Furina Ascension And Talent Materials List

Furina Ascension And Talent Materials List
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One of the most fascinating characters added to Genshin Impact as a playable unit is Furina, the human portion of Focalors, the Hydro Archon of Fontaine. A sword character, Furina makes use of her Hydro powers and Xenochromatic friends to dominate the battlefield.

Anyone hoping to ascend and upgrade Furina’s combat abilities will need a host of items from around her domain, Fontaine, as well as some other materials. This guide will show you everything needed to max out Furina, including upgrading her talents to level 10 and ascending her to level 90, as well as where to find all of these items.

Furina Mats at a Glance – Infographics

You can click this infographic to enlarge it and zoom in.

Furina Full Infographic

Here are each of Furina’s materials in short. Scroll down to the next sections for more in-depth information on each.

Ascension Levels and Requirements

Genshin Impact Archon Furina

Archon or otherwise, every playable character in Genshin Impact requires the same amount of EXP and Mora

to reach the highest possible level of 90. Here’s how much EXP and Mora it takes between each ascension level, as well as the total amount.






















80-90 (max)




8,362,650 EXP

1,673,400 Mora

Furina Ascension Items

Furina Ascension Mats

As a Hydro character, Furina will use Varunada Lazurite, just like any other Hydro unit. Alongside that, she’ll also need some materials from the Hydro Tulpa boss, some Fontaine local specialties, and the nectar dropped by Whopperflowers.

For a text-only version, click here.


Furina Ascension Infographic


Ascension #1 at Character Level 20

Level 20 Furina Ascension Materials - Genshin Impact

Ascension #2 at Character Level 40

Level 40 Furina Ascension Materials - Genshin Impact

Ascension #3 at Character Level 50

Level 50 Furina Ascension Materials - Genshin Impact

Ascension #4 at Character Level 60

Level 60 Furina Ascension Materials - Genshin Impact

Ascension #5 at Character Level 70

Level 70 Furina Ascension Materials - Genshin Impact

Ascension #6 at Character Level 80

Level 80 Furina Ascension Materials - Genshin Impact

Furina Talent Materials

Genshin Impact 5.4 Banner Characters Furina

For a text-only version of Furina’s talent materials, click here.

Totals (1 Talent / 2 Talents / 3 Talents)

Furina Talents Infographic


Talent Level 1 -> 2

Level 2 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 2 -> 3

Level 3 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 3 -> 4

Level 4 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 4 -> 5

Level 5 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 5 -> 6

Level 6 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 6 -> 7

Level 7 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 7 -> 8

Level 8 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 8 -> 9

Level 9 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Talent Level 9 -> 10 (max)

Level 10 Furina Talent Materials - Genshin Impact

Where to Find All of Furina’s Materials

Genshin Impact Furina demo

Gemstones – Where to Find Varunada Lazurite

a narrow image strip with the Hydro symbol and Varunada Lazurite symbols - Genshin impact

Varunada Lazurite, the Hydro gemstone, is found in a variety of ways, but most of it will come from defeating bosses, such as the Hydro Tulpa. All the bosses who can drop Varunada Lazurite are:

*Both the Primo Geovishap and Azhdaha can only drop Varunada Lazurite when they are infused with Hydro.

For all the methods of obtaining Varunada Lazurite, check out this guide:


Genshin Impact: Where To Get Varunada Lazurite

Every Hydro character in Genshin Impact will use Varunada Lazurite in their ascension, so here’s where to find it.

Enemy Drop – Where to Find Whopperflower Nectars

Whopperflowers and their drops

Whopperflowers are a typically annoying enemy that can be found basically everywhere in Teyvat. The nectar they drop comes in three varities, based on the level of the Whopperflower:

Enemy Level

Possible Drops


Whopperflower Nectar


Shimmering Nectar


Energy Nectar


Genshin Impact: Whopperflower Locations

Whopperflowers are sneaky enemies in Genshin Impact that often disguise themselves as a common plant.

Boss Drop – How to Get Water That Failed To Transcend

Hydro Tulpa Water that Failed to Transcend

To ascend Furina, players will need to take down the Hydro Tulpa, a boss that was added to the game at the same time as Furina herself. This boss can be found in Fontaine, just west of the Court of Fontaine.



Genshin Impact: Hydro Tulpa Boss Guide

Like a lot of Elemental bosses in Genshin Impact, the Hydro Tulpa monster is immune to its primary Element.

