South Park: The Best Kyle Episodes

South Park: The Best Kyle Episodes
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  • Kyle’s character shines in hilarious South Park episodes with bizarre plotlines and witty writing.
  • Cartman’s antics lead to diabolical moments, like sending Kyle to an ICE center, but karma catches up.
  • Kyle’s righteousness and self-sacrifice are tested in episodes that parody reality shows and economic crises.

South Park is a series full of wacky plotlines, shocking moments, and hilarious writing that fans can’t get enough of. It helps that the characters in the series have remained compelling to watch even though the series has been running for almost three decades.


6 South Park Characters Who Were Retired Or Written Out Of The Show

Over its long run, South Park has seen many faces come and go. What are the best characters who have been effectively retired?

Kyle is one of the more sensible members of the group, even if he can get a bit too self-righteous for his own good. Some of the best episodes in South Park focus on this character and the many strange situations he lands up in.


Taming Strange

Kyle’s Brother Goes Through Canadian Puberty

Taming Strange, a South Park episode

After Ike starts going through puberty, Kyle struggles to bond with his brother. He prefers to verbally lambast his older sibling instead, leading to hilarious callbacks where he talks about how Kyle loved to “kick the baby” in the past.

Thankfully, it turns out that this puberty was unnatural and being forced out courtesy of the wrong medication sent by the Canadian government. After this error is spotted, Kyle and Ike can enjoy a normal relationship once again.



Kyle Loses Faith In God After Cartman Inherits A Ton Of Money

Cartmanland, a South Park episode

After seeing Cartman inherit a massive fortune and make his dreams a reality, Kyle can’t believe that such a despicable person could get so lucky. He loses faith in god and starts slowly dying, not wanting to fight for his life anymore.

Thankfully, Cartman fails to realize just how major the operating costs are for running an amusement park. Kyle witnesses his rival losing all his money as the park is taken away from him, helping him survive after being on the brink of death’s door.


Mexican Joker

Cartman’s Hatred For Kyle Leads To Him Sending His Rival To An ICE Detention Center

Cartman And Kyle In Mexican Joker

Cartman and Kyle’s rivalry lends itself to some hilarious episodes, including one where the former reports on Kyle’s family and gets him sent to a detention center. It’s a diabolical moment, although karma catches up with Cartman when Stan reports him to ICE too for his heinous actions.


South Park: Best Randy Quotes That Are Surprisingly Insightful

Everyone’s favourite South Park dad has had his fair share of interesting quotes, but there are a few rare moments he is surprisingly insightful.

Kyle can’t help but feel for the children separated from their parents. Unfortunately, his descriptions of a Mexican Joker are taken literally by the inept supervisors, leading to some hilarious moments as Kyle can’t help but be exasperated by the continued stupidity shown by adults on this show.


Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina

Kyle Dreams Of Being A Basketball Player And Uses Mr. Garrison’s Private Parts For This Goal

Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina, a South Park episode

Along with Mr. Garrison’s transition, this episode focuses on Kyle’s struggles to become a basketball player and how he can’t match up to the African-American players around him. However, the doctor who helped Mr. Garrison transition informs Kyle that he can use the leftover “parts” for an ethnic plastic surgery operation.

Unfortunately, he fails to mention that this is purely for show and Kyle won’t be a good basketball player even after this surgery. When Mr. Garrison regrets his surgery and tries to stop Kyle from making a jump, he’s too late and can only watch on in horror as the “jewels” in his student’s knees explode and he loses his one chance to revert back to being a man.


Tonsil Trouble

Kyle Laughs At Cartman When He Gets AIDS, Prompting The Latter To Enact A Hellacious Revenge Plot

Tonsil Trouble, a South Park episode

Kyle may be a gentle soul for most people, but his hatred for Cartman is rooted so deep that he can’t help but laugh at his rival’s plight after he gets AIDS. This doesn’t sit right with Cartman, who decides to give Kyle a taste of his own medicine quite literally.

After infecting Kyle with AIDS, the duo finds Magic Johnson and uses his money to be cured of AIDS. However, Kyle still can’t forgive Cartman and proceeds to head to his rival’s house and destroy his previous Xbox as the show draws to a close.


Ginger Cow

Kyle Must Hide Cartman’s Lies To Ensure That The Middle East Is Finally At Peace

Ginger Cow, a South Park episode

Kyle’s righteousness is on full display in Ginger Cow, where he agrees to become Cartman’s slave to ensure that peace is achieved in the Middle East. Watching him eat Cartman’s farts is hilarious, especially when he becomes douche-y about it and is called out by Stan for his holier-than-thou attitude.


South Park: Best Kenny Quotes That Are Insightful

Despite South Park’s brand of irreverent humor, the quiet character of Kenny occasionally has some surprisingly profound insights to share.

The biggest twist is reserved at the end, where Kyle proclaims that everything Cartman said was the truth. However, this went against the prophecy, and Cartman’s insistence that he’s not fat means that Kyle’s self-sacrifice was for naught.


It’s A Jersey Thing

Kyle Finds Out About His New Jersey Roots

It's A Jersey Thing, a South Park episode

Jersey Shore was huge back in the day, capturing mainstream attention and turning into the butt of all jokes in the eyes of many fans. So, it was only a given that South Park would parody this reality show in one of its funniest episodes.

Kyle finds out that he’s originally from New Jersey, leading to him being unable to stop himself from using gel on his hair and wearing over-the-top clothing. It’s a hilarious premise that does a great job of giving Kyle the limelight for reasons other than his religion.



After The Economy Spirals Downward, Kyle Becomes Economic Jesus

Margaritaville, a South Park episode

With the town of South Park facing economic recession on a gargantuan scale, society regresses to a simpler age as people preach about the evils of spending. However, Kyle realizes that purchases are the only way to stimulate the economy and turns into a finance Jesus who rattles the other residents with his so-called heretical views.

This culminates in a hilarious sacrifice as he uses an unlimited credit card to pay off everyone’s debts, leaving them unable to spend again. This biblical parody is more entertaining than it has any right to be and shows why fans love Kyle’s character.


South Park

Release Date

August 13, 1997


Comedy Central


Trey Parker

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Karri Turner

    Liane Cartman / Wendy Testaburger / Mrs. Crabtree (voice)

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    Matt Stone

    Kyle Broflovski / Kenny McCormick (voice)

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    Trey Parker

    Eric Cartman / Stan Marsh (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

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