The Best Pirates In The Final Fantasy Series

The Best Pirates In The Final Fantasy Series
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  • Final Fantasy games feature a variety of roles, including pirates like the Corsair job, adding depth and intrigue to gameplay.
  • Characters like Leila and Faris bring pirate personas to life, adding layers of mystery and adventure to the storytelling.
  • Sky Pirates like Reddas and Balthier & Fran showcase exceptional skills and charm, making them iconic in the Final Fantasy universe.

Final Fantasy is a series full of memorable jobs and roles that fans are quite familiar with. After all, there are gameplay systems that let players assume whatever role they want and utilize a wealth of unique abilities to great effect.


Best Stories In Final Fantasy Games, Ranked

The vast Final Fantasy franchise tells plenty of epic stories, but these games have the strongest narratives of them all.

While pirate-themed jobs have been rare in the series, numerous Final Fantasy characters have personified this role and become iconic. The best pirates in Final Fantasy know how to keep fans engaged with their eccentric behavior.


Corsair Job

A Job That Descended From Pirates And Uses A Hexagon In Combat

Corsair Job in Final Fantasy 11
Final Fantasy XI Tag Page Cover Art


October 28, 2003


T For Teen Due To Animated Blood, Violence

Final Fantasy 11 is an MMORPG where players can take on any job they want and master their abilities to make combat feel as seamless as possible. This includes the Corsair job, which is great for players who want to roleplay as a pirate.

According to the description of this job that many people aren’t aware of, Corsairs are descendants of pirates who use hexaguns to take out their foes in battle. Along with this, Corsairs rely on a fair share of luck to make their abilities as damaging as possible, which may sit right with players who don’t mind making the most of luck-based skills in a Final Fantasy game.



Tries To Betray Firion And The Party But Is Forgiven

Leila in Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 2 Tag Page Cover Art


December 17, 1988



Final Fantasy 2‘s story-driven approach helped players enjoy an epic narrative to save their kingdom from the Imperials threatening to cut them down to size. During their adventures, Firion and his allies encounter a pirate named Leila, who promises to let them travel the high seas safely.

However, it’s not until the midway point of this journey that Leila decides to renege on this alliance and rob the group of all their valuables. It’s a betrayal that most fans would’ve expected given how unscrupulous Leila’s character was, but Firion decides to forgive the pirate and attains a valuable ally as a result, letting them explore the seas on her ship whenever they wish.



An Ex-Archadian Judge Who Resides In A Pirate Port

Reddas in Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 12 Tag Page Cover Art


October 31, 2006


T For Teen due to Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Partial Nudity, Suggestive Themes

Final Fantasy 12 expands the concept of pirates to let them tackle the skies too, with some of these Sky Pirates being more notable than others. One such character is Reddas, a former Archadian Judge who decided to leave this life behind and make a name for himself as a pirate.


Final Fantasy: 8 Most Stubborn Characters In The Series

These Final Fantasy characters are too stuck in their own ways to ever see the world in a different light.

It turned out that being a Sky Pirate was in his blood, since he became one of the series most popular figures who did justice to this moniker. He eventually becomes the leader of Balfonheim Port, an area known for being full of sailors and pirates.



The First Ever Pirate In A Final Fantasy Game

Square Enix Final Fantasy 1

Bikke is the first pirate to ever feature in a Final Fantasy game, standing in the player’s way when they reach the town of Pravoka. He decides to sick nine pirates on the Warriors of Light, only for this group to be beaten down in humiliating fashion. Realizing that he’s lost, Bikke surrenders and lets players explore the seas on his ship.

Given that Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is a retelling of the first game’s events, it’s easy to see why Bikke makes an appearance here. This legendary pirate is more intimidating than ever in this title, and gives Jack and his friends a tough time before eventually becoming a valuable ally.


Vaan & Penelo

Vaan Fulfills His Dreams Of Becoming A Sky Pirate, Taking On Penelo As His Partner

Promo Art featuring characters in Final Fantasy 12 Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy 12: Revenant Wings Tag Page Cover Art


November 20, 2007


E10+ For Everyone 10+ Due To Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes

Final Fantasy 12 places Vaan as a protagonist who dreams of being a Sky Pirate and will leave no stone unturned in this goal. While the plot’s scope expands to give priority to other characters like Ashe, Vaan never gives up on his dream, even with the threat of warring nations looming over their shoulder.


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From Exdeath to Yu Yevon, these ancient Final Fantasy villains have shaped worlds for centuries, wielding godlike power and timeless hatred.

By the end of Final Fantasy 12, peace has been brought to the empire, and Vaan manages to fulfill his goal of being a Sky Pirate. This is the premise that the sequel, Revenant Wings, builds upon, with Vaan and his partner, Penele, leading a pirate crew of their own and embarking on an epic story where familiar faces rejoin the group.


Faris Scherwiz

Lenna’s Sister Was Lost At Sea, Developed Amnesia, And Joined A Gang Of Pirates By Masquerading As A Man

Artwork of Faris from Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 5 Tag Page Cover Art


December 6, 1992


T For Teen due to Mild Fantasy Violence, Partial Nudity

Final Fantasy 5 is often the first game that comes to mind when players think about Final Fantasy pirates, especially since one of the party members ends up being an enthusiast of the high seas herself. Faris disguises herself as a man to be taken seriously by her pirate crew, commanding respect with her natural leadership skills.

It turns out that there’s more to Faris than meets the eye. She is Lenna’s sister who was lost at sea and rescued by a group of pirates, eventually resorting into a life of piracy before a chance encounter with her sister helps Faris regain her memories and return to Tycoon as the lost princess.


Balthier & Fran

A Cool Duo Who’ve Established Themselves As Competent Sky Pirates

fran and balthier together in final fantasy 12

Final Fantasy 12 is a game full of Sky Pirates, but the duo that will stick in players’ minds is that of Balthier and Fran. It’s impossible to mention one character without bringing up the other, especially since both of them work as partners and sail the skies with great aplomb.

Balthier’s suave charm and Fran’s technical know-how make them a perfect team that can tackle any threat in stride. These Sky Pirates join Vaan and the party during their adventures, eventually being roped into a conflict for the fate of Dalmasca itself.


Final Fantasy

Creation Year



Square Enix


Square Enix

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