The Most Overpowered Builds In Nioh 2

The Most Overpowered Builds In Nioh 2
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  • Nioh 2’s gameplay revolves around wielding supernatural yokai abilities in fierce combat.
  • Players can excel by exploring varied weapon builds and dominating enemies with overpowered setups.
  • Exploiting synergies between gear, mechanics, and buffs leads to success in challenging encounters.

In the supernatural iteration of Japan’s Warring States Period in Nioh 2, players take on the role of a Shiftling named Hide as they journey around the country while fighting mystical Yokai. Being half-Yokai themselves, Hide can use training with various weapons alongside innate Yokai abilities to outwit and outpace enemies in combat. This interchange between swordplay and supernatural might is helpful in Nioh 2, especially when levels can get exceptionally difficult for players who are unaware of what they’re supposed to do.



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Thankfully, fans of Souls-like games like Nioh 2 can enjoy the game more if they consider trying some builds towards the wackier side of Nioh 2‘s gameplay. As it turns out, exploiting the right gear and mechanics can result in players tapping into some of the game’s best builds, motivating them to focus on technical mastery and even just wreaking havoc with both their Yokai powers and fighting prowess. However, just what are some of the game’s best builds that others may even consider overpowered?

Updated on March 1st, 2025, by Rhenn Taguiam: As Nioh 2: The Complete Edition remains the most comprehensive version of the game on the PS5, fans of the acclaimed action RPG can finally start wreaking havoc on consoles in the game’s most updated look yet. Combined with high-intensity gameplay against a fair share of creatures and bosses, Nioh 2 remains a fun game for players who want to switch things up after enjoying a rousing round of Elden Ring. This is also the perfect opportunity for players to test some overpowered builds in the game, including setups that rely on breaking the enemy’s overall defenses by inflicting status effects as well as relying heavily on dodge to secure high damage output.


Calamity Cleaver

Break The Enemy With Statuses, Then Lunge For The Kill

Nioh 2 using a sword

Set 1

Grace of Tsukuyomi (6pcs) – White Fox Mask – Kiryoki’s Splitstaff – Onmyo Hunting Hakama – Courtier’s Gauntlets – Yasakani Magatama

Set Bonuses

Life+, Reduced Defense (Onmyo Magic Hit), Onmyo Magic Power+, Onmyo Magic Damage (Unscathed)+, Untouched Onmyo Magic+, Empowered Onmyo Magic A

Set 2

Omoikane’s Grace (7pcs) Principal Governor’s Cuirass – Ame-no-Mahitotsu’s Axe – Inadome Matchlock – Crimson Hand Cannon – Warlord’s Greaves – Kodama Netsuke

Set Bonuses

Life+, Elemental Damage+, Jutsu Power+, Jutsu Item Damage+, Jutsu Power+, Untouched Jutsu+


Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Saturation Accumulation – Enemy+, Melee Damage vs Poisoned Enemy+, Melee Damage vs 0 Ki Enemy+) – Kodama Netsuke (Elixir Efficacy+, Kodama Sensor)


Demon Parade Picture Scroll – Untouched Onmyo Magic+, Ultimate Courage, Ultimate Constitution, Ultimate Magic


Quick-Change Scroll (temporarily survive a fatal blow) – Feathers of the Eight Cold Hells (deal Water and Major Ki damage) – Tiger-Running Scroll (run and dash speed+)

Guardian Spirit

Genbu (Anima Bonus – Ranged Hit A-, Damage Taken+, Less Elemental Damage Taken, Anima Bonus – Onmyo Magic Hit A)

Soul Core Bonuses

Ippon-Datara (Equipment Drop Rate+, Yokai Ability Damage+, Anima Bonus vs Corrupted Enemy+) – Nightmare Bringer (Anima Charge – Awakened Weapon+, Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy+, Anima Bonus vs Confused Enemy) – Maelstrom Oni-bi (Elemental Damage+, Anima Bonus – Elemental Damage)

Use the Calamity Cleaver to tear through enemies with the sheer ferocity of the Kiryoki’s Splitstaff, supplemented by the synergy between Omyo Magic and melee combat. A key part of this build has to do with relentless and consistent pressure due to excellent Ki control and almost never running out of Onmyo Magic while looping in Anima for Yokai Skills as well as Saturation (Eight Cold Hells) and Confusion for consistent damage. This high-burst, high-sustain playstyle sets up players to dominate almost any encounter.

