Destiny 2’s Season of the Plunder launched with a major rework for all Arc subclasses. Following the Void and Solar reworks from past seasons, Arc has been retooled with new abilities, the Aspects and Fragments system, and new keywords. Described by Bungie as the “Hold W” spec, Arc is the ultimate choice for aggressive players and Guardians that thrive on speed.

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Hunters have gotten a new Super, Warlocks have a new slide melee attack, and Titans can make grounded dashes with a new class ability. Old favorites from the original Destiny are back, and Bungie has thrown in a few surprises that make Arc 3.0 one of the strongest elements in the game. This guide will cover how Arc works, its keywords, and we’ll showcase all Aspects and Fragments.
Updated March 4, 2025, by Charles Burgar: Arc has received a soft rework in Episode: Heresy, adding a new keyword to the sandbox and a wide host of new sandbox changes. New Aspects were added to Striker and Stormcaller, Fragments were reworked, and some pre-existing Aspects were rebalanced. We’ve updated this guide to include the latest information on the new Aspects and Y7 balance changes.
What Is Arc 3.0?
Arc 3.0 is an overhaul of all Arc subclasses in Destiny 2, including the Hunter Arcstrider, Titan Striker, and Warlock Stormcaller. All Arc subclasses now use the Aspects and Fragments system introduced with Stasis in Beyond Light, allowing players to select two Aspects and various Fragments to create a build.
Most features from Arc 2.0 have been carried over to the new system. All classes have at least two melee abilities, two Supers, and access to all Arc grenades. This also means some classes received new abilities with Arc 3.0, such as the Hunter’s Gathering Storm
Super. Overall, this is a major buff to all Arc subclasses and makes them more viable in endgame PvE and PvP content.
Unlocking Arc 3.0
Arc 3.0 is unlocked by default for veteran players. Newcomers to Destiny 2 will unlock Arc through the New Light experience. Not every Fragment will be unlocked for veterans, just as not all options for Arc will be available for New Lights right away.
To unlock all Arc 3.0’s abilities, speak to Ikora Rey at the Tower. She sells Aspects, Fragments, and grenade abilities for all subclasses. Each item costs a small Glimmer fee.

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Arc Keywords Explained
Unlike previous subclass reworks, Arc 3.0 doesn’t have many keywords. This element focuses heavily on the Amplified buff and Jolt debuff, although a few more keywords exist that might prove useful. Let’s go over what each Arc keyword does.
Arc 3.0 Keywords
Buffs |
Amplified |
Gain 15% PvE damage resistance, +50 Mobility, +40 Handling, and 33% increased slide distance. Enemies are less accurate while you’re Amplified. Sprinting for two seconds will trigger Speed Boost. |
Speed Boost |
You sprint 12.5% faster, jump 25% higher, slide 50% further, and gain 15% PvE damage resistance. Lasts until you stop sprinting. Speed Boost can persist after Amplified expires. |
Bolt Charge |
While active, all damage dealt will iterate stacks of Bolt Charge, up to x10. Each stack grants 2.5% melee energy. At max stacks, your next instance of ability damage will trigger a lightning strike on the target, dealing 750 base damage. Consumes all Bolt Charge stacks. |
Debuffs |
Blind |
Combatants are disoriented and unable to shoot. Guardians temporarily lose their HUD and suffer from distorted audio. Stuns Unstoppable Champions |
Jolt |
Jolted targets periodically release to nearby targets when damaged. Stuns Overload Champions |
Subclass Pickup |
Ionic Trace |
A fissure of Arc energy that tracks to its creator. Restores 12.5% grenade, 12.5% melee, and 15% class ability energy. Ionic Traces only spawn for the creator, not allies. |
Amplified And Speed Boost Explained
Bolt Charge Explained
Blind Explained
Blinding Unstoppable Champions will stun them.
Jolt Explained
Jolt chain lightning can stun Overload Champions.
Ionic Traces Explained
Arc Grenades
Arc Melee Abilities
Arc Supers
Hunter Arc Aspects
Titan Arc Aspects
Warlock Arc Aspects

