How To Catch The Cardinal In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How To Catch The Cardinal In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
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After capturing Otto von Bergow and rescuing Rosa Ruthard, you will have to return to the Suchdol fortress in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. The objective is now to ask von Bergow about what he knows, and surprisingly, he will shift sides without much trouble.


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Now that we have von Bergow on our side, Sigismund’s position becomes pretty clear. Von Bergow will reveal some important information, and you will have to make plans and preparations for the next quest. Before that, though, we have a cardinal to catch.

You can romance Rosa during this mission, and completing it gives you the second point of no return. Make sure you’ve done everything you want to do before finishing it.

Head To Suchdol And Talk To Zizka

Henry Talking To Zizka In Ruthard Palace

Ride to the Suchdol fortress and skip to the next day. Once done, head over to Zizka and talk to him about when the council will start. By asking him that, you will start interrogating Otto von Bergow, but as he is a noble, there won’t be any bloodshed.

You can pick any dialogue you want here, and Von Bergow will give you some pointers and reveal that stealing the silver from the Italian Court in Kuttenberg will be a blow Sigismund won’t recover from.

Follow Rosa Through The Secret Passage

Henry telling Rosa he will carry her.

Head over to Rosa and talk to her. Then, have Rosa lead you to her home through a secret tunnel.

Part way through the tunnel, she won’t be able to proceed further due to flooding, so carry her and continue. After that, open the door and there will be several beggars. Your aim would be to defeat them while Rosa goes to her room and backs you up with her crossbow.

Fortunately, none of the beggars are wearing any armor and will usually die with a couple of hits. After defeating them, talk to Rosa, and she will tell you that someone is trying to break into her room. Go upstairs and defeat the enemies, and finally kill the one outside Rosa’s room.

Now that the coast is clear, knock on Rosa’s room and tell her it is you. After that, she will open the door, and you will be able to romance Rosa. Kiss her, and the scene where she and Henry make love will commence.

When you wake up, Zizka and the others will already be in the place. Go to the courtyard and talk to Zizka. He will task you with getting the key to the royal treasury from Vavak, the Mint Master.

How To Find The Royal Treasury Key

After talking to Zizka, go to the coordinates marked on your map and talk to the guards standing outside. You will be given skill checks here; simply choose the one saying you have a meeting with the Mint Master.

Henry talking to two guards standing outside Mint Masters' office.

Even if you don’t succeed, you lockpick the backdoor as it has easy difficulty. After that, head over to Vavak’s office, and you will find Christian of Pisek there. Talk to him, and he will comply if you accepted his bribe and continue with the suspicious activities during the end of the quest Via Argentum.

If he doesn’t comply, it won’t be an issue. Kill him, and the two guards who were outside will rush in. Defeat them and loot the scribbled letter from Pisek’s dead body.

After reading the letter, go down and take a right. Open the door in front of you, and you will notice a toilet on the right side. Go over there and investigate. While it is pretty disgusting, you will find the key, so take a bath and talk to Zizka.

Exploring The Underground Passage With Samuel

Henry marking a wall in a tunnel.

After talking to Zizka, approach Rosa and ask her about the secret passage. She will give you all the details about the passage, so after that, talk to Samuel. Now, you just have to follow him throughout the tunnel.

After a while, you will encounter two people who are looting the dead. You can either kill them or give them pointers on how to escape the tunnel, as they are lost. If you let them go, they will leave and promise not to let anyone know about you.

After that, follow Samuel, and you will reach the destination. Knock on the walls until you find the right one. Upon finding the right one, Henry will mark it. When done, go back and talk to Zizka. After reporting back to him, he will give you 175 Groschen, and you will discuss your next objective.

How To Not Let The Cardinal Flee

Godwin Talking To The Cardinal.

Your next objective is to ambush the Cardinal and let Godwin talk to him in Italian. Talk to Dry Devil, who will be outside in the courtyard. Wait with him to skip the time and you will fast-travel to Loretz.

Once you reach there, the Cardinal will escape, and you will be tasked to catch him. This is perhaps the most difficult part of the quest, as the Cardinal is riding an extremely fast horse, and he escapes really quickly.

If you don’t have a fast horse, or you haven’t unlocked the Good Old Pebbles perk yet, you are unlikely to catch him. There is a way to make the chase easier if you have level eight in the Horsemanship and have unlocked the Head Start perk.

Henry standing in front of his horse, Pebbles.

This perk allows your horse to run extremely fast for ten seconds. Using it only once won’t be enough, you will have to use it twice or thrice.

If you are still having trouble with the chase, or you don’t want to spend a lot of time unlocking the Good Old Pebbles perk, you can reload the previous save and buy a better horse.

You don’t have to literally catch the Cardinal on the horse as, as long as he didn’t get far enough away, cutscene will commence after a while. The Cardinal will die, so after the cutscene is over, talk to Zizka and head to the Ruthard palace with him.

After the cutscene is over, the game will show you a prompt explaining that once you proceed to the Ruthard palace, it will trigger the point of no return. You should not go with Zizka, and instead complete any of the side quests you want to do before proceeding with the quest.

Learning The Basics Of Italian

Henry speaking up for Rosa while talking to the Dry Devil and Zizka.

Once you are in the palace, talk to Zizka. Your next task is to learn a little bit of Italian. For that, you will have to talk to Brabant, who will teach you. Once you have done that, talk to Rosa and ask her about Italian clothes.

She will tell you the clothes are in the chest. Find the chest and wear Italian clothes. Once done, talk to Godwin and the quest will be completed.


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