The Grace of Tsukuyomi is an excellent way of preparing enemies for a good cleaving due to their defensive debuffs—something the Kiryoki Splitstaff could easily do with its Mid or High Stance that takes advantage of Ki-broken foes. Buffs to sustainability and mobility (Tiger-Running Scroll, Quick-Change Scroll) give players a chance to escape enemies when in danger.


Saturated Confusion Slasher

Focus On Speed, Dodge For High Damage Output

Nioh 2 players facing against an Oni

Set 1

Ame-no-Uzume’s Grace (7pcs) – Sarutobi’s Gunsticks – Tatsuke’s Matchlock – Thronecrusher Cannon – Wild Boar Crest Helmet – Onmyo Hunting Shoes – Medicine Case

Set Bonuses

Life+, Faster Movement (Dodge Attack), Faster Ki Recovery (Dodge Attack), Dodge Range Up, Less Dodge Ki Consumption Death Dancer

Set 2

Onmyo Austerity (5pcs) – Great Kanemitsu – Onmyo Warrior’s Cuirass – Onmyo Warrior’s Gauntlets – Onmyo Warrior’s Waistguard – Onmyo Warrior’s Greaves

Set Bonuses

Onmyo Magic Power+, Devastating Rush Damage+, Reduced Attack (Onmyo Magic Hit), Damage Bonus – Onmyo Magic Power A-, Empowered Onmyo Magic B-


Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Saturation Accumulation – Enemy+, Melee Damage vs Poisoned Enemy+, Melee Damage vs 0 Ki Enemy+) – Medicine Case (Untouched Elixir, Lucky Drop, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption, Melee Damage vs. Saturated, Zero-Ki Enemies)


Scroll of the Damned – Strong Attack, Sentience Charge, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Stamina, Ultimate Constitution, Path of the Demon


Fire, Lightning, Water Familiar Talisman (orbs surround the player and attack with Elemental Damage) – Archyokai Talisman (Anima gain+)

Guardian Spirit

Baku (Corrupted Accumulation+, Anima Bonus – Guard+, Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy+, Anima Charge+)

Soul Core Bonuses

Ippon-Datara (Equipment Drop Rate+, Yokai Ability Damage+, Anima Bonus vs Corrupted Enemy+) – Nightmare Bringer (Anima Charge – Awakened Weapon+, Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy+, Anima Bonus vs Confused Enemy) – Namahage (Whipper Snapper)

Mobility is the name of the game with the Saturated Confusion Slasher, with high-speed, high-dodge combat ensuring players always have enough juice to dish out damage and escape the enemy’s counterattacks. This build’s synergy capitalizes on constant movement, Corruption-based Anima generation, and Onmyo magic for different sources of damage across combat encounters. Death Dancer from Ame-no-Uzume’s Grace is particularly helpful as dodge-based stacks can give up to a 70% melee damage boost.

With pre-fight buffs such as increased damage percentage (Soul Purge), Anima gain (Archyokai Talisman), and Ki Recovery (Barrier), and on-engagement buffs such as Empowered Onmyo Magic (Onmyo Austerity+), Sloth on Onmyo (Yasakani Magatama), and faster status applications, players can obliterate foes before they know what hit them. In melee, players using this Nioh 2 build can employ rapid attacks while avoiding damage (Sarutobi’s Gunsticks), utilize high-damage attacks that scale with Magic (Onymo Austerity+), and faster Corruption buildup and Anima generation (Guardian Spirit, Soul Cores).


