The Best Ways To Gain Staff XP In Two Point Museum

The Best Ways To Gain Staff XP In Two Point Museum

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Your staff are your most vital resource in Two Point Museum. Without them, Exhibits will decay, thieves will walk off with whatever they please, and the place will look a complete mess. While it’s important to have a large enough workforce to maintain your growing museum, you also want to ensure that your longtime employees are well-trained with skills that will make them more efficient. For that, they need to level up and increase their Rank.


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Staff level up pretty slowly in Two Point Museum, so if you need someone to unlock their next skill slot, here are some good ways to speed up the process.

Work, Work, Work

Staff gain XP consistently but slowly whenever they do their jobs in the museum. Each time a member of your team sells a ticket, cleans a toilet, analyzes an artifact, or does anything else related to their specialization, they’ll gain XP. That means that you can help staff grow more quickly by ensuring that they spend more time working and less time walking or waiting.

The most efficient way to gain XP through work is to have a character use their job’s project device; a Deconstructor, Workstation, Marketing Desk, or Camera Booth. These grant a constant trickle of XP to the character using them, rather than a little bit each time they interact with a customer or object.

The trick to making sure that your staff levels up efficiently is to have just enough people in each role that all stations are covered, but not so many that people aren’t busy. If you have two Ticket Booths but can manage with only one, for example, go down to one and have the other Assistant do something else; that way, the remaining ticket-seller will have a constant stream of guests, and gaining XP for each, rather than having both Assistants get through the queue more quickly and have downtime.

The flip side to this is that staff need breaks eventually, and you also want to have people available to go on Expeditions. You’re not trying to work your staff to the bone; if they quit, you’ll lose all the money and XP you’ve invested in them.


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Expeditions take staff away from the museum for a while, sometimes months at a time, but offer a large lump sum of XP to anyone who comes back alive. Of course, staff need to be sufficiently skilled to go on the more dangerous Expeditions in the first place, but considering that each Rank has a higher XP threshold than the one before it, this will quickly become the only feasible way to quickly level up characters once they’re past Rank 10 or so.

The XP-dition Journal increases the total XP gained by the team by fifteen percent; as long as you don’t need any other items, be sure to bring it along.

You can also use Expeditions to bring low-Rank characters up to speed. Have them tag along with high-Rank characters on dangerous journeys, taking advantage of the senior members’ skills to avoid dangerous Events. If you need to bring the team’s total level up for extreme Events, use Rank Cheese to count the group’s total Rank as ten higher than it actually is.

Staff XP Locations

Each map has a location that can grant XP to an Expert associated with that map’s theme, helping them level up faster. Some require that the Expert be at least Rank 5 before they can visit, but it’s a good way to get them up to Rank 10 so they can handle some of the more advanced Expeditions or better hold down the fort at home.

After-Life Academy in the Netherworld, on the other hand, offers several hundred XP per visit to any staff member of any class, but it’s very expensive. Each course is $25,000, so while sending a character there repeatedly is technically the fastest way to level up, it will drain the museum’s bank account quickly unless you’re really raking in cash.

What Does Staff Rank Do?

A security guard using the training room in Two Point Museum.

When staff members go on an Expedition, their total Rank determines whether certain Events are activated or deactivated. Furthermore, some locations can only be visited by characters who are sufficiently experienced.

More importantly, a character’s Rank gives them access to more Skill slots. On its own, Rank has no impact on a staff member’s ability to do their day-to-day tasks. However, Skills can dramatically improve their efficiency at specific things. Each character starts with a single Skill slot, and gets another for every five Ranks they gain.

Skill slots can be filled by having the staff member study in the Training Room. It’s worth noting that studying does not cause the character to gain additional XP, so you can’t double-dip, and learning new Skills increases a character’s salary expecations, making them less patient with unsatisfactory conditions until you give them a raise.


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