LEGO Horizon Adventures’ New LEGO Set Should Only Be the Tip of the Iceberg

LEGO Horizon Adventures' New LEGO Set Should Only Be the Tip of the Iceberg

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Nearly four months after the release of LEGO Horizon Adventures, Guerrilla Games, Studio Gobo, PlayStation, and LEGO have finally released the game’s first LEGO set: Aloy & Varl vs. Shell-Walker & Sawtooth. First announced in November, this 768-piece set features the first official LEGO recreations of the robotic Shell-Walker and Sawtooth machines as well as the first official Varl minifigure. However, this is the only LEGO Horizon Adventures set that LEGO has announced so far. While LEGO Horizon Adventures had mixed reviews, LEGO and PlayStation should strive to make more sets based on the entire world of Horizon.



LEGO Horizon Adventures – Accolades Trailer

Sony celebrates LEGO Horizon Adventures with an accolades trailer, showcasing all of the positive responses from fans and critics.

Horizon’s History With LEGO

Following the successful release of Horizon Zero Dawn in 2017, many fans thought Horizon‘s post-apocalyptic world, which is filled with gigantic animal-like machines and tribal civilizations, was a perfect fit for a LEGO adaption. Both Guerrilla Games and LEGO seemed to agree with fan sentiments, and LEGO Model Designer Isaac Snyder quickly began collaborating with the game’s developer to produce a Horizon LEGO set. Snyder and the LEGO Group sought to capture Horizon’s spirit in LEGO form, and they achieved that goal with 2022’s LEGO Horizon Forbidden West: Tallneck set. This 1,222-piece set perfectly recreated the towering Tallneck machine in LEGO form, and it was packaged alongside the first official mini-Watcher figure and Aloy minifigure.

Despite fans’ overwhelmingly positive response to the LEGO Tallneck, the set quickly sold out and was retired. However, rumors about a potential LEGO Horizon video game soon began popping up, as such a game could capitalize on the LEGO Tallneck set’s positive reception. Behind the scenes, LEGO went to Guerrilla and pitched a LEGO Horizon game to be developed. Guerrilla accepted the project and, in January 2023, announced that it was co-developing a new Horizon game with Studio Gobo. Finally, during the 2024 Summer Game Fest, LEGO, Guerrilla, and Studio Gobo’s latest project was officially revealed to be LEGO Horizon Adventures, the first Horizon game to feature multiplayer and release simultaneously on the Nintendo Switch.

LEGO Horizon’s Narrative and Gameplay Explained

Unlike some of TT Games’ most-popular LEGO games, which are relatively short LEGO adaptations of films, LEGO Horizon Adventures was made as a more comical, truncated adaption of Horizon Zero Dawn. It still focused on taking down rogue animal-like machines and dangerous cultists, but it abandoned the mechanics of taming and riding certain machines that appear in the original game. Instead, much of LEGO Horizon Adventures is focused on rebuilding and customizing the hub, Mother’s Heart, and unlocking fun costumes for Aloy, Erend, Varl, and Teersa. Each character has unique abilities and weapons, and most of Horizon Zero Dawn’s cast reprise their roles in Adventures.

LEGO Horizon Adventures is Studio Gobo’s first LEGO game, while TT Games has developed 29 LEGO games since 2005.

Potential Future LEGO Horizon Sets

Sales numbers for the LEGO Aloy & Varl vs. Shell-Walker & Sawtooth set are currently unknown, but if it’s anything like the LEGO Tallneck set, this new set will likely sell out fast. Based on this expectation, Guerrilla and LEGO should strive to produce more LEGO sets based on the world of Horizon. Neither Guerrilla nor LEGO have suggested that more Horizon LEGO sets will be made, but it would make sense for LEGO to at least produce sets of every machine encountered in LEGO Horizon Adventures. Only 13 machines are interacted with directly in Adventures, but parts of the Stormbird and Forbidden West’s Sunwing can be seen as Mother’s Den decorations. These machines could serve as the first full wave of LEGO Horizon Adventures sets.

If the LEGO Aloy & Varl vs. Shell-Walker & Sawtooth set sells well, the next set to release would likely be a Tallneck that is branded under LEGO Horizon Adventures, as the two sets would share similar blocks and minifigures. Making the Tallneck the second set in the LEGO Horizon Adventures line could satisfy fans who missed out on getting the original Tallneck set. It could also act as an eye-opening set that would stand out on store shelves, which could lead people to try out LEGO Horizon Adventures for the first time. From there, LEGO could produce sets of the other machines and even make some sets of buildings seen in Mother’s Heart or boss stages within Cauldrons.

LEGO Horizon Forbidden West Sets

Given the mixed reception that LEGO Horizon Adventures received, Sony and LEGO may hold off on producing a sequel to the game based on Horizon Forbidden West. However, LEGO could still produce sets based on leftover machines and locations from Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. A small Sunwing was already designed as decor for Adventures, so LEGO could use that as a set, or include it in a larger set, to start off the LEGO Forbidden West line. From there, LEGO could make sets with more of Forbidden West’s unique machines, such as Dreadwings, Grimhorns, Slitherfangs, Tiderippers, Tremortusks, and Specters. If LEGO Horizon sets turn out to be highly successful, LEGO should strive to make a gigantic LEGO Horus set made up of thousands of pieces.

LEGO Horizon Adventures Tag Page Cover Art


November 14, 2024


E10+ For Everyone 10+ // Fantasy Violence, Language


Sony Interactive Entertainment

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