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All Arc Fragments
As with all other subclasses, Arc has 16 Fragments for players to experiment with. All classes can use any Arc Fragment they wish, although your Fragment limit will be determined by which Aspects you have equipped. Remember, you can only have two Aspects equipped at a time. Fragments can also alter your Guardian’s stats while equipped.
Spark Of Beacons
Spark of Beacons: While you are amplified, your Arc Special weapon final blows create a blinding explosion.
Defeating an enemy with an Arc Special weapon will cause the target to explode, inflicting Blind to nearby targets for a couple of seconds. The explosion is comparable to a Chain Reaction explosion, and this works on all Arc Special weapons—including GLs, Rocket Sidearms, Trace Rifles, Glaive projectiles, and even the chain lightning effect from Trinity Ghoul. This Fragment does not have a cooldown.
Spark Of Resistance
Spark of Resistance: While surrounded by combatants, you are more resistant to incoming damage. +10 Strength.
Despite the description, Spark of Resistance works in PvP, the values for both modes being slightly different:
- PvE: While 3+ enemies are within 15 meters of you, take 25% reduced damage.
- PvP: While 3+ enemies are within 15 meters of you, take 10% reduced damage.
The DR provided by Spark of Resistance stacks multiplicatively with other DR sources. This Fragment’s buff persists for two seconds once you are no longer surrounded.
Spark Of Momentum
Spark of Momentum: Sliding over ammo bricks reloads your equipped weapon and grants x1 Bolt Charge.
There’s not much to explain here. Sliding over any ammo brick will reload your current weapon from reserves and grant one stack of Bolt Charge, which will grant roughly 3% melee energy.
Spark Of Shock
Spark of Shock: Your Arc grenades jolt targets. -10 Discipline.
Damaging targets with your Arc grenades will inflict the Jolt debuff on them, causing subsequent damage to chain lightning to nearby targets. This Jolt is unaffected by ability-enhancing Exotics like Heart of Inmost Light
and Verity’s Brow
Spark Of Ions
Spark of Ions: Defeating a jolted target or a target with Bolt Charge creates an Ionic Trace.
Defeating any target affected by the Jolt debuff or Bolt Charge keyword will spawn an Ionic Trace for yourself, granting 12.5% ability energy (and 15% class ability energy) when grabbed. The source of the Jolt debuff doesn’t matter, making this a fantastic pairing with the Voltshot perk and Spark of Shock
This Fragment has a ten-second cooldown between activations.
Spark Of Discharge
Spark of Discharge: Arc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trace. Collecting an Ionic Trace grants Bolt Charge. -10 Strength
This Fragment’s description is misleading. Defeating three PvE combatants or two Guardians will spawn an Ionic Trace; the spawn rate isn’t random. Any Arc weapon can trigger this Fragment, even Osmosis weapons. Spark of Discharge
does not have a cooldown.
Additionally, collecting Ionic Traces while this Fragment is equipped will grant x1 Bolt Charge, which can be increased with Spark of Frequency
Spark Of Frequency
Spark of Frequency: Melee hits greatly increase your reload speed for a short duration. Gain an additional stack of Bolt Charge whenever Bolt Charge is obtained.
Hitting a target with your melee grants the Lightning Weave buff for the next five seconds, granting +100 reload speed stat with 20% faster reload animations for all weapons. Both uncharged and charged melee hits can trigger this Fragment, and this effect may be refreshed at any time.
Additionally, you gain an extra stack of Bolt Charge from all Bolt Charge sources. This affects everything from subclass Aspects to weapon perks.
Spark Of Focus
Spark of Focus: After sprinting for a short time, your class ability regeneration is increased. -10 to the stat that governs your class ability cooldown.
Sprinting for over a second will grant the Focused Breathing buff, causing your class ability to recharge 150% faster. This effect is halved in PvP and stacks with cooldown reduction effects.
Spark Of Recharge
Spark of Recharge: While critically wounded, your melee and grenade energy regenerate more quickly.
While your shields are broken, your melee and grenade abilities will recharge substantially faster, about 400% faster than usual (200% in PvP). This effect persists so long as your shield is broken.
Spark Of Magnitude
Spark of Magnitude: Your lingering Arc grenades (Lightning Grenade, Pulse Grenade, and Storm Grenade) have extended duration.
Persisting Arc grenades last roughly 33% longer with Spark of Magnitude
, similar to Void’s Echo of Remnants Fragment. Affected grenades include Lightning Grenade
, and Storm Grenade
Spark Of Amplitude
Spark of Amplitude: Rapidly defeating targets while you are amplified creates an Orb of Power.
Similar to Solar’s Ember of Wonder
Fragment, Spark of Amplitude spawns an Orb of Power on a double kill while Amplified, granting the same Super energy as a Siphon mod.
This Fragment has a ten-second cooldown.
Spark Of Feedback
Spark of Feedback: Taking melee damage briefly increases your outgoing melee damage.
Taking melee damage from an enemy grants the Feedback buff for the next four seconds, increasing the damage of your next melee hit by 75% (50% in PvP). Melee damage must be from a physical punch or swipe from the enemy; boss stomps do not count. This effect stacks with other melee damage buffs and does not have a cooldown.
Spark Of Volts
Spark of Volts: Finishers make you Amplified and grant x1 Bolt Charge. +10 Recovery.
Finishing a combatant grants a 15-second Amplified buff and a stack of Bolt Charge. Performing another finisher before Amplified expires will reset your timer. There’s no cooldown to this Fragment. Since it only procs on Finishers, this Fragment only grants +10 Recovery in PvP.
Spark Of Brilliance
Spark of Brilliance: Defeating a blinded target with precision damage creates a blinding explosion. +10 Intellect.
The blinding explosion from Spark of Brilliance
is the same as Spark of Beacons
, featuring a similar blast radius to Chain Reaction. Since this Fragment doesn’t have a cooldown, it’s possible to chain Spark of Brilliance across multiple targets if they’re in close proximity. All weapon precision kills can trigger Spark of Brilliance, not just Arc weapons.
Spark Of Instinct
Spark of Instinct: While critically wounded, taking damage emits a burst of damaging Arc energy that Jolts targets.
When your shields break, you release a wave of Arc energy that inflicts Jolt on all nearby targets. This Jolt effect is the same as Spark of Shock
, inflicting a base Jolt value that’s fantastic for clearing out fodder units in PvE.
This Fragment incurs a 15-second cooldown between activations.
Spark Of Haste
Spark of Haste: You have greatly increased Resilience, Recovery, and Mobility while sprinting.
While sprinting, you gain roughly +20 to your Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery stats. This bonus drops the second you stop sprinting, although you can trigger this buff even when you aren’t Amplified.

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