How To Keep Botany Exhibits From Dying In Two Point Museum

How To Keep Botany Exhibits From Dying In Two Point Museum
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As the curator of several museums in Two Point Museum, you’ll be tasked with making them successful. This means, most of all, you’ll need to have exhibits to show to the public, and you’ve got a variety of themes to pick from or focus on, from prehistoric items to the edible, man-eating, or just plain weird Botany ones.


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Every type of exhibit needs to be cared for properly or else it’ll end up with zero buzz, ruined, in the case of botanical exhibits, withered. If you don’t keep them healthy, you’ll have a bunch of dead plants on your museum’s hands and all the cash spent on the expeditions will have gone to waste.

Botany Exhibits, Explained

Sticker book page for Botany Exhibits showing several filled out and several empty, and focusing on the page for a Folding Claptrap in Two Point Museum.

Botany is one of the six major themes you have access to for Exhibits, and it’s one of the more unique types, as it’s simultaneously important and optional, though they also have their own Enlightenment branch with plenty to unlock.

Unlocked initially from the Bone Belt via one of the Points of Interest, Bigfoot Gardens, Botany Exhibits don’t get a map that focuses on them like the other themes, and instead get featured on every map either as a key objective or as an optional exhibit type you can start getting.

A lot of them offer low to mid-tier Buzz but bring high donations, even ones with an Average rarity, and there are several that need other specialized Experts to get access to them, like the Palm Tree found at Overgrown Jungle on Two Point Sea requires a Marine Expert and a Botany Expert to go and find it.

Due to how they work, Botany Exhibits are a great way to add extra income to your museum as long as you can afford their more costly Expeditions, as they’ll fit in anywhere as you keep them away from Exhibits that need Dry or Cold Climates.

How To Care For Botany Exhibits

Pop-up menu for a Peek-a-Lily Pads plant in a museum showing the current health, rarity, and other stats in Two Point Museum.

Keeping with them being alive, Botany Exhibits have a Health meter instead of Grubbiness or Corrosion, and the biggest factor that affects how quickly it depletes is whether the plant is in the proper environment or not.

Some map locations, such as Bungle Wasteland and Pebberly Heights, are naturally hot and humid, and you don’t need to put down Heaters or Misters for your Botany Exhibits.

Every Botany Exhibit has a specific type of environment it needs, and most often they need to be both Hot and Humid to thrive, though some don’t need anything like the Peek-a-Lily Pads.

Player character placing down several Heaters in a room to change the environment to a hot one in Two Point Museum.

To change the climate for your Botany Exhibits, you’ll need to put climate-changing machines like the Heater and Mister in their area to change the temperature or humidity ​​​​​​accordingly.

  • Heaters come in three variants – regular, wall, and small – and raise the temperature in a 15-by-15-tile radius around where they’re placed, color-coded in a bright red on the Temperature visualization.
  • Misters come in three variants – regular, wall, and small – and raise the humidity in a 15-by-15-tile radius around where they’re placed, color-coded in light blue on the Humidity visualization.

You can bring up a museum-wide visualization of the Temperature, Humidity, Buzz, and other levels by selecting one of the options in the Visualization section on the far right side of the bottom menu panel.

Any plant with a climate requirement needs to have at least its size plus two tiles around in each direction within the climate to be considered in the right environment, or else you’ll get a pop-up symbol over the Exhibit indicating what’s missing.

Palm Tree exhibit in an improper environment and has a blue thermostat symbol above it in Two Point Museum.

If they aren’t in the proper environment, their Health will quickly deplete until they completely wither and die. When this happens, the Exhibit will be ruined, and the only thing you can do with it is sell it for cash or analyze it.

Botany Exhibits can also share environments without issue as long as they aren’t opposites, such as one that only needs a Humid Environment, like the Sickly Pear, being able to live next to one that needs both Hot and Humid Environments, like the Blooming Buffoon.

The announcer will also periodically tell you that an Exhibit is in the wrong environment via the PA system as long as at least one is being improperly cared for.

How To Improve Your Botany Experts

Training menu for a Botany Expert who's about to be trained in Survival Skills in Two Point Museum.

Botany Experts can have most of the skills other Experts have, but there are a handful of them you’ll want to prioritize due to the types of negative events that are most common in Botany-related Points of Interest: Survival Skills and Survey Skills.

The majority of events you’ll have to face will cause Injuries to your staff, or in the worst case, will kill an Expert, such as Im-peared and Snake Bite. Besides the event, some Points of Interest and Obstructions require at least one staff member to have Survival Skills to make an Expedition to them at all.

Having both Survival Skills and Survey Skills on a single Botany Expert is one of the best skill combos overall, and you can still have enough skill slots to upgrade one to their level two version, and another to the level three version.

Survey Skills is one of the best ways to get high-quality Exhibits as it increases the Survey Rate of any Expedition by 30 at a rank one version of the skill, and it stacks based on the number of staff with it and skill ranks.

This will lower your costs by reducing total Expeditions to a location and cut down on time spent on them, since you’ll need to do fewer detailed ones.

It can even keep your Experts safe, since you can often get at least a Great or Epic rarity Exhibit from a single Expedition, helping you avoid multiple trips to more dangerous POIs.

Helpful Workshop Items For Botany Expeditions

Player using Plant Camouflage to counter a negative event on an Expedition in Two Point Museum.

Almost every Cargo item is helpful, but the best three you can bring with you to Botany-related Expeditions are the Survey Scanner, Illness Elixir, or the Plant Camouflage.

All of them help to counter many negative events, and when combined with Survival Skills and a few experts with high ranks, you can make the Expeditions nearly or completely safe:

  • The Survey Scanner is unlocked on the Memento Mile map, and ordinarily it boosts the Survey Level of any Expedition, but it also prevents specific events like Stagnant Water, which can give you the Irritable Trowel illness.
  • The Illness Elixir is unlocked on the Bungle Wasteland Map after reaching One Star Ranking, and it’s one of the best Cargo items in the game regardless of where you bring it. It can block one Illness-causing event per Expedition completely, so it can counter anything you haven’t already prevented or can’t prevent via skills or combined rank.
  • The Plant Camouflage is also unlocked on the Bungle Wasteland map but via the campaign objectives, and it’s created by mulching Botany Exhibits in the Science Exhibit, the Mulch-o-matic. It’s only used to counter specific, plant-related events, and it will prevent an MIA that would essentially kill off one of your staff, so it’s super helpful.

The First-Aid Kit can always be helpful too. It’s available from the very beginning of the game, and it gets rid of one injury-related event, and it can counter some events that can’t be removed by skills or combined rank.


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