Yet they all turned out to be great systems with lots of gems, except for Jaguar. Wii U was a criminally underrated system. The Gamepad implementation of Zelda Twilight Princess was incredible! I was so disappointed they removed it altogether for Breath of the Wild because they wanted “parity” with the Switch version. Its a shame and it was a lame excuse.
You can tell BotW was designed around the gamepad usage, with all that menu navigation. That item management and weapon switching would have been 100x better with the gamepad. The worst part was they never let the wii U players know they were removing it! I got the game for Wii U at launch and was disappointed it wasnt there.
PS3 was a mess at first but what a turnaround! That was a crazy generation. Uncharted 1,2,3, Infamous 1 & 2, God of War 3, Last of Us, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank series, Little Big Planet, Modnation Racers, Killzone, Resistance. My god they were so on point later in that generation it was crazy!
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