How To Complete Lost Honour In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How To Complete Lost Honour In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
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Lost Honour is a Secondary Quest that players can find in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 while they travel around Kuttenberg. It is a difficult quest, and players will need to use all their hard-earned combat skills in order to overcome all of its challenges before earning its rewards.


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For those unsure, here’s an overview of what must be done to avenge Sir Jezhek and the villagers and how to beat the infamous Zavish of Garbow. First things first, players need to know how to trigger this particular quest, which is a challenge all by itself.

How To Start Lost Honour In KIngdom Come: Deliverance 2

Lost Honour is a strange quest that starts as a random encounter between the central fast travel points in Kuttenberg (from Mizkowitz to Kuttenberg and from Grund to Bohunowitz). While traveling around, players will come up to an encounter that says ‘A ragged kind man approaches you.’ He often spawns east of Opatowitz, and southwest of Horschan. Players should stop by and talk to him to learn that he is ‘politely’ attempting to ambush them and rob them dry of their belongings.

Be careful here, because a poor response might make the NPC become hostile, and players will have no other choice but to defend themselves. Try to be as kind and diplomatic as possible until the option to help him appears. Then, offer to recover his armor and horse.

Sir Jehzekk will explain that players need to travel to Segismund’s Camp, a hostile area they wouldn’t be able to approach otherwise, and talk to the guard there to gain access. Then, after that, they should seek Zavish of Garbow to convince him to surrender Jezhek’s belongings to Henry. That is the hard part.

How To Recover Sir Jezhek’s Armor And Horse In KIngdom Come: Deliverance 2

Players could try to steal back all of Sir Jezhek’s Armor and his horse, which would require them to break the truce and start an upheaval on Segismund’s camp, or they can do it the right way (recommended) by finding Zavish of Garbow and challenging him to a duel in exchange for Sir Jezhek’s horse and armor.

If players attempt a steal and want to go for a chaotic run around the enemy camp, they will be able to identify Sir Jezhek’s armor by the Raven Crest on yellow fields next to a chest in Zavish’s tent. The chest is a Hard Lock, but players can also pickpocket Zavish for the key while he sleeps, then steal Sir Jezhek’s horse from the stables and run to him. Needless to say, this choice is not honorable, and Sir Jezhek’s honor will not be restored, so it will result in a loss of reputation.

Where To Find Zavish Of Garbow In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Players will find Zavish of Garbow right in the middle of Segismund’s Camp, near the kitchen area, between the Mercenary tents. They will be able to recognize his coat of arms, depicting an eagle soaring over a green and red field. Just roam around the tents until a prompt pops up telling players to direct their attention to the heraldry they are looking for. Then, enter the tent area and turn slightly to the left to find Zavish, often sitting at his table and eating.


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Be careful here, as this is still a restricted area. Don’t dilly-dally; go directly to Zavish to talk him into returning Sir Jezhek’s Armor and Horse. Of course, the mercenary will refuse, saying that Sir Jazhek’s belongings were won fairly in a duel between knights and that if he concedes now, he will lose his reputation among his peer combatants. So, players will have to ‘convince him’ to yield the valuables the hard way.

Players can question Garbow’s honor, and this will be taken as an insult, resulting in him challenging the player to a duel and causing them to lose lots of reputation in the process. Or players can make a real hard check and convince him to duel Henry, speaking about him not being reasonable at all.

Be it as it may, Henry can now fight Zavish of Gabow in a duel. But first, players need to prepare a good set of armor and three different weapons in order to compete. They must also prepare at least 300 Groschen as a bet.

How To Beat Zavish Of Garbow In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How to Challenge Zavish of Garbow to a duel KCD2

Beating Zavish of Garbow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is no joke since he is a skillful warrior and undisputed champion of many tournaments. To face Zavish in a duel, players will need to prepare a set of three weapons in the following order:

  1. A Polearm (Ideally, Brunswick’s Poleaxe)
  2. One-Handed Weapon and Shield (
    Sword of Sir Valentine

    and a
    Knight Shield

    will do)

  3. A Longsword (Players should have
    Reforged Radzig Kobyla’s Sword

    by now)

It is also recommended that players use full plate armor (Brunswick’s Armor is good, but if they can procure a better set to protect themselves from head to toe, the fight will be easier). Next, they should also prepare Artemisia

, Buck’s Blood

, Painkiller Tonic, and Aqua Vitalis

. Make sure to not have any kind of debuffs on Henry’s stamina (Like Overeating or Exhausted) and remain calm. The first will be a battle of attrition with Polearms.

How To Win The First Round Of Combat

How to find First Round Combat Lost Honour KCD2

The first round of combat is the most challenging, since Polearms are difficult to handle and can break easily. If players have a Billhook or a Pike bought at the camp’s blacksmith, they will suffer considerably from durability issues. Zavish’s polearm is better and doesn’t break easily, so players will likely have some trouble handling the first round. Thankfully, even if players lose one round, there are two more to go, giving Henry a chance to beat Garbow in a fair duel.

