Metal Gear Solid: Best Codec Calls

Metal Gear Solid: Best Codec Calls

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  • MGS codec calls lead to brilliant moments, challenging game design expectations.
  • MGS games have quirky, funny, and memorable codec call Easter Eggs.
  • MGS series expertly integrates anti-war sentiments through codec interactions.

Metal Gear Solid is known for its engrossing story and captivating cinematics, and has some of the most incredible CGI cutscenes in gaming history. But in between the peak CGI drama, there are a bunch of expositions and quirky character moments held within the confines of the codec screen.

Codec calls are a staple of the Metal Gear Solid series. For most of the series, the codec screen has portraits of each person in the call, with the call’s frequency at the center of the screen. The design changed slightly from Metal Gear Solid 4 onwards, but most remember the codec designs from the first three MGS games. One might think the idea of a codec call in a video game is boring, but Hideo Kojima’s team made these codec calls lead to some brilliant moments.

This list has spoilers, including ones related to the upcoming Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater.


Metal Gear Solid: 7 Biggest Traditions In The Series

The Metal Gear Solid series has been able to carve out a unique identity for itself in part thanks to these traditions.


MGS4: Otacon Thinks It’s Time To Change The Disc

Otacon Forgets The Power Of Blu-ray

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots Tag Page Cover Art

MGS4 doesn’t feature as many monumental codec calls as the other games. Still, it does have funny moments, like Otacon prompting the player to switch to Disc 2. Many classic PS1 games require players to swap discs after a certain point, due to technological limitations. The first Metal Gear Solid was one of many two-disc games from that era.

When Solid Snake returns to Shadow Moses in MGS4, Otacon calls him to tell him that it’s time to switch to disc 2. This made many first-time players panic, as the game only shipped on one Blu-ray disc. Otacon goes on to correct himself by remembering that they are now on a PlayStation 3 Blu-ray disc, and there’s no reason for a disc change. The Metal Gear Solid series has some incredible 4th wall-breaking moments, and this one is up there.


MGS1: Campbell Mocks The Player’s Mono TV

Better Sound Technology Makes Boss Fights Easier, Apparently

Metal Gear Solid Tag Page Cover Art


October 20, 1998


M For Mature 17+ Due To Blood and Gore, Suggestive Themes, Violence


Konami Computer Entertainment Japan

This call only occurs if the player has the mono sound option selected, and can be initiated during the Liquid Snake Hind D boss fight. If Snake calls Campbell for advice, Campbell will tell Snake to use his ears and listen for the sound of the rotor blades.

Once Campbell notices that the player is using mono sound, he’ll proceed to call out the fact that the player isn’t using a stereo TV, followed by shocked responses from Mei Ling and Naomi. This codec call was a nice Easter Egg for those subjected to the technology of 1998.


MGS Peace Walker: Snake Thinks NORAD Tracks Santa Claus

The Infamous Soldier Still Believes In Santa

Big Boss Believes in Santa Claus
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Tag Page Cover Art


June 8, 2010


T For Teen due to Blood, Drug Reference, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco, Violence

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is an underrated Metal Gear Solid game that went under the radar, mostly because it was originally a handheld title for the PSP. One of the most memorable calls from Peace Walker comes when Huey asks Big Boss (Naked Snake) how much he knows about the U.S. homeland air defense network. Big Boss proceeds to mention that NORAD tracks Santa Claus on its radar.

Huey laughs this off, with his laughter intensifying the more serious Big Boss’ tone gets. Who knew an iconic soldier like Big Boss still believed in Santa? As funny as it is, the kicker is that NORAD does, in fact, “track Santa” every year, recruiting volunteers to report his location to children around the world.


MGS2: Stillman Admits His Lie

A Falsified Leg Injury

Peter Stillman admits his lie
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Tag Page Cover Art


November 13, 2001


M For Mature 17+ Due To Animated Blood, Animated Violence

When players meet first bomb expert Peter Stillman, he’s stumbling around with a walking aid. He becomes a pivotal part of the mission, instructing Raiden and Solid Snake (going by the name Pliskin) to freeze his protégé Fatman’s bombs, which are scattered around the Big Shell oil rig.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Complete Bomb Disposal Walkthrough

Early on in Metal Gear Solid 2, players have to disable a bunch of bombs to prevent the Big Shell from being destroyed.

After the player updates Stillman about their progress, he’s suspicious of the placement of the bombs, believing that Fatman is up to something bigger, and wants to see for himself. Both heroes talk him down, suggesting that he won’t make it on his bad leg. Stillman hits them with the shocker that his leg is fine. He faked his injury to avoid the shame after the church bomb where he supposedly lost his leg, to shield himself from the backlash from his mistake. He scolds himself, calling himself a coward.


