be remembered.


Kat thinks that it might be something terrible instead. Your choice will be remembered.

I don’t know…

Kat says she doesn’t believe you. Your choice will be remembered.

You’ll then hear some noises. Waiting before choosing unlocks new answers:




Nora approves.


Autumn approves.

Is something down there?

Kat approves.

An animal?


“Is something down there?” only appears if you didn’t choose “I don’t know” in the previous question.

The girls looking at the Abyss in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

The girls finally appear, and you discuss the Abyss with them as well:



What if the blood ritual did this?/Maybe our blood ritual did this…

Nora and Autumn disapprove, Kat approves.

It’s probably a coincidence.

Nora and Autumn approve, Kat disapproves.

The first choice changes depending on whether you did the blood pact or not.

Finally, Kat decides she wants to give something to the abyss:



A trade?

Triggers a response from Nora. Your choice will be remembered.

A sacrifice?

Triggers a response from Kat. Your choice will be remembered.

A gift?

Triggers a response from Autumn. Your choice will be remembered.

Kat uses the word you choose during her offering. After that, you’ll fast-forward to another day in the future.

Wishes Coming True

Autumn confronts Corey in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

Kat announces she has won the tickets, much to the girls’ delight. However, Corey arrives at the worst time:



You wish, loser.

Your choice will be remembered.

What is there to stare at?

Your choice will be remembered.

He’s here to take Kat to her dad, no matter how:



Tell her dad you couldn’t find her.

Your choice will be remembered.

Tell her dad to get bent.

Your choice will be remembered.

He insists that she should come with him, and confronts Nora:



Piss off or we’ll trash your fucking bike!

Your choice will be remembered.

She doesn’t need a ride home.

Your choice will be remembered.

He then tries to stand up against Autumn:




Your choice will be remembered.

We’re done here!

Your choice will be remembered.

If you filmed Corey before, Nora suggests filming him again. If you choose to do so, you get the final entry in the Bullies Memoir.

Your choices here will alter Corey’s dialogue, and Swann’s insults will be remembered in future chapters. Staying quiet, as usual, will have no consequences.

Swann offering her hair to the Abyss in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

Finally, we see Swann doing her own wish:



I wish to be strong…

Swann offers a bit of her hair. Your choice will be remembered.

I wish to be free…

Swann offers a nearby flower. Your choice will be remembered.

After these final choices, we see the girls standing up against Corey, who finally gives up and goes away on his bike. A final shot of the girls in front of the Abyss closes the chapter. Only a few more to go!


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – Birds! Memoir Locations

This guide is for the birds.

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