Still, if players want to win the first encounter, try to drive Garbow into a corner and don’t panic. Time Henry’s attacks and dodge more than blocking, since this will break the durability of the polearm faster. If players have higher than 10 Polearm Skill level, they can also invest in the Hardwood Perk to make their weapons last longer.

Keep pushing him into a corner and connecting blows. If Henry’s armor is superior in quality, he will have little issues with Zavish’s attacks and will be able to last longer and win in a battle of attrition. After winning the first round, the Herald will recognize Henry’s prowess and call the contenders to heal their wounds outside the pit. Talk to the Bath House Maid if Henry needs his wounds tended, then return to the square for another round.

Make sure to bring lots of Armorer Kits, Blacksmith Kits, and Tailor Kits to the fight, so that Henry can have his gear repaired before getting into the second and third rounds. Also, drink Marigold Decoction

to gain a Health regen buff before entering the ring.

How To Win The Second Round Of Combat

How to Wind Second Combat Lost Honour KCD2

The second assault will be Sword & Shield, Axe & Shield, or Mace & Shield, depending on the preference of the players. Swords are faster and better for combos. Maces are heavier and slower, but they break armor with ease. Axes are balanced; they have medium attack speed and can chop down shields with ease. The opponent will be using an axe, so players should make sure that Henry’s shield is in optimal conditions.

The best approach for this battle, though, is speed, parrying, and opportunistic counters. Zavish is a talented fighter, unlike any of what players will have faced so far. So, don’t think that Henry can easily overpower him in a one-versus-one duel. Use feints, perfect counters, and Master Strikes to break Zavish’s guard. Then, connect a few blows and retreat to recover.

If players push too hard, Zavish will punish them with his shield and force them into submission with a powerful 10-hit combo that can barely be blocked. Wait for the upper blow at the end of each combo sequence to connect a Master Strike from below and cut his advance. Repeat until he yields.

How To Win The Third Round Of Combat

How To Win Third Combat Lost Honour KCD2

Once more, retreat into a corner for healing, then come back with Henry’s Longsword ready. As the Herald says, the third and final round of combat will be a proper Knight’s duel with Longswords. Zavish uses a Duelling Sword that deals tons of damage, but if players have Sir Radzig’s sword, they will be able to counter and overcome his armor with ease.

The problem with this round is that Zavish’s skills with the Longsword are far superior to that of regular enemies. He is fast, merciless, and will punish every little mistake with a powerful combo from the left and right sides that can only be countered with a well-timed Master Strike.

Wait for the right moment, then hit Zavish with charged attacks from above, since that will be his most vulnerable side. Don’t attempt to do stab attacks, as these will be easily parried, deflected, and countered by Zavish’s swordplay. Feints are good, but mind Henry’s stamina. If Zavish catches players with a depleted Stamina bar, it will be over in the blink of an eye.

Where To Find Sir Jazhek’s Armor And Horse In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Once players have beaten (humbled) Lord Zavish of Garbow, he will recognize Henry’s superiority and will grant him a key to access his personal chest, where Sir Jazhek’s Armor pieces lie in waiting, as well as the Brigandine that is put on display next to the chest.

Beware of the Shield on the side, as this is not part of the deal. If players steal it, it will spell trouble for them.

Players will find Gringolet, Sir Jazhek’s horse, in a stable on the far edges of Segismund’s camp. It will be easily recognizable for its Yellow Caftan with the Black Raven. Now, Gringolet has a temper. Once players mount him, he will try to kick Henry off. As such, players need to pat and calm him before proceeding. It will take 2 to 5 tries depending on the players’ Horsemanship Skill.

Once they have the horse and the goods, it’s time to head back to the small town east of Miskowitz, where Sir Jazhek is waiting for Henry’s return.

How To Complete Lost Honour In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Upon arriving at the marked location, players need to find the Stables at the Tavern, then drive Gringolet there and ‘park him’ before talking with Sir Jazhek. Players can now attempt to lie to Jazhek about his armor and keep it for themselves, but it is honestly not worth the trouble. It is a subpar armor set that can be easily replaced with better pieces sold at Kuttenberg.

After talking with Sir Jazhek and telling him how they heroically defended his honor and won back his horse and armor, players will be granted a reward for completing the quest, which includes one of the best shields in the game, Lord of Holohlavy Heater Shield

, the best Spurs Henry can obtain before finally earning his own (Jezhek’s Spurs, which grant +7 to Charisma), and 500x Groschen if they were able to beat Zavish in all three rounds and restore his lost honour.

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February 4, 2025


Warhorse Studios

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