Oda Reveals How Kid Stole Big Mom’s Poneglyph In SBS Vol. 111

How Eiichiro Oda Failed Big Mom
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This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.

One Piece Volume 111 SBS has started flowing out and there is a ton of exciting information that the author, Eiichiro Oda, has tackled. Usually, SBS are full of information that can be discarded as Oda having fun with his fans and joking around.

However, every once in a while, there comes along a serious question, which adds great depth to the story of various characters, and sometimes, even additional information that adds to the lore and the worldbuilding. This time around, Oda has revealed additional information on the character of Eustass Kid, after being asked by a French fan about how Kid acquired his Poneglyph from Big Mom. It is safe to say that fans now have a clear idea as to what happened back then.

Kid’s Attack On Big Mom’s Ship

Eustass Kid Challenged The Big Mom Pirates On Multiple Occasions

Kid Managed To Take A Poneglyph Rubbing From A Commander

Back during the Whole Cake Island arc, it was revealed to the fans that Eustass Kid, the captain of the Kid Pirates, attacked the Big Mom Pirates at some point. According to Brulee, he was forced to flee. Brulee mentioned that the only one who was capable of putting up a performance against the Big Mom Pirates was Urougez who got past Snack and eventually lost to Cracker.

The only one who managed to put up any sort of a fight was Urouge, the Mad Monk. — Brulee

In the Wano Country Arc, specifically in the Prisoner Mine, it was revealed to the fans that Kid didn’t exactly escape from Whole Cake Island for no reason. He injured one of her commanders and took what he wanted. The image of Kid having run away was clearly false. At the time, it wasn’t clear to the fans who exactly it was that Kid injured and what he took from them. Towards the end of the arc, Oda sheds more light on the whole situation and it was revealed that the Kid Pirates attacked Big Mom’s Ship for the Road Poneglyph. They successfully managed to steal a copy of the Poneglyph, and since their job was done, there was no need to engage in combat against Big Mom directly.

Finally, in One Piece Volume 111 of One Piece, which dropped recently, a lot more information has been provided to the fans now. It has now been made clear that Urouge wasn’t the only one who managed to take down a Big Mom Pirates Officer. Kid managed to do that as well, and in doing so, he gained a Poneglyph from the crew.

How Kid Defeated Commander Snack Of The Big Mom Pirates

Kid Beat Snack

Eustass Kid, one of the strongest members of the Worst Generation, attacked a ship of the Big Mom Pirates at an unknown time during the timeskip. When this happened, the world believed that Kid fled the scene. However, the truth is that he engaged Snack in combat and managed to defeat him. This is rather strange, as Oda revealed in the past that the one to defeat Snack was Urouge. However, now, it seems that Snack was defeated twice and not once. This is rather interesting, and also goes to explain why Snack went on to be demoted from the position of Sweet Commander.

Here is what Oda had to say in his SBS:

Q: Hello, My Little Oda! I Want To Know How Kid Managed To Steal Big Mom’s Poneglyph! I’ll Send Lots Of Kisses!

Eiichiro Oda: Oh, your mistaken Japanese is so cute! You’re writing from France, huh? I’ll send you kisses too! Now, getting straight to the point, he attacked one of Big Mom’s warships, and defeated the Officers (Commander Snack) onboard. He got the copy of the Road Poneglyph in exchange for sparing Snack. That’s It. It was also said that Kid ran away when he saw Big Mom, but in reality, his goal was simply to steal the Poneglyph.

As is quite clear from the answer, Kid attacked the ship that belonged to Snack, and he definitely did this on purpose. The goal was to get the Road Poneglyph from the Big Mom Pirates. It just so happens that Snack had a rubbing of the Road Poneglyph on him, for some reason.

Kid threatened his life, but decided to spare him in exchange for the Poneglyph rubbing. Once again, this whole idea is rather bizarre, but for the sake of convenience, Oda has now properly explained the whole story behind Kid getting his first Road Poneglyph copy.

At the end of the Wano Country Arc, Kid also went to receive his second Road Poneglyph. As was clearly seen in the Wano arc, Kid took part in combat against the Big Mom Kaido alliance. He specifically aided Law in the battle against Big Mom and went on to defeat her. This was absolutely massive for Kid, and it went to show that his strength was absolutely immense. It also earned him a bounty of 3 billion berries. Moreover, Kid then went on to receive a copy of Kaido’s Road Poneglyph from Law, since he contributed equally to the battle against the Emperors.

What Happened To Kid’s Poneglyphs?

Kid’s Road Poneglyphs Were Taken By Shanks

While Kid certainly did well to acquire his Road Poneglyphs, luck wasn’t on his side, unfortunately. Kid went on to run into Shanks when he visited Elbaf. There, he decided to engage in combat with Shanks’s fleet, and it was clear to the Red-haired Emperor that Kid meant business. While Kid prepared to decimate everyone using the power of Damned Punk, Shanks immediately stepped in and used the powerful Kamusari, a technique he inherited from Roger, and destroyed Kid and Killer in combat. Both of them were taken down in a single blow, and as a means to save the lives of the Captain, the crew easily offered the rubbings of the Road Poneglyph that they had. Shanks went on to take the Road Poneglyph rubbings from Kid, getting one step closer to the One Piece itself.

As for Kid, he’s now left with no Road Poneglyphs, despite having worked incredibly hard for them by beating a Yonko Commander as well as a Yonko. In other words, he’s out of the race for the One Piece completely. Unfortunate as it is for him, Kid just didn’t have what it takes to beat Shanks, and consequently, become the Pirate King. Whether he will have any role to play in the post-timeskip of the story remains to be seen, but for now, he’s done his job.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1141, is set to be March 2, 2025.

Do you think Snack deserved to get demoted?

Having been defeated twice in quick succession, it is no surprise to see that Snack was demoted.

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