MGS1: Sniper Wolf Calls Solid Snake

There’s Always Time To Taunt Opponents

This call comes before the final showdown with Sniper Wolf and starts with an exchange between Solid Snake and Otacon. After being shot at, Snake questions if another soldier is wearing Otacon’s camo. Otacon reveals that it’s Sniper Wolf shooting at him, before pleading with Snake not to kill her.

Sniper Wolf intercepts the call, taunting Snake that she can see him. Her confidence only raises the player’s anxiety over the coming battle. When Snake tells her it’s a mistake for a sniper to reveal their location, she delivers a chilling metaphor:

“I’m going to send you a love letter, my dear. Do you know what that is? It’s a bullet straight from my gun to your heart.”


MGS3: Naked Snake Believes Russian Glowcaps Charge His Batteries

Mushrooms Leave Snake All Charged Up

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Tag Page Cover Art


November 17, 2004


M For Mature 17+ due to Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language, Sexual Themes

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a survival game in which Snake must hunt and harvest food. Para-Medic is one of the codec contacts on standby, and provides Snake with facts about the foods he discovers. In one of these cases, Snake comes across a glowing mushroom called a Russian Glowcap. Para-Medic offers a scientific explanation of why the mushroom glows, and Snake decides to ask her if it means his batteries will be charged by eating the mushroom. Para-Medic is audibly taken aback and dismisses the notion.

The player can unlock a second part of this conversation by eating the glowcap and calling her back. This time, Snake tells her that the glowcap really did charge his batteries. Para-Medic assumes that Snake is hallucinating and plays along. She can even be heard questioning Snake’s sanity as she talks to Sigint in the background.


MGS3: Snake in a Box

Maybe Snake Should Be A Cat?

Snake in a Box

Another moment of comedy in MGS3 comes when Snake calls Sigint while hiding inside a cardboard box. While Sigint grapples with the idea, Snake gives a monologue about having an irresistible urge to be inside the box. He tops it off by describing the inner peace he feels inside the box, and that he feels safe. This must really be how all cats feel.

Sigint’s reaction makes this conversation all the more incredible. Who knew this was the same man who would become the Darpa chief.


MGS3: The Boss Speaks To Naked Snake For The First Time

The first interaction between The Boss and Naked Snake during MGS3

During the Virtuous Mission, Naked Snake becomes aware that his mentor, The Boss, will serve as the mission’s advisor. The Boss appears in the codec call, and Snake is taken aback. It’s clear how highly he regards her, making the twist at the end of the Virtuous Mission a bigger pill to swallow.

The Boss gives an epic monologue about how soldiers are political tools who carry out the will of the leaders above them, clarifying that these leaders change with time. It’s these moments when Metal Gear Solid expertly integrates its anti-war sentiments.


MGS1: Master Miller’s True Identity, Revealed

A Shocking Plot Twist

One of the MGS series’ best plot twists is when Solid Snake inputs the newly acquired code into the computer as instructed, believing this will prevent nuclear destruction. Master Miller, one of Snake’s comrades, has been guiding Snake through this mission via codec. However, when Snake puts the codes into the computer, Metal Gear becomes active. A codec call comes in from Master Miller, who brags about his deceptive plan to make Snake launch the detonation.

If that wasn’t shocking enough, players are hit with a double blow as Master Miller removes his disguise. He lets his hair fall onto his shoulders, removes his glasses, and speaks in his true dialect, revealing himself as Liquid Snake. Throughout the game, Liquid Snake was posing as Snake’s mentor to deceive him.


MGS2: Raiden Speaks With The Arsenal Gear AI

Kojima Predicted Life in 2025

In MGS2, Raiden was duped from the beginning, forced to take part in a real-life simulation to train soldiers. Raiden is confronted with this fact inside Arsenal Gear, which is a metal fortress developed to monitor, block, and tamper with internet communications. Thanks to a virus in the system, the AI that Raiden has unknowingly been talking to glitches out. This allows Otacon to figure out that Raiden has been talking to an AI the whole time.

The AI Colonel speaks with Raiden again and reveals the intentions of the MGS Illuminati group, The Patriots. He speaks about how the Artificial Intelligence of Arsenal Gear will filter information to humans and create its own context. It even describes the existence of memes, before memes were a thing. Most of what the AI Colonel says here has since become relevant to real life. Considering that MGS2 was released in 2001, it shows how forward-thinking Hideo Kojima and his team were.


Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection 2 Wish List

Since a second installment is now all-but-confirmed, the next Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection volume will have to meet some lofty expectations.

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