How To Get Every Knowledge Reward In Two Point Museum

How To Get Every Knowledge Reward In Two Point Museum
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Museums are a place for learning: about history, the future, plants and animals, pretty much anything. In Two Point Museum, one of the main statistics you’ll have to keep up with to have a successful museum is your guests’ knowledge, as people who come in want to learn about all your exhibits.


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If they aren’t learning, they aren’t going to be that happy and so your museum’s rating won’t be very high either. You’ll always start with a bit of knowledge about exhibits, but if you want to increase your knowledge and that of your guests, you’ll need to analyze what you find.

Enlightenment, Explained

Message pop-up saying analysis has been completed on a Flying Fish with the marine enlightenment menu open in Two Point Museum.

Enlightenment is the sibling of the Knowledge system, and they work in tandem. You’ll always start with one Knowledge in any Exhibit, regardless of theme, and the way to increase your Knowledge is by increasing your Enlightenment level.

  • Enlightenment comes in six categories, one for each Exhibit theme: Prehistory, Botany, Supernatural, Marine, Space, and Science.

This can be done by analyzing duplicate Exhibits you obtain in the Analysis Room. Unlocked during the first Star Rating of Memento Miles, the Analysis Room’s main part is the Deconstructor, and you can drop Exhibits from your inventory into it.

Make sure you’re putting the right Exhibit in the Deconstructor and not one with a high rarity, as anything you put in it will be permanently destroyed.

Science Expert deconstructing a Claimed Space Rock and a pop-up menu shows the progress and knowledge being obtained in Two Point Museum.

Exhibits will begin being deconstructed by an Expert matching their theme, and once the process is completed, one Knowledge will be added to that specific Exhibit type’s Knowledge meter, and you’ll get a corresponding increase in the matching Enlightenment category.


Maximum Knowledge Possible


50 Knowledge


40 Knowledge


50 Knowledge


50 Knowledge


50 Knowledge


20 Knowledge

As a reward for reaching certain Knowledge milestones, you’ll receive a variety of items, most of which will be different Themed Decorations, but a handful of milestones will also give you Wallpaper, Flooring, or even unlock Workshop Projects like new Interactive Displays to make.

You can only earn Knowledge on Exhibits that are still missing Knowledge, and sending in duplicates you’ve maxed out the Knowledge on will just destroy them without counting towards the Enlightenment.

All Prehistory Enlightenment Rewards

Player character putting down a Wooden Torch, a Prehistory Enlightenment item, in Two Point Museum.

For the Prehistory theme, you have 17 Decorations, two Wallpapers, one Flooring, and two Workshop Projects to unlock.


Item Type

Total Knowledge Needed

Wooden Torch

Themed Decoration

1 Knowledge

Dirt Floor


2 Knowledge

Dino Bin

Themed Decoration/Trash Bin

3 Knowledge

Wooden Wall Torch

Themed Decoration

4 Knowledge

Prehistory Dragonfly

Themed Decoration

5 Knowledge

Vine Wall

Themed Decoration

6 Knowledge

Ancient Tree

Themed Decoration

8 Knowledge

Relic River

Workshop Project (Interactive Display)

10 Knowledge

Spiny Fern

Themed Decoration

12 Knowledge

Hanging Fern

Themed Decoration

14 Knowledge

Strapped Tusk

Themed Decoration

16 Knowledge

Prehistory Spear

Themed Decoration

18 Knowledge

Cave Grey


20 Knowledge

Desert Mural

Themed Decoration

22 Knowledge

Bone Broth

Workshop Project (Cargo Item)

24 Knowledge

Cave Sandstone


26 Knowledge

Unihornus Mural

Themed Decoration

28 Knowledge

Mounted Tusk

Themed Decoration

30 Knowledge

Cave Wall

Themed Decoration

35 Knowledge

Prehistory Egg

Themed Decoration

40 Knowledge

Prehistory Hide

Themed Decoration

45 Knowledge

Cave Family Diorama

Themed Decoration

50 Knowledge

All Botany Enlightenment Rewards

Pop-up saying a Botany Enlightenment reward has been obtained and can be claimed in Two Point Museum.

