Viral co-op horror game REPO is already a hit with a 97% Steam rating

Viral co-op horror game REPO is already a hit with a 97% Steam rating
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If you’re looking for the next perfect way to virtually scare your friends so hard they land in 2026, REPO is it. Steam’s newest social horror game has a bit of Lethal Company about it, but twists the formula with in-game physics that make every action a dance with death. Players are already raving about it, and you can grab REPO for yourself at a 20% discount for a limited time.

In REPO (that’s short for The Retrieve, Extract, and Profit Operation), you and up to five friends need to venture into dark, decrepit, and dank environments in search of valuable objects. Humanity might be gone, but, in this co-op game, all our old stuff still has plenty of value.

You and your friends can utilize proximity chat and in-game item physics for some fun moments, with REPO clearly wearing its Among Us and Lethal Company inspirations on its sleeve. Objects can clatter into walls, your friends’ heads move like Canadians from South Park when they talk, and you’re encouraged to goof off. Then the horrors start.

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Of course rummaging through the remnants of humanity’s junk wasn’t going to be without complications. Horrific mutated people and other demons roam the halls, so dropping that grand piano or a set of fine china will have more than just a citation waiting for you. The in-game physics mean you’ve got to be extra careful when creeping around or transporting goods, because you don’t know what’s around that corner.

REPO has already seen modest success across YouTube and Twitch, and as of writing it’s doing well on Steam too. REPO is at an impressive 97% rating from over 2,700 reviews on Valve’s platform. Concurrent player counts have also peaked at more than 20,000 already, so there’s plenty to get on with.

Developer Semiwork has launched REPO in Steam Early Access. You can grab the game at 20% off until Wednesday March 5, so expect to pay $7.99 / £6.80 until then. You’ll find it right here.

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