Corrupted Blade Savant

Use Corruption, Confusion To Overwhelm Enemies

Corrupted Blade Savant

Set 1

The Crime of Patricide+ (6pcs) – Genryu’s Helmet – Genryu’s Cuirass – Genryu’s Gauntlets – Genryu’s Waistguard – Genryu’s Greaves

Set Bonuses

Extended Yokai Shift, Amrita Gauge Charge, Damage Taken Reduced, Melee Damage (Dark Realm)+, Anima Bonus (Amrita Absorption), Melee Damage (Awakened Weapon)+

Set 2

Magatsuhi’s Grace (7pcs) – Bloodstained Blade – Tsuchigumo Clawed Fists – Tatsuke Matchlock – Tatsuke Cannon – Fire Omamori x2

Set Bonuses

Life+, Anima+, Sentience Charge+, Yokai Ability Damage (Corrupted Enemy)+, Anima Charge (Awakened Weapon)+, Melee Damage (Awakened Weapon)+


Fire Omamori (Lucky Drop – Equipped Weapon/Armor, Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Sentience Charge)


Scroll of the Nioh – Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Constitution, Ultimate Strength, Active Skill Damage+


– Quick-Change Scroll (temporarily survive a fatal blow) – Lightning, Water Familiar Talisman (orbs surround the player and attack with Elemental Damage)

Guardian Spirit

Baku (Corrupted Accumulation+, Anima Bonus – Guard+, Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy+, Anima Charge+)

Soul Core Bonuses

Ippon-Datara (Equipment Drop Rate+, Yokai Ability Damage+, Anima Bonus vs Corrupted Enemy+) – Nightmare Bringer (Anima Charge – Awakened Weapon+, Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy+, Anima Bonus vs Confused Enemy) – Kasha (Anima Bonus – Corrupted Enemies, Attunement Cost Reduction, Life Drain – Yokai Ability Hit)

Players enjoying their Nioh 2 experience should consider the Corrupted Blade Savant if they want to build towards an endgame playstyle that abuses opportunities to constantly deal extra damage to opponents. If this build is completed, players may enjoy a steady stream of Anima empowerment (The Crime of Patricide, Magatsushi’s Grace) while making it easier to confer Corruption (Bloodstained Blade, Tsuchigumo Clawed Fists, Baku, Ippon-Datara Core) on enemies. This status effect is the crux of the build, as a Corrupted enemy receives an additional 30% damage against attackers.


Nioh 2: Best Starting Weapons, Ranked

Players should start out on the right footing with the cream of the crop starting weapons in Nioh 2.

In turn, the Corrupted Blade Savant may enjoy debilitating the enemy’s defenses further with Confusion, which they can do so quickly with their Onmyo Magic’s Lightning or Water Familiar Talisman or even their Yokai Skills (Hellfire Wheel, Sanmyo Storm). The rest of the kit should consistently be upgraded towards building Strength and capitalizing on it as a bonus, all the while maintaining just serviceable Magic and Constitution stats to secure resource regeneration.


Ultimate Boulder

Ki Drain For Maximum Damage

Ultimate Boulder

Set 1

Kintaro+ (6pcs) – Kintaro’s Headband – Kintaro’s Cuirass – Kintaro’s Gauntlets – Kintaro’s Waistguard – Kintaro’s Greaves

Set Bonuses

Life+, Rumbling Earth Damage+, Damage Taken Reduction, Battle Focus Duration+, Attack and Defense (Axe)+, Strong Attack Damage+

Set 2

Grace of Oyamatsumi (7pcs) – Shuten Doji’s Club – Genno’s Hammer – Tatsuke Cannon – Tanegashima Matchlock – Yasakani Magatama – Shuten Douji’s Gourd

