The Rarest Cards In Triumphant Light

The Rarest Cards In Triumphant Light
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  • Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Triumphant Light boasts 21 cards beyond double rare, envied by players online.
  • Irida’s super rare Water-type support and Adaman’s Steel-type damage reduction are top picks.
  • Seeking out cards like Barry and Leafeon ex will elevate your deck with discounted moves and stable Energy sources.

There’s nothing like opening a pack of Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Triumphant Light and seeing something colorful on the edges. Does it sparkle? Does it glow with a rainbow border? Perhaps the card you see is golden. If you’re really lucky, every card border will have some unique design and you just hit a god pack.


Pokemon Pocket: Every ex Pokemon In Triumphant Light Ranked

Which ex Pokemon truly shine in this set? Let’s find out.

Triumphant Light has 21 cards that go beyond double rare, and each one will make your deck the envy of every other player who goes up against you online. So, if you love collecting cards or simply like to have everything at max rarity, then here is what is available in the set.

Playful Art And Others That Go Hard

Pokemon that get art rare cards aren’t always the most powerful, but there are outliers. The collection this time around includes Houndoom, Maril, Unown, Sudowoodo, Magnemite, and Shaymin. Each version makes their Pokemon look cute or seem ready for a fight.

These are all gorgeous cards to pull from packs. The most impressive one to chase after in the bunch is Shaymin. This is because it is an excellent tech card that you can place on your Bench to make anything with a single Retreat Cost get to do so for free.



Sparkling Like The Ocean

Full art Irida Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card Art.

Every card with a Trainer on it gets a super rare rendition. However, the ones players always seek out are the rarity bumps to the most useful cards. Irida is a massive help for Water-type decks, since she heals 40 HP from every Pokemon that has Energy on it.


The Best Water-Type Pokemon In Triumphant Light, Ranked

Ride the waves with these Water-type pokemon from the Triumphant Light expansion.

This is also good because the wording doesn’t specify that it needs to be a Water-type, just that it needs Water Energy. Overall, Irida is one of the best cards in the set, so getting a playset of her rarity bumped cards will go a long way.



Ready For Battle

Super rare Barry Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card Art.

Your Sinnoh rival, Barry, is ready for battle in Triumphant Light. Barry is the type of Supporter card that directly helps specific Pokemon. In this case, Barry can reduce the cost of moves used by Snorlax, Heracross, and Staraptor by two less Colorless Energy.

Barry’s super rare renditions really capture his energetic personality and eagerness for a Pokemon battle. If you like to use strong moves at a discount, then this is one card you’ll want to seek out. Especially if there are any other future non-ex releases for the named Pokemon.



Strong As Steel

Super rare Adaman Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card Art.

Adaman is one of the best-looking super rare Supporter cards in the set. This is because his design takes up much of the card’s art while also having that perfect color coordination. Those crystals behind him are more noticeable than any of the other motifs.


The Best Colorless-Type Pokemon In Triumphant Light, Ranked

Colorless cards are staples in most deck builds. What does Triumphant Light bring to the table to add to your deck? Let’s see.

Whenever Steel-types have a hold on the meta, Adaman will be the most useful. This is because he reduces damage taken from attacks by 20. This can be helpful for keeping your Steel-types on the field longer.


Celestic Town Elder

Remembering The Past

Super Rare Celestic Town Elder Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card Art.

Celestic Town Elder always tells you the tales of the legendary Sinnoh Pokemon. Being able to recall the past is not just her pastime, but exactly what she does in Pokemon TCG Pocket. This is because she allows you to recycle a Basic Pokemon back to your hand.

Celestic Town Elder might not be the trainer you’re hoping to pull from this set, but don’t underestimate her usefulness. Very few cards let you recycle resources and a few sets from now, it might just be the super rare everyone wants.


Leafeon ex

Grass Bonanza

Leafeon ex is a fantastic source of Grass Energy and a more stable replacement for Exeggutor ex. Aside from having the standard ex double rare, Leafeon ex can be pulled as a super rare and a special art rare. So you have your selections when it comes to customizing your deck’s contents.


Pokemon Pocket: Every Arceus Link Pokemon, Ranked

As long as Arceus is in play, all these Pokemon TCG Pocket cards get powerful abilities.

Leafeon ex’s special art is particularly pleasant to look at. Leafeon basks in shining rays of light that manage to get through the trees and onto the forest floor. This card is the definition of the word serene.


Glaceon ex

Freeze Your Opponent

It’s getting cold in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and Glaceon ex might be to blame. Its Snowy Terrain Ability will be doing ten damage during each Pokemon Checkup and that racks up fast if your opponent can’t get rid of Glaceon.

Glaceon ex’s higher rarities may be harder to find, but they are worth the effort. You can fill up your deck with glittering-blue Pokemon ex or go for the special art rare. This version depicts Glaceon ex in its natural habitat, a frozen forest river.


Garchomp ex

A Furious Fighter

Garchomp ex is one of the best ex Pokemon in Triumphant Light but also has one of the best-looking special arts of the set. This Pokemon is a fan favorite and the ace of one of the most beloved champions in the Pokemon franchise.


Pokemon Pocket: The Best Cards In Triumphant Light

Arceus descends in Pokemon TCG Pocket’s Triumphant Light.

Hitting both the Bench and the Active Spot for good damage, Garchomp ex is ready to battle. In its special art rare card, it battles Arceus in the sky as it avoids many of its blasts. Now this is a card that embodies power.


Probopass ex

A Tin Can

Probopass ex isn’t the best card to see in your pulls if you get hyped for the special border appearing in the stack. This isn’t the card you want to see on your Active Spot at the start of the game. You don’t even want Nosepass in there unless you’re ready to go all in.

If anything, you want it on the Bench taking advantage of Dialga ex’s Metallic Turbo. When Dialga ex dies, you can bring this card in to be the last line of defense. On the bright side, Probopass looks zen as it stands in the rainy fields. Pokemon TCG can make any Pokemon look good.


Arceus ex

Godly Art And Rarities

Arceus ex is the main focus in the Triumphant Light set. Not only is it a powerful Pokémon ex, but it also has plenty of Arceus Link Cards that get stronger whenever it hits the field. On top of being powerful, Arceus ex also has plenty of different rarities to seek out.

This card has the standard double rare version, a super rare, a crown rare, and best of all, an immersive art rare. This is the ultimate card to seek out if you have a good track record of collecting all the immersive arts.

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