Bravest Characters In Kingdom Hearts

Bravest Characters In Kingdom Hearts
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The bravest characters in the Kingdom Hearts franchise are the fans. That may sound like a joke but it’s true. Fans are at least the most patient in the franchise because they have had to wait through long delays between sequels many times. From weird in-between spinoffs to trailers being shown and then forgotten about for years, they go through a lot.


8 Kingdom Hearts Characters Who Ended Up Being Surprisingly Strong

Although they may not always look like it, these Kingdom Hearts characters ended up being surprisingly powerful.

Kingdom Hearts 4 was unveiled in 2022 and there has been no substantial news or footage since. It’s frustrating but disappointing news aside, there are REAL brave characters in the series. There will be spoilers ahead in this ranking of the bravest deeds and sagas told in the Kingdom Hearts series so far.



A Damsel In Distress

Kairi in Kingdom Hearts

Kairi has to be brave in the first game among evil. Of the three heroes, she’s the one who gets kidnapped but she has the “easy” job of just going to sleep. In the second game, she’s safely on an island hoping and wishing for the best for Sora and Riku. It’s more like she has to put on a brave face for herself and her friends than do anything daring. That said, she does sacrifice her body to save Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3 who then defiles her wishes and sacrifices himself in return and now he is lost in limbo.



Defying Evil

Axel in Kingdom Hearts

Axel was a member of Organization 13, one of the core antagonistic groups in the series. He’s a Nobody, one without a heart, but unlike the rest of his cohorts, Axel does find companionship in both Roxas and Xion. After Roxas runs off, and Xion dies, Axel is lost and puts all of his hate into Sora. He wants Roxas back and thinks the only way is to kill Sora.


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These behemoths are some of the largest bosses encountered throughout the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

Even though it looks like he dies in Kingdom Hearts 2, Axel does return to defy his Organization 13 brothers in subsequent sequels. Refusing to help them any longer is brave along with going through the arduous process of sacrificing his power of flame for a standard Keyblade.


King Mickey

A Kingdom In The Balance

King Mickey in Kingdom Hearts

King Mickey leaves his Kingdom, his wife, and his friends to venture off into the darkness alone. At the time, he’s the only Keyblade Master he knows about and realizes he has to do something to stop Ansem. That’s brave enough but he’s even more courageous at the end of the first game wherein he tells Sora to lock him up inside Kingdom Hearts so as not to let the darkness out. He does manage to escape by the second game’s events and it’s revealed in more detail how he survived in later sequels. For such a small guy, King Mickey sure doesn’t act like he’s holding back any power.



A Sacrificial Effort

Goofy in Kingdom Hearts

Goofy is the heart of the party and the most optimistic one. Some may say he’s naive but Goofy just likes to see the good in people no matter what. His partner Donald can be a bit much, but he forgives him as one example. Even though Goofy is a knight for the kingdom, he decides to use a shield instead of a sword because he wants to put himself out there to protect people. Goofy almost dies on-screen in Kingdom Hearts 2, sacrificing himself to save King Mickey from falling rubble and everyone treats it like a big deal. Of course, he does not die but for a brief few seconds, it seemed like a possibility.



The Fate Of Keyblade Master

Aqua in Kingdom Hearts

Aqua, Ventus, and Terra are the main three playable protagonists of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Terra and Aqua are both vying to become Keyblade Masters, Aqua wins, and this sends Terra on a, well, tear. Ventus is just trying to keep the peace between them but thanks to complications, things don’t go well for the trio. Ventus dies with his heart being sealed inside a young Sora unbeknownst to him. Terra becomes one with Xehanort. To keep things as peaceful as possible, Aqua goes into the realm of darkness for years, only to come out a worse person by the events of Kingdom Hearts 3. A lot rests on her shoulders and Aqua carries that weight bravely as any Keyblade Master would.



The Power Of Friendship

Sora in Kingdom Hearts 1

Sora is the main protagonist from minute one of the original game, so it makes sense he should be a brave character. He goes through a lot between witnessing his home being destroyed, losing his friends, turning into a Heartless, being trapped in an endless castle, and so on. His personality is a lot like Goofy’s from his belief in friendship to his want for power only to protect.


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There are a ton of iconic Disney worlds that appear in the Kingdom Hearts series, but there could have been even more if these ones weren’t scrapped.

Also, he’s not the brightest bulb in the box but that does not matter. He will do anything to save his friends even sacrifice his body as was previously mentioned with Kairi. Via the DLC for Kingdom Hearts 3, Sora is now known to be alive at least but he is trapped in another reality.



The True Protagonist

Riku in Kingdom Hearts 1

Riku is dealt a bad hand in the first game. He was always meant to be the chosen Keyblade wielder but he gets taken away by Maleficent and Ansem before that can happen. Ansem possesses Riku’s body and forces him to do unspeakable things. Horrified by his decisions, Riku retreats into the darkness with King Mickey at the end of the first game, ashamed of his looks now resembling Ansem. Through a lot of work, with the help of King Mickey, Riku can forgive himself which is the bravest thing anyone can do. Sora saved him all those years ago and he returned the favor several times over. Like Aqua, he even became a Keyblade Master ahead of Sora as Yen Sid recognized his deeds and inner bravery. Of all the characters in the series, Riku has quite an extensive arc.

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