How To Craft & Use Healing Potions In Monster Hunter Wilds

How To Craft & Use Healing Potions In Monster Hunter Wilds
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No matter what monster you’re facing in Monster Hunter Wilds, there’s a good chance you’ll at least lose some health no matter how good you are. Losing health is a common aspect of hunting any monster, and players have a few different options when it comes to healing while in or out of combat.

On top of just worrying about taking damage, a lot of monsters can inflict status ailments to harm you over time or make you much less effective in combat. Here’s how to heal and cure every status ailment.


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How To Craft Potions In Monster Hunter Wilds

The main method for healing is by crafting and using potions, as you can do this in or out of combat. To craft a Potion, you’ll need one Herb, which can be found throughout most regions of the game. Herbs appear as green plant icons on the map, and dropping a waypoint on one while riding your Seikret will have it automatically run to your destination.

To craft the potion, open up the menu and the first option available will be, “Crafting List” and from there the first crafting recipe will be a basic potion. While basic potions will heal you a good bit, you’ll want to upgrade a few to Mega Potions in order to heal a lot more at once. To upgrade a Potion

to a Mega Potion

, go back to the crafting menu with one Honey and one Potion to craft one. Honey

can also be found in just about any region, and appears as an orange and black honeycomb icon on the map.

How To Use Potions In Monster Hunter Wilds

There are then two ways to use a potion as long as you have one in your item pouch. You can equip and use one as the item in your item bar, or you can use the Radial Menu. As long as you have a potion in your pouch, you can scroll over to it using the item bar:

  • PlayStation: Hold L1 to open the item bar then tab from side to side with square or circle.
  • Xbox: Hold LB to open the item bar then tab from side to side with X or B.
  • PC: Use the mouse wheel to shift from item to item.

After you finish scrolling, wait a second for the menu to go back to displaying just the item you landed on before pressing:

  • PlayStation: Square
  • Xbox: X
  • PC: E

If you choose to use the Radial Wheel, the option to the left will be Optimal Health Recovery. This will automatically use either a Potion

or a Mega Potion

depending on how much health you have lost. Depending on what controls are easy for you to manage, there’s no real advantage between both methods aside from the Radial Menu saving you a few seconds if you don’t know your item pouch layout well.

When your health is low, there’s also a chance your Palico will run over and heal you, though there is no way to trigger this on your own. You can also choose to heal by interacting with a Vigowasp if there is one nearby, though once it is used you’ll need to wait another fifteen minutes before another one spawns.

However you choose to use a potion, your Hunter will drink it and get health back for every second they are drinking until the potion is empty.


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How To Cure Status Ailments In Monster Hunter Wilds

There are multiple status ailments that you’ll also have to worry about that will inhibit your ability to fight in some way.

There are multiple forms of Blight caused by each element, but a Nulberry

can cure any of them, making them one of the most useful items to bring on any hunt. Nulberries appear as blue seeds on the map, so stop and collect them whenever you get the chance. Every Status Ailment listed above will also go away with time, as they almost all only last for about a minute.

All of the items listed above can be crafted or purchased at the merchant in any camp, with the only exception being Nulberries. Each of the items can be used through your item bar in the same way mentioned above with potions. There’s also a chance your Palico will jump in and cure whatever ailment you currently have, though you can’t always rely on that.

Monster Hunter Wilds Tag Page Cover Art


February 28, 2025


T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor

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