While Delves aren’t on the same level of difficulty as Dungeons or Raids in World of Warcraft, there are still a rewarding endgame activity for those who prefer something that is more casual. By being flexible with group size and difficulty, you can get exactly the kind of experience that you want in a Delve.
Delves are filled with loot, and in addition to the treasure room there are a bunch of Sturdy Chests scattered across each Delve that can be looted once for valuable vendor trash or potential gear upgrades. Unlike Mislaid Curiosities, Sturdy Chests are trickier to find since they are well hidden. But if you manage to find all of them, you will get an achievement that is part of Glory of the Delver along with a title.
Updated on March 3, 2025 by Paul Woodward: With the release of Patch 11.1, three new Delves have been added to the game, one of which is where players will fight the Underpin. Unsurprisingly, both Excavation Site 9 and Sidetreet Sluice in Undermine have Sturdy Chests for players to discover. Unlike some of the previous Delves, you can find all Sturdy Chests in the new Delves at any point regardless of what story is active.
Some chests can only be found when certain stories are active in a Delve. If you don’t see one of the chests mentioned below, you will need to try again after the next daily reset.

WoW: The War Within – What To Do At Level 80
Even after you’ve reached Level 80 and completed the campaign, The War Within has only just begun.
Fungal Folly Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be found by the edge of the water next to three large green mushrooms.
The second chest is concealed among some vegetation on the southwest edge of Fungal Folly.
The third chest is hidden behind a waterfall that is below where the second chest was.
The fourth chest can be found underwater at the northeastern edge of Fungal Folly.
The fifth and final chest in Fungal Folly can be found by walking along the narrow edge above the water where you found the fourth chest.
The Spiral Weave Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be located shortly after the start of the Delve. In the first big room, look behind the barricade.
The second chest can only be accessed when the active story in The Spiral Weave is “From the Weaver with Love”. You eventually come across a long hallway where you can use the grappling hook to get up to the rafters. The chest is up here.
The third chest can be found after beating the boss but before going down into the treasure room. As you approach the drop down spot, look to the right to see a platform below with the chest on it.
After getting the third chest, look around for a rafter that you can drop down onto. The final chest for this Delve can be found there.
The Underkeep Sturdy Chests
The first chest in The Underkeep is behind a statue immediately after entering the Delve.
The second chest is only available during “Torture Victims”. Between the two round rooms, there is a hallway. The chest will be against a grate that looks like a spiderweb.
The third chest can only be found during “Weaver Rescue”. Just like with the second chest, the third chest is between two round rooms in a hallway. It will be in the almost exact same spot just on a different side of the map.
The final chest in The Underkeep can be found on the south wall of the room where you fight the boss.
Tak-Rethan Abyss Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be found near the start of the Delve. Before going into the water, go around to the other side to find the chest.
It’s unclear if this is intended, but anything that grants water breathing will bypass the air bubble mechanic in both The Sinkhole and Tak-Rethan entirely. So any water breathing potion or a Warlock’s Unending Breath spell will make it easy to explore without having to worry about your oxygen.
The second chest is resting on top of some coral shortly after you go under the water.
The third chest is hidden in a corner shortly before you arrive at the midway respawn point.
The fourth chest can be found near some seaweed just past the respawn point.
The Sinkhole Sturdy Chests
Right at the start of the Delve, there is a pool of water near the body of water that takes you further into the Delve. Dive to the bottom of the pool of water to find the first chest.
The second chest is on the edge of the first large chamber you enter once you go underwater. It will be partially concealed by some underwater vegetation.
The third chest is behind the rock wall where the respawn point is. Carefully go around the rock but be mindful of the narrow ledge, as it is very easy to fall to your death here.
The final chest can be found along the wall of the room where you fight the boss.
Nightfall Sanctum Sturdy Chests
At the start of the Delve, approach the edge of the platform and look down. The first chest can be seen sitting on top of a plant.
The second chest can be found underwater roughly in the middle of Nightfall Sanctum. This chest doesn’t appear in every version of Nightfall Sanctum, but it will appear approximately at the location that is circled.
The third chest is located on the southernmost side of the map where there is what appears to be a storage room filled with boxes, rope, and cannonballs. The chest is in the middle of all that.
The fourth chest can be reached from the boat after you kill the boss. Walk along the tip of the boat and jump down onto a rock ledge where the final chest is.
Skittering Breach Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be found in a small Nerubian building shortly after the start of the Delve.
While navigating through the cavern in the Skittering Breach, look for the second chest which is up against the wall in plain sight.
On the second circular platform, there will be another small Nerubian building. Along the right, you will see a ledge you can drop down to where the third chest is.
Rather than going into the room where the treasure is at the end, go left along a path that takes you behind the building. The final chest is hiding among some ferns.

