How to Complete the Great Library Legacy Path in Civilization 7

How to Complete the Great Library Legacy Path in Civilization 7
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One of the unique mechanics that differentiates Civilization 7 from previous entries in the franchise is the Age mechanic. This mechanic makes play sessions much more engaging and gives the player smaller milestones to aim towards in the form of Legacy Paths. There are three Ages in the game, and each age comes with four Legacy Paths that the player can pursue.

In the Antiquity Age, players can choose the Culture, Military, Science, or Economic Legacy Path, each of which grants the player special bonuses that can be implemented in the next Age when completed. The Science Legacy Path is called the Great Library Legacy Path, and requires the player to obtain a certain number of Codices to complete.


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How to Complete the Great Library Legacy Path in Civilization 7

great library legacy path in civ 7

Each Legacy Path is divided into three milestones, with each one giving special bonuses to the player. There are many steps that the player needs to take to complete this path, but the main object of the Great Library Legacy Path is quite simple:

Display 10 Codices in your Empire.

There are two main things that players will need to contend with to complete this Legacy Path: obtain Codices, and display them in their Settlements. However, there are 6 total steps to the Legacy Path that the player needs to go through.

  1. Research the Writing technology.
  2. Build a Library and Research Writing 2.
  3. Research Mathematics and build an Academy.
  4. Milestone 1: Collect & Display 3 Codices
  5. Milestone 2: Collect & Display 6 Codices.
  6. Milestone 3: Collect & Display 10 Codices.


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How to Obtain Codices in Civilization 7

Codices are Great Works that players can only obtain in the Antiquity Age. These great works need to be housed within the Palace, certain World Wonders, Academies, and Libraries within the player’s settlements. Each Codex has +2 Science when displayed. There are a few different ways to obtain Codices, though the main method is through the Technology tech tree:

  • Technologies
    • Writing Mastery
    • Currency Mastery
    • The Wheel Mastery
    • Military Training Mastery
    • Engineering Mastery
    • Navigation Mastery
    • Mathematics Mastery (grants two codices)
  • Literacy Civic
  • Narrative Events
  • City-State Suzerain Bonus
  • Nalanda Wonder: gives one Codex and two Codex slots


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Rewards for Completing the Great Library Legacy Path in Civilization 7

exploration age legacy screen in civ 7

There are three milestones for each Legacy Path in the game. These milestones serve as a way for the player to get rewards even if they don’t finish the entire path. Each milestone gives the player Legacy Points and a Legacy, both of which become relevant when the next Age starts. If the player doesn’t complete any milestones at all, they get a Dark Age Legacy, a powerful boon that comes with a caveat. If the player completes the full Legacy Path, they unlock a Golden Age. In each Age, only one Golden Age and a Dark Age can be selected.


Unlocked Legacies



First Milestone Reward

Scientific Attribute Point

Gain 1 Scientific Attribute Point

1 Scientific Legacy Point

Second Milestone Reward

Collector of Knowledge

+1 Science for every Codex in Antiquity

2 Scientific Legacy Points

Third Milestone Reward

Great Library Golden Age

Academies become Golden Age Academies

2 Scientific Legacy Points

Sid Meier's Civilization VII Tag Page Cover Art

Grand Strategy

Turn-Based Strategy



February 11, 2025

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