Team Jade on Delta Force Mobile fighting back against pay-to-win bloat

Team Jade on Delta Force Mobile fighting back against pay-to-win bloat
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chb7078d ago

Started out playing solo last night, got my ass kicked repeatedly.

The reason it’s virtually impossible to beat solo is because you can die in 1-3 hits and enemies can spawn in all directions. You need at least one other human player to watch corner X while you watch corner Y, to heal you when you’re downed, to handle snipers while you clear buildings, etc.

I matched with one other skilled player and we managed to nearly beat mission 3 (fight through the market and reach the first downed Black Hawk), but we eventually got overrun at the crash site (just like Gordon and Shughart, RIP).

Overall, though, I was pretty impressed by Team Jade’s effort. The tactics, intensity, realism, grittiness, unforgiving difficulty… somehow it all works.

They did steal footage, music and dialogue directly from the movie which I found hilarous (even if Columbia Pictures doesn’t).

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