For the Botany theme, you have 19 Decorations, one Fence, and one Interactive Display to unlock.


Item Type

Total Knowledge Needed

Garden Sign

Themed Decoration

1 Knowledge

Trellis Fence


2 Knowledge

Cup Flower

Themed Decoration

3 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

4 Knowledge

Big Leaf Fern

Themed Decoration

5 Knowledge

Star Flower

Themed Decoration

6 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

8 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

10 Knowledge

Duck Hedge

Themed Decoration

12 Knowledge

Wooden Trellis

Themed Decoration

14 Knowledge

Rose Trellis Planter

Themed Decoration

16 Knowledge

Candy Flower Trellis Planter

Themed Decoration

18 Knowledge

Botanical Bushes

Themed Decoration

20 Knowledge

Botanical Spiral

Themed Decoration

22 Knowledge

Botanical Hedge

Themed Decoration

24 Knowledge

Large Foliage

Themed Decoration

26 Knowledge

Small Foliage

Themed Decoration

28 Knowledge

Ivy Wall

Themed Decoration

30 Knowledge

Rose Planter

Themed Decoration

32 Knowledge

Mushroom Lamp

Themed Decoration

36 Knowledge

Botanical Pond

Workshop Project (Interactive Display)

40 Knowledge

All Supernatural Enlightenment Rewards

Player character putting a newly unlocked Olden Table in a Polterguest room in Two Point Museum.

For the Supernatural theme, you have 25 different decorations and one Interactive Display to unlock.


Item Type

Total Knowledge Needed

Olden Table

Themed Decoration

1 Knowledge

Olden Chair

Themed Decoration

Wild Stump Seat

Themed Decoration

2 Knowledge

Floating Book

Themed Decoration

3 Knowledge

Antique Clock

Themed Decoration

4 Knowledge

Gothic Column

Themed Decoration

5 Knowledge

Gothic Wall Column

Themed Decoration

Nether Bin

Themed Decoration/Trash Bin

6 Knowledge

Olden Swords

Themed Decoration

8 Knowledge

Ghost Dusting Demo

Workshop Project (Interactive Display)

10 Knowledge

Wild Rocks

Themed Decoration

12 Knowledge

Wild Moss

Themed Decoration

14 Knowledge

Large Wild Moss

Themed Decoration

Salvaged Chair

Themed Decoration

16 Knowledge

Spooky Portraits

Themed Decoration

18 Knowledge

Wild Rock Pool

Themed Decoration

20 Knowledge

Salvaged Table

Themed Decoration

22 Knowledge

Olden Harp

Themed Decoration

24 Knowledge

Wall Candle

Themed Decoration

26 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

28 Knowledge

Olden Shield

Themed Decoration

30 Knowledge

Salvaged Cannon

Themed Decoration

35 Knowledge

Large Box

Themed Decoration

40 Knowledge

Small Box

Themed Decoration

Salvaged Chest

Themed Decoration

45 Knowledge

Dead Tree

Themed Decoration

50 Knowledge

All Marine Enlightenment Rewards

Player placing a Flambouyant Fish into a Deconstructor to analyze it in Two Point Museum.

For the Marine theme, you have 20 Decorations, one Interactive Display, and one Cargo Item to unlock.


