Depending on how you set the game up, PGA Tour 2K25 can be a hardcore golf simulator. You’ll need to think about swing paths, connection points, wind, lie of the ball, and much more in every single shot you take. Just as in the real game, one small mistake can see everything go disastrously wrong.

PGA Tour 2K25: All Locker Codes
Locker codes in PGA Tour 2K25 provide you will lots of useful rewards and cosmetics.
Therefore, anyone who’s new to either the sport or the video game version of it will need some beginners’ tips to help them get to grips with the game. From the settings to what you do with the controller in your hand, there are various things you can do to make your life on the course easier.
Choose The Right Difficulty
There are various difficulty options in PGA Tour 2K25, each of which makes the game play differently. When starting your career, start on a lower difficulty and slowly increase it as you get more comfortable with the mechanics.
On Pro difficulty, you’ll have to counter natural fade or draws with your swing path. Therefore, it takes a lot longer to get used to and should only be used when you’re comfortable with the rest of the game. If you play on playing online ranked matches though, you’ll need to get used to Pro difficulty.
If you’re just looking for a game you can sit back and relax while playing, use the Perfect Swing mechanic, which ensures the ball goes right where you aim it.
Focus On Learning A Swing Path
Much of the gameplay in PGA Tour 2K25 relies on muscle memory. As you take more and more shots, you’ll learn your perfect swing path, getting perfect on transition and contact more often.
Don’t alter your swing too much, trying to add fade and draw on shots. Before you start to take more complicated shots, learn the basics of the Swing Stick mechanic to ensure you’re hitting shots straight and far.
Make Use Of Spin
While you shouldn’t play around with shop shaping and other modifiers too much early on, you should make use of spin once you feel comfortable enough to.
By using backspin and topspin, you can change the roll of your ball, or counter the effects of wind in better ways. Just don’t add too much at any one time.
Using top spin for long straight fairways is a great way to increase the length of your drives. Just don’t over do it because adding more spin makes your swing harder to perform well.
Compete In Every Event
This is an obvious one, but you shouldn’t be skipping or simulating events early in MyCareer. That’s because the rewards you get for each one – whether they be Training, Majors, or anything in between – are just too useful.
You can use the XP to unlock new gear, VC to upgrade your stats, and skill point to get new shot abilities. The more you get the easier the game will become.
Use Putt Previews
If you’re playing on Pro Am difficulty, be sure to use Putt Previews as much as you can. At the press of a button, you can see where a putt will go if you get the perfect swing path where you’re aiming.
To use it, you just need to aim and press Square if you’re on PlayStation 5, or X if you’re on Xbox. You can only use it once for each shot, and only a select number of times in each round.

PGA Tour 2K25: Best Stats To Upgrade First
You’ll upgrade stats with VC in PGA Tour 2K25, but some stats are better to focus on than others.
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