- There are diverse options for the best Barbarian build in D&D 5e, including tank, healer, and hybrid builds.
- Building an overpowered Barbarian character requires selecting class, species, background, and feats carefully.
- Unique builds like Hasted Combatant, Dual-Wielding Devotee, and Healing Hands can make for interesting and powerful characters.
Barbarians from Dungeons & Dragons are an interesting sort. Leveraging overwhelming strength and power over control and social aptitude, these physical combatants are a great addition to a party.

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There are a variety of options for the best barbarian build using the 5e rules, and beyond the traditional melee combat roles, barbarians can also be defenders and healers. For some areas, there are a lot of options to mix and match benefits. For others, there are only one or two options depending on the player’s preference. For those looking for the best way to go about fighting in a campaign, here are some of the most overpowered barbarian characters builds around.
Updated on March 2, 2025 by Jack Filsinger: Barbarians are one of the most underrated classes in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. We’ve updated this list from an overall breakdown of how to construct a barbarian to a list showcasing some of the most broken builds you can use for your table. These barbarian builds for DND are all tanky and tough but can offer some unique flavor in terms of healing, social interaction, and more when used correctly.
The All-Around Tank
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of the Berserker |
Species |
Stone Giant Goliath |
Background |
Soldier |
Feats |
Savage Attacker (Origin), or Durable (General) |
This is the classic barbarian build, which can make for an absolutely broken character with the right stat distribution. As is the case with most barbarians, you’ll want to pump a lot of your stat points into Strength or Constitution, with maybe a few extra into Dexterity if you can. The Savage Attacker feat and stone giant species feature will help make your rage all the more impactful.
Plus, with the soldier background, you’ll gain a buff to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, making you a physical force to be reckoned with. For extra help, talk to your DM about certain items that might make you more resilient or able to gain advantage on death-saving throws.
The Arcane Barbarian
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of Wild Magic, Sorcerer |
Species |
Elf |
Background |
Merchant |
Feats |
Lucky (Origin), or Mage Slayer (General) |
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything features the path of wild magic subclass option for barbarians at level three. This gives your barbarian access to certain magical abilities that typically use Constitution as their primary spell stat. Selecting an elf as your species will also grant you access to some low-level spells, making you a full-blown arcane barbarian.
The merchant background is helpful as you’ll gain buffs to your Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma, three stats that may all contribute to your spellcasting abilities and your ability to save from spell effects. You can also consider adding some levels of sorcerer to this build if you want to multiclass.
Lover Of Nature
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Storm Herald or Path of the Wild Heart, Druid |
Species |
Wood Elf, Fire or Frost Giant |
Background |
Guide |
Feats |
Magic Initiate (Origin) |
This multiclass combination makes for an incredibly fun, nature-flavored barbarian-druid hybrid. The storm herald subclass offers abilities that harness the power of tempests to inflict damage upon enemies, as well as gain resistance to certain types of damage. Wood elves, and fire and frost giants, all gain access to elemental magic that can help flavor this build to your liking.

Dungeons & Dragons: The 24 Most Useful 5th Level Spells, Ranked
Anyone who makes it to the 5th level of Dungeons & Dragons is probably already an expert, but here are the 18 most useful 5th level spells, ranked.
The guide background also offers skill proficiencies in Stealth and Survival, meaning you’ll be immensely helpful out in the wilderness. Plus, the Magic Initiate feat gives you early access to some druid spells, meaning you won’t have to necessarily take as many levels in druid if you want to multiclass later on.
Hasted Combatant
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of the Battlerager |
Species |
Dwarf |
Background |
Sailor, Soldier, or Guard |
Feats |
Speedy (General) |
Just because you’re playing a barbarian doesn’t mean you have to be a lumbering brute. This build takes all the fun of playing a tanky barbarian and combines it with speed. Path of the battlerager is technically limited to dwarves, though you can always talk to your DM about removing this restriction. This subclass grants you buffs to your Dash action, as does the Speedy feat, which you can take at level four.
There’s some flexibility on offer here in terms of background, depending on if you want to maximize Athletics or Acrobatics. Ultimately, this is up to you!
Catch And Release
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Barbarian, Monk |
Species |
Abyssal Tiefling |
Background |
Soldier |
Feats |
Grappler (General) |
This barbarian-monk hybrid offers a unique playstyle that involves excellent crowd control. The idea behind this multiclass is that you can use various barbarian and monk abilities to stun or grapple your opponents. Plus, you can take the Grappler feat at level four to give you added grappling abilities.
Choose the soldier background as well here so you can gain buffs to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores, as well as the Savage Attacker origin feat. While you should focus on barbarian levels primarily, taking enough monk levels to get Stunning Strike is a plus.
Dual-Wielding Devotee
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Any barbarian subclass |
Species |
Human |
Background |
Soldier |
Feats |
Alert (Origin), Dual Wielder (General) |
This build is contingent on gaining the Dual Wielder feat at level four. But, once you have it in tow, this build really comes into focus. Take the Alert origin feat as a human at first level, and pick any barbarian subclass you feel comfortable with, along with the soldier background.