Local Specialty – Lakelight Lily Locations


a long thin image of lakelight lily's icon with an image of it in the wild, along with fontaine's emblem

The Fontaine local specialty Furina uses is the Lakelight Lily

, also added to the game when she was. These flowers can be found around the area east of the Opera Epiclese. Shallow bodies of water that dot the landscape of Erinnyes Forest can be a great place to find them, as they grow in these locations, as well as around the Weeping Willow of the Lake and Loch Urania.


Genshin Impact: Lakelight Lily Locations

Lakelight Lily is mainly located around Weeping Willow of the Lake within the Erinnyes Forest in Genshin Impact.

Talent Books – Justice

The Pale Forgotten Glory domain in Fontaine, with the talent books one can obtain from it. The Justice series is circled in green, the other two are crossed out with red lines.

Furina is the God of Justice, so it makes sense that she’ll use the Justice series of talent books. These are found in the Fontaine domain, Pale Forgotten Glory. They can only be obtained on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.


Genshin Impact: Every Domain Schedule

Knowing the schedule for some of Genshin Impact’s Domains can help players collect certain items relatively painlessly.

Trounce Materials – Lightless Mass

The All-Devouring Narwhal with the items it drops from its trounce domain. Lightless Mass is circled in green, the other two drops are crossed out.

The trounce material used in upgrading Furina’s talents is the Lightless Mass. This can be obtained by defeating the All-Devouring Narwhal boss. This trounce is typically only available after completing Act V of the Fontaine Archon Quest – Finale, but players who have reached Adventure Rank 40 can quick-start this trounce, albeit only in solo mode.



Genshin Impact: All-Devouring Narwhal Boss Guide (Shadow of Another World)

Genshin Impact players may be familiar with the All-Devouring Narwhal from Childe’s story, and it’s one of the available weekly bosses in the game.

Furina Ascension Mats – Text Only Version

You might need to scroll left and right to see the whole table.

Furina Talent Materials – Text Only Version

Some readers may need to scroll left and right to see the full table, especially on mobile.

Talent Level




  • 3x Teachings of Justice
  • 6x Whopperflower Nectar



  • 2x Guide to Justice
  • 3x Shimmering Nectar



  • 4x Guide to Justice
  • 4x Shimmering Nectar



  • 6x Guide to Justice
  • 6x Shimmering Nectar



  • 9x Guide to Justice
  • 9x Shimmering Nectar



  • 4x Philosophies of Justice
  • 4x Energy Nectar
  • 1x Lightless Mass



  • 6x Philosophies of Justice
  • 6x Energy Nectar
  • 1x Lightless Mass



  • 12x Philosophies of Justice
  • 9x Energy Nectar
  • 2x Lightless Mass



  • 16x Philosophies of Justice
  • 12x Energy Nectar
  • 2x Lightless Mass
  • 1x Crown of Insight


Total (1 talent)

  • 3x Teachings of Justice
  • 21x Guide to Justice
  • 38x Philosophies of Justice
  • 6x Whopperflower Nectar
  • 22x Shimmering Nectar
  • 31x Energy Nectar
  • 6x Lightless Mass
  • 1x Crown of Insight


Total (2 talents)

  • 6x Teachings of Justice
  • 42x Guide to Justice
  • 76x Philosophies of Justice
  • 12x Whopperflower Nectar
  • 44x Shimmering Nectar
  • 62x Energy Nectar
  • 12x Lightless Mass
  • 2x Crown of Insight


Total (3 talents)

  • 9x Teachings of Justice
  • 63x Guide to Justice
  • 114x Philosophies of Justice
  • 18x Whopperflower Nectar
  • 66x Shimmering Nectar
  • 93x Energy Nectar
  • 18x Lightless Mass
  • 3x Crown of Insight


Genshin Impact Tag Page Cover Art

Step into Teyvat, a vast world teeming with life and flowing with elemental energy.

You and your sibling arrived here from another world. Separated by an unknown god, stripped of your powers, and cast into a deep slumber, you now awake to a world very different from when you first arrived.

Thus begins your journey across Teyvat to seek answers from The Seven — the gods of each element. Along the way, prepare to explore every inch of this wondrous world, join forces with a diverse range of characters, and unravel the countless mysteries that Teyvat holds…







T for Teen – Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference

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