Pebberley Heights is one of the best maps for expert players in Two Point Museum. Built on hydraulic platforms raised above the jungle canopy, and with no starting construction already in place, it’s the only map in the game that lets you truly buid your dream museum from scratch.

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Of course, Pebberley Heights doesn’t hold your hand as much compared to the other maps, either. Whether you’re building it as a dedicated Space Museum for Story Mode or letting your imagination run wild in Sandbox, the map’s unique jungle climate and emphasis on multiple buildings present challenges all its own.
Pebberley Heights Overview
When you start the Pebberley Heights map, you’ll get one platform to build on, which has no obstructions or terrain features. The only real consideration that you need to bear in mind when building is leaving room for building entrances near the eventual paths between platforms, including the main entrance near the Large Anomaly.
Entrances jut out a bit from the building’s main footprint, so you’ll need to take the walls in a bit near platform connections to make space.
Pebberley Heights’ climate is Hot and Humid by default. That makes it perfect for Tropical Plants, which won’t need any environmental controls to stay alive, but Fossils and Frozen Finds will need to have Dehumidifiers and Freezers placed nearby.
The Blooming Buffoon is tropical, and helps add Entertainment to your museum by transforming guests into clowns.
Unlocking New Platforms
You can expand your museum by unlocking new platforms to the left and right of the starting platform, as well as directly behind it. The requirements are as follows:
Platform |
Prerequisites |
Left |
Complete 10 Marketing Campaigns and earn $4k in net monthly profits. |
Right |
Display four different Themes at once and earn $10k from the Cafeteria. |
Center |
Have a total of 1500 Buzz on display and build 5 Interactive Displays in the Workshop. |
The two corner platforms can be purchased once the platforms to either side are activated. Each new platform costs $25,000 from your museum’s budget.
The bridges between the platforms are constructed automatically, and cannot be moved. Design your museum so that guests and staff can easily access them.

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Pebberley Heights In Story Mode
In Story Mode, Pebberley Heights is focused on finding and displaying Space Exhibits, ultimately culminating in activating the Puzzle Piece from the Anomalonian Archives. You’ll get plenty of help from the alien species of the galaxy, who will begin flocking to the museum as you discover their home planets.
Space Junk
Every few months, the ground will shake and two to three pieces of Space Junk will appear in or around the museum. These can be investigated by a Space Expert to yield one of three things:
- An Average-quality Celestial Cell, randomly selected from among the three possible shapes.
- Money.
- A randomly-selected Perk.
The Celestial Cells make a great way to research Space Enlightenment early on, since you’ll find much better ones for display on trips to Two Point Orbit and The Moon. Once you’ve reached maximum Knowledge with all three types, you can either use the Cells to power Anomalies, or just sell them for spare cash.
Space Junk is a feature of Story Mode, and does not appear in Sandbox.
Recommended Strategy For Story Mode
In the early chapters of Story Mode, you’ll only have Professors visiting the museum. They donate based on Knowledge, so fill any extra space you can with Info Stands. Once the museum is open to the general public, use Marketing Campaigns and a DNA Designer to keep Professors arriving in large numbers, so that you can make use of the heavy shift toward Knowledge that you made early on.
The Marketing Campaigns will let you unlock the left platform early, and you’ll need the Marketing Office for a story mission to attract Ribbetonians – who also value Knowledge – later.
Since you’re going to have a lot of Celestial Cells available, it makes sense to hire some Prehistory Experts and dig up Ancient Mysteries like Lone Henge, the Time Portal, or Cave Walls. Some will require climate control, as will any Fossils that you bring back, but they can be activated with Celestial Cells to give your museum extra benefits and Buzz, so why not?
Once you discover the Cheesemoonger homeworld of Mozzastella, you’ll start getting a lot of alien visitors. Change your Cafeteria’s menu to include Melted Cheese Medley, and make sure that there’s enough seating to meet the demand from otherworldly guests. Cheesemoongers’ Dream Visit is to eat Melted Cheese Medley, which is a very easy requirement to fulfil.
Lastly, you’ll probably need to keep expanding your exhibit hall for Astral Anomalies. Activating the Puzzle Piece requires most of them all in the same room together, which ends up taking up a lot of space. Don’t be afraid to redesign your museum as the story continues if it helps you get across the finish line.
Pebberley Heights In Sandbox Mode
Pebberley Heights is the only Sandbox map where you start with absolutely nothing at all; no Exhibits, no buildings, no nothing. Regardless of your starting budget, don’t build too large of a museum at first – there won’t be much to put in it to begin with, anyway, and less floor space means less walking around for guests and a smaller patrol area for Security Guards.
If you’re playing with a low starting budget, you’re probably going to have to stick to finding Fossils in Greasy Fields for your first few Exhibits. Remember that the humid climate means they’ll decay faster, so build a centrally-located dehumidifier to prevent this.
Whatever you decide on for your starting Theme, guests will show up before your first Expedition returns with an Exhibit. Don’t be afraid to build a Ticket Booth and let them in, especially if you let their patience timers tick down a little first. By the time they get through the queue and into the building, your first Exhibit will probably be on the landing pad ready for unpacking; those extra ticket sales can go toward decorating it.
Remember that until you really get going, money is generally tighter in Sandbox Mode than in Story. Be mindful with your expansion and try to use every tile of your current platform effectively before dropping $25k on a new one.

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