Dungeons & Dragons: Monsters That Are Perfect Bosses For A Low Level Party
Dungeon Masters may want to choose some of these monsters for their players to face off against if their levels are still a bit low.
This will ensure you have great physical stats in the form of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. This will create a build that has good versatility with a lot of weapons. Combine this with the Dual Wielder feat and your extra attack, and you’ll be able to make up to three attacks per round of combat by level five.
Master Of Weapons
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of the World Tree |
Species |
Orc |
Background |
Guard |
Feats |
Alert (Origin), Great Weapon Master (General) |
This barbarian build is characterized by an overall versatility with weapons of all kinds. Select the path of the world tree to gain temporary hit points for overall sturdiness, and bonuses to using weapons with the Heavy or Versatile property. Guards gain buffs to physical stats like Strength, but also to Intelligence and Wisdom, rounding out your weak spots.
Then, at level four, make sure you select the Great Weapon Master feat to increase your damage with certain weapon attacks. This will also allow you to get extra attacks after certain critical hits.
Brawling Brute
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of the Beast |
Species |
Dwarf |
Background |
Sailor |
Feats |
Tavern Brawler (Origin) |
This build is flavored as a brutish oaf who wrecks taverns and inns all across the realms. Select the soldier background at level one so that you gain access to the Tavern Brawler origin feat. Dwarves have resistance to poison damage and Dwarven Toughness, making them sturdy combatants.
Plus, you can synergize these feats with the Form of the Beast barbarian feature in the path of the beast, which allows you to make bite, claw, or tail attacks respectively. This will make you a fierce melee animal on the field of battle, and a savage one at that.
Healing Hands
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of the Zealot, Cleric |
Species |
Aasimar |
Background |
Hermit |
Feats |
Healer (Origin) |
For barbarian players who also want to be able to support their team, this next build is the one for you. Choose the path of the zealot and a few levels of any cleric subclass to gain access to certain divine buffs and healing magic. Aasimar have a species feature that can allow for extra healing as well.

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Spells For Creative Problem Solving
Dungeons & Dragons spells are good for so much more than just combat. Here are the best spells for creative problem-solving.
Combine this with the Herbalism Kit and Healer origin feat granted by the Hermit background, and you’ll have multiple ways to heal allies on the field of battle, all the while still maintaining an aggressive combat streak.
Surprisingly Social
Element |
Selection |
Class Build |
Path of the Ancestral Guardian |
Species |
Forest Gnome |
Background |
Charlatan |
Feats |
Skilled (Origin), Inspiring Leader (General) |
If you want to play a barbarian, but don’t want to sacrifice your ability to participate in social interaction encounters, use this build. Select path of the ancestral guardian, which will eventually give you access to spells like Augury or Clairvoyance to help guide your decision-making. Select forest gnome so that you can cast Minor Illusion.
The charlatan background can help buff your Charisma, and the Skilled origin feat can help boost other lacking social skills. Eventually, you’ll want to pick Inspiring Leader so that you can bolster your party during and before combat.

Dungeons and Dragons
- Original Release Date
- Designer
E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson
- Player Count
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