What To Expect From The Chapter

What To Expect From The Chapter
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This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.


  • The upcoming One Piece chapter 1142 will focus on Loki’s immense strength and potential clash with key characters.
  • Loki, despite his injuries and Seastone restraint, is set to unleash his fury and display his monstrous power.
  • The Holy Knights may move to kidnap children in Elbaf, as the giants are drunk, making their mission easier.

One Piece fans are absolutely delighted to know that the story isn’t going to go on any breaks next week, which means that One Piece Chapter 1142 is going to be dropping right on schedule. The upcoming One Piece chapter is going to be massive, as Loki, the Accursed Prince of Elbaf, has finally been released from his shackles. From here onwards, Elbaf is going to be extremely chaotic, as Loki’s immense strength will be out on the show, and at the same time, fans will also get to see the Holy Knights move.


One Piece: Oda Is About To Reveal Loki’s Legendary Devil Fruit Soon

Loki’s devil fruit power is about to be revealed. Its secret could lie in nuclear power.

One Piece chapter 1142 will be massive in that regard, and it almost certainly guarantees combat for the fans. The upcoming chapter will deliver in just about every way, which means that as One Piece likely heads into the break week, Oda will be looking to end things with style in the Underworld of the Land of the Giants.

Loki Shows His Tremendous Strength in One Piece 1142

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  • Loki Has Finally Been Freed
  • Luffy And Loki Finally Clash

If there is one thing that One Piece fans are sure about, it is the fact that the next chapter of One Piece is going to be focused on one man alone, and that’s Loki. Since the very beginning of the Elbaf arc, Oda has been hyping up Loki to be an unbeatable monster that only Shanks could take down. Loki isn’t just any fighter. It is said that he’s strong enough to not just destroy Elbaf, but also the whole world, which is what makes him dangerous. Since Shanks caught him after defeating him, Loki has been tied to the Adam Tree. He’s suffered quite a bit for 6 years, but now, he’s Finally free and fans know that he’s itching for combat.

We need to free him, he’s injured! — Luffy

If there’s one thing that Loki will do in One Piece chapter 1142, it is grabbing his hammer and unleashing his fury. Loki isn’t one to just sit by idly, especially after the portrayal that Oda has given him. Quite clearly, Loki is incredibly dangerous, and even though he’s severely nerfed at the moment, given that Shamrock’s attack injured him gravely and that he still has one sea stone cuff on his leg, fans should still expect to see him go berserk.

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Usually, fighters who sustain heavy injuries are already incredibly nerfed. In Loki’s case, this definitely applies. He didn’t take just any attack from Shamrock, but he took one head-on that was strong enough to kill him. He also didn’t have any Haki to guard himself against him. As such, Loki could and possibly should’ve died. But, the fact that he’s okay is a testament to his strength and resilience. But, the injuries aren’t the only thing holding him back. Loki also has a Seastone chain on his left leg, which simply means that he cannot tap into the power of his Devil Fruit just yet, and on top of that, he’s quite weak.

But, One Piece chapter 1142 will remind the fans that while Loki is weak, he’s weak by Loki standards. For others, he’ll still prove to be an absolute monster. The focus of the fight in One Piece chapter 1142 is, undoubtedly, going to be Loki, and he might just take on the likes of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji in battle, setting up an absolutely massive fight for the fans to witness.

Loki Could Pass Out In OP 1142

Loki Shouldn’t Be Able To Maintain His Power

One Piece chapter 1142 will most likely see Loki go all out with whatever little strength he has accessible right now. However, he shouldn’t be able to do it for long. Loki will likely deal deadly damage to those around him and even attempt to kill the Giants. However, it just also be kept in mind that Loki is badly injured, and on top of that restricted with Seastone. Loki might be able to go all out for a second and potentially even surprise fans with what he can accomplish. Perhaps, Loki will stun Zoro, who kicked him earlier, and blow away the New Giant Warrior Pirates, but eventually, the effects of the Seaprism stone will most likely kick in, as will the effects of his injuries.

Loki won’t be able to maintain his balance after being injured to that point, and that is precisely why fans might see him falling shortly after going berserk.

Stop, Loki! Drop the Ragnir. — Hajrudin

It must be said that Loki falling once again opens up the room for him to be locked once again. However, it is likely Luffy who will advocate for Loki to be fully freed, especially because his injuries need immediate attention. Loki may as well be on the path to dying, and because of that, it makes more sense to tend to his injuries at the moment. This might just be why Gerd is in the Underworld. She’s the doctor of the New Giant Warrior Pirates, and after Loki falls, she will likely tend to his injuries.


One Piece: Luffy’s Upcoming Elbaf Power-Up, Explained 

Luffy will have another power up in Elbaf. Gear 5 alone won’t be enough for One Piece’s Final Saga.

During this time period, Loki might also reveal the existence of Shamrock Figarland in the country, and that of the Holy Knights who bloodied him. Naturally, he’s already made them the target for his rage, so it wouldn’t make much sense for Loki to engage in long combat in the Underworld when his targets are still out there. This means that after the meeting with Loki, and potentially even a small fight, it is highly likely that this is where the Holy Knights come into play.

The Holy Knights Make Their Move

The Holy Knights Could Speed Up Their Process

As things stand, most Giants that are partying are Elbaf are drunk, which is unfortunate, because this means they won’t be in their proper senses and can’t sense the Holy Knights. This also makes things a lot easier for them, moving forward in One Piece chapter 1142. The Holy Knights didn’t show up in the previous chapter, but One Piece Chapter 1142 will most definitely give the fans a glimpse of what they can do. Of course, the target here is to kidnap the children, and they could finally set out on this mission. The only ones truly capable of stopping the Holy Knights are in the Underworld or drunk out of their mind. This, unfortunately, makes things a lot easier for them.

One Piece chapter 1142 might show them finally setting out on the move, and with that, attacking the Walrus School. If that happens, then perhaps they will be met by someone strong enough to stop them, such as Scopper Gaban. Another interesting idea here is that Collun, Gaban’s son, will likely be observing them, and as they move to kidnap the kids, he’ll put on a tough stand against them. Things are definitely going to be very exciting moving forward, and fans absolutely cannot wait for what’s next.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1142, is set to be March 9, 2025.


One Piece

Release Date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (voice)

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