Item Type

Total Knowledge Needed

Aquarium Shell

Themed Decoration

1 Knowledge

Aquarium Seaweed

Themed Decoration

2 Knowledge

Aquarium Rock

Themed Decoration

3 Knowledge

Tall Tubular Aquarium Coral

Themed Decoration

4 Knowledge

Aquarium Sea Anemone

Themed Decoration

5 Knowledge

Shark Decal

Themed Decoration

6 Knowledge

Wetlantean Bin

Themed Decoration/Trash Bin

8 Knowledge

Seahorse Racer

Workshop Project (Interactive Display)

10 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

12 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

14 Knowledge

Bubble Lamp

Themed Decoration

16 Knowledge

Large Aquarium Rock

Themed Decoration

18 Knowledge

Ocean Chowder

Workshop Project (Cargo Item)

20 Knowledge

Wetlantean Vase

Themed Decoration

22 Knowledge

Wetlantean Gold

Themed Decoration

24 Knowledge

Tall Aquarium Coral

Themed Decoration

26 Knowledge

Coral Window

Themed Decoration

28 Knowledge

Ray Decal

Themed Decoration

30 Knowledge

Wetlantean Basin

Themed Decoration

35 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

40 Knowledge

Marine Bubble

Themed Decoration

45 Knowledge

Wetlantis Diorama

Themed Decoration

50 Knowledge

All Space Enlightenment Rewards

Decoration menu open and on Space theme, with a pop-up showing the Enlightenment required for a Frogborne Lamp in Two Point Museum.

For the Space theme, you have 20 Decorations, one Interactive Display, and one Fence to unlock.


Item Type

Total Knowledge Needed

Space Probe

Themed Decoration

1 Knowledge

Life Station

Themed Decoration

2 Knowledge

Floating Balls

Themed Decoration

3 Knowledge

Planet Decal

Themed Decoration

4 Knowledge

Space Bin

Themed Decoration/Trash Bin

5 Knowledge

Space Column

Themed Decoration

6 Knowledge

Cheese Drip

Themed Decoration

8 Knowledge

Frog Leg Language Display

Workshop Project (Interactive Display)

10 Knowledge

Cheese Mining Cart

Themed Decoration

12 Knowledge

Cheese Ore

Themed Decoration

14 Knowledge

Cheese Succulent

Themed Decoration

16 Knowledge


Themed Decoration

18 Knowledge

Space Gibbon Fencing


20 Knowledge

Space Gibbon Rock

Themed Decoration

22 Knowledge

Space Gibbon Bollard

Themed Decoration

24 Knowledge

Space Gibbon Star

Themed Decoration

26 Knowledge

Frogborne Waterfall Wall

Themed Decoration

28 Knowledge

Frogborne Lamp

Themed Decoration

30 Knowledge

Lilypad Planter

Themed Decoration

35 Knowledge

Water Lily

Themed Decoration

40 Knowledge

Star Decal

Themed Decoration

45 Knowledge

Space Data Wall Display

Themed Decoration

50 Knowledge

All Science Enlightenment Rewards

Player character unlocking the Valve Planter decoration while having Science Enlightenment menu open in Two Point Museum.

For the Science theme, you just have 16 Decorations to obtain, the least of the other categories due to the unique way the Science exhibits work, compared to the others.


Item Type

Total Knowledge Needed

Valve Planter

Themed Decoration

1 Knowledge

Lightbulb Wall Lamp

Themed Decoration

2 Knowledge

Trolley Planter

Themed Decoration

3 Knowledge

Rotating Cog

Themed Decoration

4 Knowledge

Pipe Planter

Themed Decoration

5 Knowledge

Magnifying Glass

Themed Decoration

6 Knowledge

Cog Shelf

Themed Decoration

7 Knowledge

Water Wall Pipes

Themed Decoration

8 Knowledge

Gauge Planter

Themed Decoration

9 Knowledge

Metal Wall Pipe

Themed Decoration

10 Knowledge

Fruity Cactus

Themed Decoration

11 Knowledge

Wall Beaker Planter

Themed Decoration

12 Knowledge

Rotating Wall Cog

Themed Decoration

14 Knowledge

Wall Vent

Themed Decoration

16 Knowledge

Metal Column

Themed Decoration

18 Knowledge

Pump Planter

Themed Decoration

20 Knowledge


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