The Best Dragon Ball Couples

The Best Dragon Ball Couples
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  • Dr. Brief & Bikini: A harmonious couple of genius inventors with two extraordinary daughters.
  • Yamcha & Bulma: A shaky relationship with Yamcha unable to handle Bulma’s positivity.
  • Future Trunks & Future Mai: Despite a dire future, hope exists with sweet moments between Trunks and Mai.

While Dragon Ball may be a shonen series at heart, that should still take nothing away from the romances this series establishes on-screen. Beloved heroes and side characters enjoy romantic partnerships that are iconic for all the right reasons.


8 Dragon Ball Arcs With The Highest Stakes, Ranked

The Dragon Ball anime has witnessed several arcs and sagas with important, often world-ending, stakes.

While some romances in Dragon Ball meet a premature end, others blossom for years and end up being a major part of the series. Either way, these couples will leave a lasting impression on fans after witnessing them bond for years.


Dr. Brief & Bikini

Bulma’s Parents Seem To Have A Happy Life


Bulma’s father is a genius inventor, and her mother is a beautiful and supportive member of the family. She got the best of both worlds, turning her into a genius inventor who just so happens to be good-looking too.

The couple also birthed another child, although Tights has barely been seen in Dragon Ball apart from some fleeting cameos. It’s a shame, but this takes nothing away from the sweet partnership of Dr. Brief and Bikini.


Yamcha & Bulma

A Volatile Couple That Was Bound To Break Up

Dragon Ball Curse of the Blood Rubies Screenshot Of Bulma Meeting Yamcha

Yamcha was deathly shy when it came to speaking with women. This is why he was rattled when Bulma took an obvious interest in him, but this couple eventually managed to make things click as Yamcha got over this social anxiety.

In fact, one can argue that Bulma was too much of a positive presence on Yamcha, who became a bit too comfortable around women. His amorous activities were too much for Bulma to handle, who broke up with him not long after and ended up with an even more powerful warrior.


Future Trunks & Future Mai

The Will-They-Won’t-They Dynamic Is Surprisingly Compelling

Trunks and Mai in Dragon Ball Super

The timeline of the future is a dire one that has been ravaged by antagonists like the Androids and Future Zamasu. However, there’s still some hope that exists in this world, such as when Trunks and Mai get to enjoy some tender moments together.


8 Strongest Dragon Ball Characters That Have Never Fought Gohan

For one reason or another, the following Dragon Ball characters never got the chance to tangle with Gohan.

As one would expect from Goku, he wastes no time in making them awkward after witnessing how close they are. While their relationship isn’t made official by the time the Future Trunks arc in Dragon Ball Super ends, it’s clear to everyone that they’re going to be a thing sooner rather than later.


Bardock & Gine

Witnessing Goku’s Parents Interacting For The First Time Is A Heartwarming Moment

Bardock and Gine in Dragon Ball
  • Children: Goku AKA Kakarot, Raditz

While Bardock’s existence was known for years, fans had no idea who Goku and Raditz’s mother was. This question was answered when she made her anime debut in Dragon Ball Z: Broly.

She harbors a deep love for Bardock, who acts all flustered whenever she gets clingy but clearly enjoys the time he spends with his wife. Eventually, they must make a tough decision when Frieza chooses to wipe out Planet Vegeta and help Goku escape to Earth in the nick of time, with their older child already participating in a mission.


Krillin & Android 18

An Unlikely Pairing That Turned Into One Of The Best Pairings In Dragon Ball Z

Android 18 kissing Krillin in Dragon Ball Z

Krillin is a character everyone loves to treat as a punching bag, so it’s impressive that he manages to stay relevant despite his weaknesses. Such is the case during the Cell Saga when Krillin’s infatuation with Android 18 prevents him from blowing her up.

While this spells doom for the Z Warriors when Cell reaches his perfect form, Android 18 is spit out and manages to survive at the end of this arc. It’s clear that she found Krillin to be somewhat cute and appreciates how heartfelt his emotions were since they’ve married and given birth to a daughter during the time skip.


Goku & Chi-Chi

Despite Goku’s Lack Of A Stable Income, The Couple Makes Things Work


Goku and Chi-Chi is a relationship a long time in the making, with the latter developing a fondness for the Saiyan warrior from the very moment they meet at the start of Dragon Ball. After a fateful encounter with her during the World Martial Arts Tournament, the couple eventually marry and settle.


8 Most Forgettable Saiyans In Dragon Ball

For one reason or another, the following Saiyans failed to stand out in the Dragon Ball franchise.

While Chi-Chi constantly gets on Goku’s case for prioritizing fighting and failing to earn a stable income, it’s clear that she loves him with all her heart. The sadness she experiences when Goku passes away at the end of the Cell Games is palpable, and one can’t help but feel that Goku’s decision to remain dead was heartless and discarded the feelings of his close family.


Vegeta & Bulma

Surprisingly Enough, Their Personalities Make Them Perfect For Each Other

Vegeta and Bulma in Dragon Ball

No one expected Vegeta to end up with an Earthling, least of all a fiery personality like Bulma who had no problems engaging in a war of words with him. Perhaps this is why the Prince of all Saiyans developed a fondness for this genius scientist, leading to them becoming a thing not long after.

While Vegeta was far from the model family man in Dragon Ball Z, it’s clear that he had matured by the time Dragon Ball Super came out. He cared for his wife and son deeply, flying into a rage when Beerus smacked her and reaching a new level of power that allowed him to bravely land a solid hit on the God of Destruction after cowering in fear for the most part.


Gohan & Videl

Arguably The Healthiest Couple In The Series

Gohan and Videl after Dragon Ball DAIMA in Dragon Ball Super

Out of all the couples in Dragon Ball, there’s no denying that Gohan and Videl are the healthiest pairing of the bunch. Fans get to see their romance blossom during the Peaceful World Saga, making it clear that they were going to end up together not long after.

While fans were frustrated to see Gohan ignoring his training once again, there’s no denying that focusing on both his family and his career makes Gohan the greenest flag out of all the Saiyans in the series. It’s clear that this family is going to live a long and healthy life, with the two being deeply in love and goofing off from time to time.

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