Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Storm Walkthrough

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Storm Walkthrough

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At the end of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2’s first act, Henry, Godwin, Hans Capon, and Jan Zizka are captured by Otto von Bergow and Istvan Toth. While Hans goes ahead with Otto von Bergow, the rest of the group is taken back to Trosky and tortured for information.

Storm is the conclusion of act one, and players must escape Trosky and confront Istvan Toth. This is no simple feat because they must remain unseen as they move through the castle or risk alerting the entire castle of their escape. Here’s a complete walkthrough of Storm for those needing some guidance in KCD2.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Best Way To Farm Thievery XP Fast

Thievery is the best way to get rich and earn a lot of valuable stuff in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, but it requires some work to level it up.

Storm Walkthrough in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Henry talking to a fisherman in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Henry must survive torture at the beginning of the quest. Istvan Toth is grilling him for information, and players will get a chance to pass skill checks to lie to or intimidate him. However, Godwin will reveal the information to save Henry’s life, regardless of whether he talks. Just when things are looking dire for the trio, Katherine appears and comes to their rescue.

Escape the Dungeon

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough

After being freed, Henry and the group decide on their next moves. They must get their equipment back, kill Istvan, and find the orders that contain von Bergow’s plans. Henry will go by himself to gather everything so they don’t draw any attention, and Katherine will give Henry her Dagger so players can stealth kill if they can’t avoid any guards.

Loot the guard that Katherine killed to get a sword and armor for the confrontation with Istvan Toth.

Players should first head to Istvan’s chambers in the Crone’s tower to get their things back. This will ultimately lead to a confrontation with him. The path to the Crone’s tower is full of guards, so be wary while moving through the castle.

Go upstairs and through the kitchen pantry. There is a guard standing inside the pantry with his back to the doorway that can be knocked out or stealth killed. Players can loot him for a Silver Doppelganger Badge. Keep moving upstairs, head outside, and cross the walkways that lead over the courtyard.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough

A cutscene will trigger that shows Istvan and Eric talking as the latter prepares to leave. Once the cutscene ends, go to the other side of the courtyard. Walk along the south side to avoid running into a guard and go to the dining hall above the kitchen in the Crone’s tower. Two guards are sitting at the table talking and drinking, but one will leave after a moment. The other guard falls asleep at the table, and Henry can sneak around and up the stairs.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough

Players will see a stone hallway and a curved staircase. Keep moving upwards and go through the red door at the top of the stairs to get to Istvan’s chambers. Istvan’s room is up the staircase directly to the left of the red door.

Kill Istvan Toth

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Istvan Toth Storm

Istvan isn’t asleep when Henry arrives, so the two will have a tense standoff. Players can take down Toth one of two ways:

  • Kill him dishonorably
  • Challenge him to a duel

Either method leads to Istvan Toth’s death, but players can take the dishonorable path if they want to avoid a fight. After the fight, players will pick up Radzig’s Longsword, and they will be free to search Istvan Toth’s room for Henry’s belongings and the orders.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – All Main Story Missions

Here’s a list containing all the story missions for each region in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 to help you keep track of your progress.

Grab Henry’s Things

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Pick up your things Storm Walkthrough

Players will find Henry, Godwin, and Zizka’s equipment inside a chest in the upstairs sleeping area of Istvan’s chambers. The chest is between one of the beds and a desk. Players will also find Otto von Bergow’s room key inside the chest. After picking up his things, Henry must search the rest of the room for von Bergow’s orders. If players have a stealth outfit they can equip it at this point.

Search Istvan’s Chambers

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Search Istvan's Chamber Storm Walkthough

Players won’t find the orders in Istvan’s room, but they must search thoroughly before moving forward. Check the following places:

  • The chest behind the bedroom door.
  • The tall dresser against the back wall to the left.

Since Henry won’t find what he is looking for, he will go on to look inside the scribe’s chambers.

Search the Scribe’s Chambers

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Search the Scribe's Chamber Storm Walkthrough

Players will find the scribe’s chambers back downstairs inside the room halfway down the curved staircase. The orders aren’t in here either, but Henry must look at the following places before leaving:

  • The scrolls on the bookshelf next to the door
  • The scrolls on the desk across from the door
  • The brown cabinet against the back wall to the right

Empty-handed, Henry must go back across the courtyard to Otto von Bergow’s chambers.

Search Otto von Bergow’s Chambers

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Find the Orders Storm Walkthrough

Otto von Bergow’s room is upstairs in the Maid tower. Players will find Godwin trying to break into the room. He will stop when Henry approaches, and the two will have a short conversation before entering the room.

Godwin will look around the room and find the orders inside a chest at the back of the room behind the desk. Then, the pair will return to the dungeon to escape the castle with Katherine and Zizka.

Take the Tunnel to Apollonia

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough

The group will sneak out of the castle using an underground tunnel that leads to Apollonia. When they reach the end of the tunnel, Godwin reads von Bergow’s orders and discovers that he is gathering his forces to Kuttenberg. So, the group must reconvene with Katherine’s friend Mika to get a cart and leave the area.

Dozens of guards are walking through the mountains of Apollonia, looking for the escapees, so they send Henry alone. Players must sneak around the guards and head south to Mika.


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Best Mods For Immersion

For players who wish Henry’s journey were even more immersive, consider adding these mods to your gameplay.

Sneak to Mika and the Wagon

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough

The best way to get to Mika is to stick close to the trees and keep a distance from the road, as this is where most of the enemies are walking. Head south towards the big rocks and cut through them to avoid being spotted.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough Find Mika

Mika’s location is marked on the map, so keep moving south towards it. Mika is tied up in a small clearing with a guard watching. Players can knock him unconscious or stealthily kill the guard to talk to Mika.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Mika Storm Walkthrough

Mika sent the cart further south with two of his crew, so Henry must keep trekking through the mountains to find them.

Find the Cart

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Go Southb To the Double Rock Storm Walkthrough

Mika told Henry that he must go to the double rock and then further south to meet up with the cart. Go south through the rocks, careful to avoid any patrolling guards. Henry may have to knock one or two unconscious, but it is possible to hide and walk around all of them. When Henry reaches the double rock, the cart’s location will be updated on his map.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm Walkthrough

From there, keep sneaking south, going past both enemy camps. The number of guards will eventually decrease to none, and then Henry will be safe and free to find the cart.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm

When he gets close enough, a cutscene will trigger. In it, Henry returns with the cart to get Katherine, Godwin, and Zizka, and the group heads out toward Kuttenberg.

Kingdom Come Deliverance II Tag Page Cover Art





February 4, 2025


Mature 17+ // Use of Alcohol, Blood and Gore, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity


Warhorse Studios

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