Does Blackbeard Suffer From Devil Fruit Weaknesses Twice As Much?

Does Blackbeard Suffer From Devil Fruit Weaknesses Twice As Much?

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  • Blackbeard’s unique ability to possess two Devil Fruits in One Piece makes him one of the strongest characters in the series.
  • It remains unclear whether having two Devil Fruits means Blackbeard is doubly affected by their weaknesses, especially with regards to his vulnerability to water.
  • Fans speculate that Blackbeard may ultimately meet his downfall by succumbing to the weakness of Devil Fruit users and drowning in the sea.

Blackbeard has an interesting property in One Piece that no other character shares with him. Mainly, unlike most other characters in the series, Blackbeard is able to utilize two Devil Fruits, when most characters are only limited to one. Due to this, especially since both his Devil Fruits are incredibly powerful in One Piece, Blackbeard has become one of the strongest characters in the series so far.

However, with this strange and unique ability, there are plenty of mysteries regarding Blackbeard’s Devil Fruits that have yet to be answered in One Piece. One question specifically explores how Blackbeard’s Devil Fruits interact with the weaknesses of Devil Fruit Users. Overall, some fans have wondered; since Blackbeard has two Devil Fruits, does that mean he’s affected by Devil Fruit weaknesses twice as much?


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Blackbeard Possesses Two Devil Fruits In One Piece

The Dark-Dark Fruit And The Quake-Quake Fruit

Although the origins of Devil Fruits in One Piece are largely unknown, the rules of Devil Fruits are pretty clear. Namely, Devil Fruit users are hated and weakened by the sea, draining their energy and removing their ability to swim. At the same time, it is revealed later in One Piece that a Devil Fruit user can’t eat multiple fruits, or else they will die an immediate and inexplicable death.

These unnatural things are said to be hated by the mother of nature, the sea.

However, after killing Whitebeard during Marineford, Blackbeard claims Whitebeard’s Quake-Quake Devil Fruit for his own. Although most believed that he would use this fruit on another member of his crew, shockingly, Blackbeard consumes the fruit on his own. However, instead of dying, as most people normally would, Blackbeard gains access to both his original Dark-Dark Fruit and Whitebeard’s Quake-Quake Fruit.

Does Blackbeard Have Double The Weaknesses Of Devil Fruits?

It Makes Sense Since He Possesses Two Devil Fruits

Blackbeard (One Piece) anime evil laughing
  • Devil Fruit User’s Are Hated By The Sea
  • Is Blackbeard Doubly Hated By The Sea?

Since Blackbeard owns two Devil Fruits, it would make sense that the Emperor of the Sea in One Piece would suffer from twice the weaknesses of the normal Devil Fruit user. Since little is known about Devil Fruits and their history, with the current information on the fruits, One Piece’s Emperor, Blackbeard, may be doubly hated by the sea. While this may sound like it won’t do much at first, it could have possible side effects, like draining his energy faster while in water, or making him susceptible to small amounts of water that would normally be ineffective to Devil Fruit users.


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Still, so far in One Piece, there has been no evidence that there are any severe side effects to having two Devil Fruits. At the same time, Blackbeard also possesses One Piece’s Dark-Dark Fruit, which draws in everything, including attacks and pain, increasing their effectiveness against him. Due to this, it’s entirely possible that the Dark-Dark Fruit could already increase his weakness to water, making it hard to figure out if having two Devil Fruits increases his weakness to the sea.

This May Support One Piece’s Blackbeard Drowns Theory

The Weakness May Play A Role In Taking Him Down

Blackbeard from One Piece laughing maniacally

As of now in the story, many fans are predicting that Blackbeard will die in One Piece by drowning in the sea, being the first character to succumb to the weakness of Devil Fruit users. If Blackbeard is doubly weak to things like Seastone, it may be instrumental in taking down Blackbeard during One Piece’s Final Saga. Additionally, it would be fitting if Blackbeard, a character who is obsessed with collecting the strongest Devil Fruits in the series, would perish from the one weakness of the powers he thought were so powerful. Still, until more information is revealed about Blackbeard’s strange abilities, there is no way of predicting how the figure will eventually be defeated.

Whatever power you gain, it depends on how you use it. You probably won’t get any weaker, and being unable to swim isn’t such a big deal. – Rob Lucci

In the end, while it seems plausible, as of now, there is no evidence that having two Devil Fruits makes Blackbeard doubly weak to water. However, if something like this were to be revealed in the story of One Piece, it would happen sometime soon, especially with the Final Saga well underway. Hopefully, soon, before One Piece ends, the mysteries behind Blackbeard’s Devil Fruit, including the small mystery of how it affects his weaknesses, will be answered.


One Piece

Release Date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (voice)

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