How To Take Sponsorship Deals In Two Point Museum

How To Take Sponsorship Deals In Two Point Museum
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Museums will always need to bring in money to keep afloat, and hopefully, most of that will come from your various patrons as you expand your colelctions in Two Point Museum. But if you’re struggling to stay in the black each month, you can always consider a sponsor deal.


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With a surplus of customization options across several fleshed-out museums, you’ll be curating for quite some time.

Your museums can accept a number of different sponsorship deals, asking you to do anything from place exhibits to sell branded merch in your gift shop, all in exchange for some cash from a generous company. There’s even a special deal you can only accept to save your museums from bankruptcy.

There are plenty of ways you can make money in Two Point Museum through normal gameplay: your guests pay to get in and then might even stop at the gift shop on their way out, after a long day of donating to their favorite exhibits and buying snacks or meals on-site at the museum. But if you need a little bit of a monetary boost, you can always accept sponsorships to earn cash.

In the Finances tab of the management menu (the briefcase icon that expands to allow you an overview of staff, patrons, and more), go into the menu tabbed with a handshake icon in your finance book. This is the Sponsorship menu, where you’ll have an overview of any pending or active sponsorships you’ve got in your current museum.

While you can choose to accept any sponsorship, you can also reject sponsorships you don’t want instead of letting them sit in your inbox unanswered. Doing this clears them from the menu, and you’ll need to wait a few in-game months for a new offer to pop up in its place.

Sponsorships can take on many different forms: they can ask you to sell branded toys for the corporation behind Cheesy Gubins in your gift shop, to help prototype new tech ideas, and so many more. Sponsorships are never required, but can help bring in extra money for the museum. You’ll just need to keep in mind that your guests might not always love the idea.

The Cheesy Gubbins plushies in a gift shop in Two Point Museum.

Certain sponsorships tank guest satisfaction when they’re on display in your museum, like the Holistix Diffuser that advertises that “if it’s burning your nostrils, it’s already too late!” You’ll need to find ways to counter the mood change of these sponsorships if you choose to accept them, since their lucrative cash value comes at quite the cost if you’re hoping to score good reviews on your museums.

If you’re really struggling to keep your museum afloat, when you’re told you run the risk of needing to declare bankruptcy, you’ll unlock access to a third sponsorship available only to museums in financial risk.


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