The Best First Mate Traits In Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii

The Best First Mate Traits In Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii

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As captain of the Goromaru, Majima takes on the full slate of duties and challenges that any seafaring vessel faces in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii. As such, he needs the best first mates by his side who can help cover his ship’s weaknesses using their strengths.


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Generally, First Mate Traits help to even out the Goromaru’s abilities while you’re upgrading it, aiding your personal playstyle as you deem fit. If you’re focused on speed and evasive maneuvers, then Strait Racer will appeal to you, while Sink King might be the standout choice if you prefer damage boosts to your Machine Guns.

Each First Mate Trait below also comes in a lesser version, lacking the ‘Kiwami’ distinction. The Kiwami suffix indicates that the trait increases a given function by two instead of one.


Master Of Stealth Kiwami

The Best First Mate Traits Master Of Stealth on Natasha in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.
  • Increases your Smoke Screen uses by two.

Master of Stealth Kiwami finds its way into the final spot among the other best First Mate Traits in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii. In truth, both ‘Master of Stealth’ Traits deserve to be considered some of the worst choices due to the nature of combat.

When selecting your First Mate, your ability to hide from foes should be your last concern, as using a smoke screen is a clear indication that the battle hasn’t gone well.

Given the negative circumstances required to necessitate using this function, Master of Stealth is a niche selection. It doesn’t make battles faster for aggressive playstyles, nor does it significantly improve defensive styles. However, if you want to give this trait a try, some of the best crew members with Master of Stealth Kiwami are:


Straight Racer Kiwami

The Minato Girl Crew's Ena and her First Mate Trait in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.
  • Adds two additional stocks to your Fuel Tank.

Strait Racer is a huge upgrade on Master of Stealth, as evading the opposing ship’s cannon fire or ramming attempts is an essential tool in keeping the Goromaru intact and winning naval battles. This First Mate Trait ensures that you have the literal extra fuel in the tank to escape from even the most dire situations.


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Strait Racer Kiwami could be considered the best First Mate Trait if you play quickly and prefer to make bold predictions, as it allows you to take risks to get out of trouble before it’s too late to escape incoming fire. This trait can also be used aggressively to pursue enemy ships and finish the fights. Some of the best crew members with Straight Racer Kiwami are:

  • Robo Michio Mach (Tank Crew)
  • Ena (Healer Crew)
  • Kazami Evolution (Attacker Crew)
  • Kei (Healer Crew)


Sink King Kiwami

The best Crew: Machiko-san and her Sink King Kiwami First Mate Trait in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.
  • Greatly increases your damage to enemy sterns.

If you’re interested in a First Mate Trait that can help you end naval fighters quicker, then Sink King Kiwami is the choice you’ve been looking for. This trait increases the damage you do to your foe’s stern or the back of their ship.

While the effect is straightforward and impactful, it relies on moving with your target and maintaining a position behind them. Ideally, you can turn and barrage their stern with cannon fire to inflict maximum damage, but often, you’ll hit the enemy sterns with your Machine Guns.

The small niche prevents this from being the best First Mate Trait, but it’s still an excellent choice with or without the Kiwami bonus.

Some of the best crew members with Sink King Kiwami are:

  • Captain Beef (Shooter Crew)
  • Daisaku Minami (Attacker Crew)
  • Carnal Sister Yuka (Healer Crew)
  • Machiko-san (Shooter Crew)


First-Rate Mechanic Kiwami

The best Crew Seiko and her First Rate Mechanic First Mate Trait in Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii.
  • Increases your repair uses by two.

First-Rate Mechanic Kiwami takes the cake as the best First Mate Trait, especially for more challenging battles. While you should cruise through the early stages of the Pirates’ Coliseum Quick Clash matches, you’ll notice that fights are much more difficult when you move on to the Tournament of Captains.

First-Rate Mechanic Kiwami might not sound overly powerful, but its distinction as the only First Mate Trait that improves the repair function is significant. Since repair is the only ability with a listed drawback (unable to use weapons during repair), it’s clear that the developers regarded the ability to heal damage as inherently strong. This First Mate Trait gives you the chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, something none others can claim.

Some of the best crew members with First-Rate Mechanic Kiwami are:

  • Nishida (Healer Crew)
  • Seiko (Healer Crew)
  • Julie (Attacker Crew)
  • Steve (Tank Crew)


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