Funniest Archetype Gameplay Mechanics In Yugioh TCG

Funniest Archetype Gameplay Mechanics In Yugioh TCG
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Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG is a very creative card game since it can translate almost anything into gameplay mechanics. While some cards have no distinction between gameplay and theme, some archetypes have funny ways of standing out as they take the gameplay to a whole new level.


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This can mean having a very sleepy monster that wakes up only to decimate the field and go back to napping. Other times, the archetypes can use your opponent’s monsters as ingredients for the perfect dish. The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG has no limit to how it chooses to portray funny little themes, with some archetypes going above and beyond to stay on point.



One Sleepy Girl

Nemleria is a funny little budget deck with gameplay that is true to the premise. This turns the extra deck into a 15-card mattress where Dreaming Nemleria rests. The idea is that while she dreams, she is able to summon out cake monsters to do battle for her.

Meanwhile, all their abilities remove cards from the extra deck as a cost. In other words, you keep removing mattresses beneath Dreaming Nemleria until she has none left and wakes up. This allows her to Special Summon herself, banish a good chunk of your opponent’s cards, then she goes right back to sleep until the next time she is disturbed.



A Giant Monster Battle

The Kaiju Archetype recreates some of the best moments from any monster movie. You have expeditions to capture monsters, a city for them to battle in, and the Kaiju themselves, which have their own unique abilities they can use.


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If you have two Kaijus in hand, you can use your opponent’s monsters as a tribute to get one on their side of the field. Then, you can bring out a Kaiju on your side of the field to duke it out. It’s the perfect monster mash.



Spreading Parasites Everywhere

Aliens are a long-forgotten Archetype that had its own extraterrestrial-inspired gameplay. Aliens love to attach mind-control parasites to their enemies in the form of A-Counters. While some Aliens would use A-Counters as a means to Special Summon themselves, others could temporarily take control of the enemy.

These A-Counters have many uses in the Alien Archetype’s game plan, with some cards causing any monster with an A-Counter to self-destruct or get weaker. This Archetype really made you feel like you were an invading force.



Cook Your Opponent

The Hungry Burger has always been a funny card, but in Wild Survivors, it has a whole Archetype to go along with it. These are the Nouvelles, which are all based on French chefs and dishes. Of course, like every meal, every monster needs some ingredients to go in the pot.


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The Nouvelles cleverly bring this concept to life by making the Ritual Spells act as recipes while allowing the monsters to use your opponent’s side of the field as ingredients. The ultimate goal of the deck is to reach its final Ritual Monster, which can cook all of your opponent’s monsters into a Hungry Burger.


Skull Servants

Just A Pile Of Bones

If you’ve ever played a game with skeleton enemies, then you know that a single skeleton isn’t much of a threat. However, multiple skeletons coming after you can put you in a real pickle. That’s what makes Skull Servants so much fun to play.

The entire premise of the deck is to stack as many Skull Servants as possible in the graveyard. The more bones you have, the stronger the King of the Skull Servants becomes. Eventually, you can overwhelm your opponent with so many skeletons that one hit will do the trick.


Vanquish Soul

Pull Off Cool Combos

Vanquish Soul is very creative when it comes to emulating the feel of playing a fighting game. Just like you would be able to input different button combinations to pull off unique moves, each Vanquish Soul monster has different effects depending on what you have in your hand.


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Instead of buttons, you need different Attributes in your hand. Reveal the Attribute, and you can perform the corresponding effect. Some of the better effects, such as bouncing cards or destroying cards in a column, require two Attributes combined. It’s the only deck where button mashing can work.



Can’t Punch A Toon

Rubber hose cartoons can be a slippery bunch, and the Toon Archetype takes full advantage of their nature to translate it into gameplay. These funny little monsters need Toon World on the field for many of their shenanigans. However, once on the field, they can dodge destruction and attack directly.

The only thing that will stop Toons from attacking directly is another Toon. Meanwhile, many of their Spells and Traps can bounce, steal, or find other Toons from the deck. It’s also funny how every monster is a cartoonified version of another classic monster.



Aliens That Can Become Anything

Graydles take after a different type of alien. These are alien shapeshifters that pose as other creatures. In Yu-Gi-Oh!, this translates to having cards that can steal your opponent’s monsters by attaching themselves as Equip Spells.


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Other mechanics of this deck include the ability to split and become multiple monsters or assemble together to form one massive dragon. Graydles may be weak, but once they latch on to your opponent’s monsters, they can both annoy and defeat your opponent.


Danger Cryptids

Now You See It, Now You Don’t

Cryptids in real life are reported to show themselves briefly before vanishing. That’s why no one really knows if they exist or not. The Danger! Archetype copies this kind of phenomenon by giving your opponent a glimpse of a cryptid in your hand and then making them find it again.

If your opponent successfully manages to choose the Danger! card in your hand, then they are safe from harm. However, if your opponent chooses incorrectly, then the Danger! monster pops out. It’s the perfect gameplay to match with its theme.



Building Strong Memories

Purrely is a neat little budget Archetype that has you raising a cat to become a powerful ally. The whole goal of the deck is to bond with your Purrely monsters by giving them different kinds of memories. This can be happy, pretty, or delicious, with each one making your XYZ monsters stronger.

It’s funny that this Archetype feels like you’re raising a legitimate pet. Once your Purrely monsters have enough good memories, they can become an even stronger pet that will tower over your opponent and win you the game.


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