WoW: The War Within – Azj-Kahet Pacts, Explained
There are three WoW TWW Pacts to choose from, all part of the Severed Threads Renown.
Mycomancer Cavern Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be found on the northside of Mycomancer Cavern on the ledge with all the red vegetation.
The second chest can be found underwater.
The third chest can be found up on the ledge above where you dived into the water to find the second chest. It will be right next to a small tree.
The fourth chest is on a ledge just above the water. You can reach it by dropping down on your way up toward the treasure room.
The Dread Pit Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be found in the large chamber that you enter near the entrance of the Delve. The chest is hiding behind a small rock.
The second chest is on a ledge on the east side of The Dread Pit.
On your way up towards the treasure room, there is a small alcove off to the right. The third chest is located here.
Before entering the treasure room, look to your left and walk across the narrow ledge to find the fourth chest.
The Waterworks Sturdy Chests
You can find the first chest in the first large chamber of the Delve. The chest is right next to a cart against the wall.
Further ahead in the Delve, there is a small waterfall on the west wall. The second chest can be found in the water here.
The third chest is in the hallway before the round room near the end of the Delve. It is located under some scafolding in this room.
The final chest in The Waterworks is in the boss room. It is hiding behind some rubble that blocks the mine cart tracks on the east side of the room.
Kriegval’s Rest Sturdy Chests
When you enter the first large room, take a left. The first chest is near the corner of this room along the wall.
Roughly halfway through the Delve, you will come across a room with lots of scaffolding. Jump up the platforms to reach another platform that has what appears to be a Kobold’s house. The chest will be to the right.
In the room before the hallway that goes up to the boss, you will find more scaffolding. The chest is in the southeast corner of this room.
As you enter the hallway that takes you to the first boss, immediately turn around once you go down a flight of stairs. There will be a Sturdy Chest here.
Earthcrawl Mines Sturdy Chests
The first chest can be found almost immediately after entering the Delve. It is hiding behind a nearby rock pillar.
When you are partway through the first tunnel, turn left to find the second chest in a small alcove.
When you enter the large chamber after the series of tunnels, you can find the third chest in a small room off to the side.
In the same large chamber where you found the third chest, head up to the second level. Look down to spot the fourth chest on some mining equipment.
The final chest of Earthcrawl Mines is in the southwest corner of the room where you fight the boss. It’s partially concealed by a loaded minecart.

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 has an Immersion-Breaking Problem
There is something missing from World of Warcraft: The War Within Patch 11.1, Undermine(d), that tarnishes an otherwise excellent content update.
Excavation Site 9 Sturdy Chests
Near the start of Excavation Site 9, there are bits of a ruined Titan statue along the east wall. Up near the head of the statue is the first chest.
Just before reaching the midway point, look to the right. Head up along the growth and mutated vegetation to reach the second chest.
From the midway point, go straight down the path toward the pile of bones. Amongst all the bones, you will see the third chest in the middle.
After claiming the third chest, go straight toward the stairs on the other side of this area. Head towards the ruined wall in the back where there are some tents set up. The final chest is on the right side of the red tent.
Sidestreet Sluice Sturdy Chests
Shortly after jumping down through the hole at the start of the Delve, you will come across a large area with motes of green liquid. Look down and to the left and you will see an isolated platform with two large structures that look like water tanks. The first Stury Chest will be found here. During the Mr. DELVER storyline, there will be a terminal right next to the chest.
After getting the second chest, continue further into the delve past the checkpoint. Keep going until you see the spot depicted in the image above. There will be a Sturdy Chest just past the balcony.
From here, continue through the delve and kill the boss at the end. Before going into the treasure room, go down the steps to the right onto a platform. Walk along the right side of the platform to find a chest behind the large machine.
The last chest is in the treasure room, to the right of where all the regular delve loot is contained.
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