How Strong Is Third-Eye Gomah?

How Strong Is Third-Eye Gomah?
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  • Third Eye Gomah is stronger than any version of Majin Buu, toying with Goku and Vegeta effortlessly.
  • Gomah’s Evil Third Eye grants him near-immortality, making him almost unstoppable in battle.
  • Despite his power, Gomah has a weakness: hitting him in the back of the head three times pops out the Evil Third Eye.

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Daima, Episode 20, “Maximum”, now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Gomah, the once runty and childish Demon King from Dragon Ball Daima, gained immense power through his new form: Third Eye Gomah. The name comes from the Evil Third Eye, the artifact that granted Gomah all that power. But just how much power has he gained? Is Third Eye Gomah stronger than the threats Goku and the others have faced in the past?

Goku and the Z Fighters have fought evil galactic tyrants, killer androids, a perfected bio-android, and even a Majin of pure chaos. Would Supreme King Gomah give these heavy hitters a run for their money, or, as Mr. Satan would put it, is he all smoke and mirrors?


Attack on Titan Studios Credited in Dragon Ball Daima’s Final Episode

Two major anime studios joined the animation team of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 20.

Is Third Eye Gomah The Strongest Villain Thus Far?

Chronologically, Yes

Remember that Dragon Ball Daima takes place before Dragon Ball Super, so the worst opponent the Z fighters had faced up until that point was Majin Buu. Whether you believe Super Buu or Kid Buu is stronger is a debate for another day, and it doesn’t matter anyway, because Third Eye Gomah’s power is absolutely above any version of Buu from Dragon Ball Z.

After the events of Z, both Goku and Vegeta started training tirelessly. They’re Saiyans; it’s what they do. Through this training, Vegeta achieved Super Saiyan 3, and Goku, possibly, achieved a new form as well. Their newfound strength should place them above Majin Buu because they already weren’t that far behind him during the Buu Saga. And yet, Third Eye Gomah was toying with Goku and Vegeta in Daima’s finale. Additionally, the Evil Third Eye seemed to continuously strengthen Gomah, so if the fight went on for longer, who knows how strong he could have gotten? This should comfortably put Third Eye Gomah above any of Majin Buu’s forms.

Third Eye Gomah’s Immortality

Third Eye Gomah with a hole in his chest from the Super Saiyan 4 Kamehameha by Goku in Dragon Ball DAIMA

It’s not just about strength, speed, and power either, as with the Evil Third Eye, Gomah is effectively immortal. In Dragon Ball Daima episode 20, “Maximum” Super Saiyan 4 Goku blew a massive hole right through Third Eye Gomah in one of the most glorious Kamehamehas seen on screen ever. Just when you thought he was finally done for, the Evil Third Eye just heals Gomah and patches the hole back up. The healing isn’t as fast as Majin Buu’s regeneration, but this does imply that it doesn’t matter how much damage you submit him through; Third Eye Gomah will recover and get back up. You could argue that adult Super Saiyan 4 Goku is more powerful than Gomah, as evidenced by their clash in the finale, but at the end of the day, Goku would have eventually tired himself out, while Gomah would just keep growing stronger. Without the help of his friends, Goku would have lost to Third Eye Gomah.

Without taking advantage of his weakness, which you can read about in more detail below, he would be nigh unstoppable. Even characters from Dragon Ball Super would probably lose to him, with the only people who could reasonably defeat him being the Gods of Destruction with their Hakai and those above them like the Angels and Zeno.


Dragon Ball DAIMA Finale Crowns New Demon King

The finale of Dragon Ball DAIMA culminates with Evil Third Eye Gomah fighting Super Saiyan 4 Goku and crowning the new Supreme Demon King.

Third Eye Gomah’s Weakness

An Eye for an Eye As They Say

Supreme Demon King Gomah losing the Evil Third Eye in Dragon Ball DAIMA

Despite the incredible power the Evil Third Eye grants him, Gomah’s new form has a weakness that, if you knew about it, would be relatively easy to exploit. The weakness of any person using the Evil Third Eye is that the eye will pop out of their forehead if they get struck at the back of the head three times. It seems that it also has to be three times in quick succession, because Majin Kuu still needed to hit Third Eye Gomah at the back of the head three times, even though Piccolo had already previously struck him twice. The strikes themselves apparently don’t even need to be that strong, as even Majin Kuu, one of the weaker characters in Daima, managed to make it work it by just slamming a book at Gomah thrice.

“Listen to me closely. Gomah’s Tertian Oculus can be removed if you hit him in the back of the head three times in a row.” – Arinsu letting Goku know Gomah’s weakness

As far as anyone knows, the Evil Third Eye is indestructible while attached to someone’s forehead, so going after it directly probably isn’t ideal. Once removed though, the Evil Third Eye is nothing more than an eyeball. Glorio simply stepped on it to destroy it, and it worked.

The main defense the Supreme Demon Kings have against this weakness is simply the fact that hardly anyone knows about it. Knowledge of the weakness is found in one of Arinsu’s tomes, and even she didn’t have that information memorized. It’s just a good thing that she remembered the book existed and decided to help Goku out. Two more Evil Third Eyes were shown in the post-credits scene of the series finale, so maybe more information on their powers will come out if Dragon Ball Daima season 2 ever comes.


Dragon Ball Daima: The Demon Realm’s Eternal Dragon Explained

The Eternal Dragon hiding within the Demon Realm’s Dragon Balls has finally been summoned in Daima, and it looks just like Porunga?

Dragon Ball Daima is now available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix.

Dragon Ball Daima temp TV logo poster

Dragon Ball DAIMA

Release Date

October 11, 2024


Akira Toriyama

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