Set Bonuses

Life+, Guard Ki Recovery+, Damage Taken Reduction, Damage Taken Halved (Unscathed), Melee Damage+


Shuten Doji’s Club (Imbue Corruption+, Gain Amrita – Strong Attack+, Rage Duration+, Attack Bonus – Stamina+) – Genno’s Hammer (Imbue Purity+, Attack Bonus – Constitution, Rage Duration+, Final Blow Damage+, Melee Ki Damage+) – Tatsuke Cannon (Fire Damage+, Damage Bonus – Enemies Defeated+, Auto-Target Weak Point) – Tanegashima Matchlock (Bullseye Bonus+, Amrita Earned+, Auto-Target Weak Point)


– Shuten Douji’s Gourd (Pleiades – Amrita Absorption+, Sentience Charge+, Sloth – Onmyo Magic Hit) – Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirement Reduced, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption, Melee Damage vs Scorched and 0 Ki Enemy)


Scroll of the Damned – Strong Attack, Sentience Charge, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Stamina, Ultimate Constitution, Path of the Demon


– Lightning Shot (launch a ball of lightning at the enemy) – Lightning, Water Familiar Talisman (orbs surround the player and attack with Elemental Damage)

Guardian Spirit

– Ho (Imbue Purity – Strong Attack+) – Oh (Damage Bonus – Cumulative+, Guard Ki Consumption Reduction, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Faster Ki Recovery – Timely Guard+)

Soul Core Bonuses

Ippon-Datara (Yokai Ability Damage+, Equipment Drop Rate+, Anima Bonus vs Electrified+, Melee Damage vs Purified+) – Nuppeppo (Life, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption) – Kasha (Anima Bonus – Corrupted Enemies, Attunement Cost Reduction, Life Drain – Yokai Ability Hit)

Whereas the Axe can cause some reluctance for players who see its high-damage but slow and resource-intensive kit as a tremendous risk in Nioh 2 gameplay, the Ultimate Boulder makes use of the weapon’s tendency to drain the user of Ki precisely to obliterate opponents. To make this build work, players need to build up as much Ki Consumption as possible through Strong Attacks and Axe Skills such as Rage and Rumbling Earth. When boosted with Path of the Demon (Scroll of the Damned), the Ultimate Boulder can enjoy the benefits of empowered 0 Ki attacks as it extends the duration of Rage’s buffs.

The rest of the kit then relies on increasing the Ultimate Boulder’s damage output as much as possible, be it through Axe Attack and Strong Attack Damage (Kintaro+) or base Melee Damage (Grace of Oyamatsumi). It may even help to boost the Ultimate Boulder’s firepower through debuffs, such as Corruption that boosts damage to enemies on hit, as well as boosts to Elemental Damage sources. Sustains through Timely Guards as well as Resource Restorations on hit remain must-haves to secure consistent performance.


Tamer Of Souls

Summon The Might Of Spirits With Fierce Spear Attacks

Tamer Of Souls

Set 1

Inari’s Grace (7pcs) – Great Holly Spear – Kusanagi Tsurugi – Tatsuke Matchock – Crimson Hand Cannon – Black Fox Mask – Veteran’s Cuirass

Set Bonuses

Life+, Onmyo Magic Power+, Damage Taken Reduced, Elemental Weapon Damage+, Faster Ki Recovery – Onmyo Magic+)

Set 2

Unrelenting Grasp (3pcs) – Taira no Kagekiyo’s Gauntlets – Taira no Kagekiyo’s Waistguard – Taira no Kagekiyo’s Greaves

Set Bonuses

– Life+, Life Drain – Grapple+, Grapple Damage+


Great Holly Spear (Faster Ki Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Imbue Purity+, Chidori Ki Damage+, Grapple Damage+, Active Skill Ki Damage+) – Kusanagi Tsurugi (Imbue Purity+, Active Skill Ki Damage+, Anima+, Grapple Damage+, Attack Bonus – Heart+) – Tatsuke MatchockCrimson Hand Cannon


Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Shock Accumulation – Enemy+, Elemental Damage Taken+, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Melee Damage vs Electrified Enemies+) – Toshiie’s Abacus (Extended Elemental Weapon +, Elemental Damage Taken+, Shock Accumulation – Enemy+, Melee Damage vs 0 Ki Enemy+)


Scroll of the Demon – Strong Attack Damage, Active Skill Ki Consumption+, Active Skill Ki Damage+


Soul Purge (Attack+ and Luck+ in exchange for Familiarity 0) – Purification (bestow weapon with Purity) – Red Spider Lily (greatly increase Anima) – Archyokai (gain more Anima) – Fleeting Guardian Amulet (summon a Guardian Spirit to attack foes) – Quick-Change Scroll (survive a lethal blow) – Feathers (Flaming Heron, Yaroka Water, Raijin, inflicts Elemental Damage of the type)

Guardian Spirit

Atlas Bear (Anima Bonus – Guard+, Damage Bonus – Low Ki, Faster Winded Recovery, Melee Damage+, Life Drain – Grapple) – Rokugezo (Toughness+)

Soul Core Bonuses

Nuppeppo (Life+, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Anima+, Attunement Cost Reduced, Anima Bonus – Scorched Eemy+) – Gozuki (Charge Attack Boost+, Attack – Yokai Shift+, Anima Charge – Critical+, Anima+) – Thunderstorm Oni-bi (Elemental Damage+, Anima Bonus – Elemental Attack+, Anima+, Critical Yokai Shift – Dark Realm)

When players of Nioh 2 manage to acquire Soul Cores and attach them to Guardian Spirits, they can invoke the essence of these souls to attack enemies through Yokai abilities. This is the focal point of the Tamer of Souls, where this particular build takes advantage of the backup provided by a Guardian Spirit (Fleeting Guardian Amulet) and slowly breaks the enemy’s Ki Bars (with a Gozuki finish).


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Afterward, it’s up to players to capitalize on the Spear’s powerful thrusting capabilities to debilitate the enemy’s Health, particularly with damage boosts from Purification (Weapons) and extended Elemental Damage procs (Feathers, Thunderstorm Oni-bi, Inari’s Grace, Yasakani Magatama, Toshiie’s Abacus). While the build has reasonable sustains with Life Recovery via Amrita Absorption, backup damage reduction (Cornered Boar), Ki Recovery (Indomitable Spirit), and damage increase (Cornered Tiger) on crit can become a much-needed saving grace in dangerous situations.


Shinobi Of The East

Use Elemental Attacks To Confuse Enemies To Submission

Shinobi of the East


Warrior of the East’s Honor (5pcs) – Warrior of the East Helmet – Warrior of the East Cuirass – Warrior of the East Gauntlets – Warrior of the East Waistguard – Warrior of the East Greaves

Set Bonuses

Merciless Barrage Damage+, Damage Taken Reduced, Melee Damage+, Attack Bonus (Constitution), Life Drain (Active Skill)


Evil-Crusher Switchglaive (Imbue Purity, Life Drain – Quick Attack, Attack Bonus – Magic) – Zen Splitstaff (Imbue Purity, Life Drain – Grapple)


– Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Onmyo Magic Power, Amrita Absorption) – Divination Board (Onmyo Magic Power, Extended Elemental Weapon, Auto-Grave Recovery)


Extraction (gain Amrita per hit) – Lightning, Water Talisman (orbs will appear and hit close enemies with the specified Elemental Damage) – Barrier (gain Ki Recovery Speed) – Quick-Change Scroll (survive a lethal blow)

Guardian Spirit

– Ho (Anima Bonus – Guard, Imbue Purity – Strong Attack, Amrita Earned, High Attack Damage) – Oh (Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption, Faster Ki Recovery – Timely Guard, Guard Ki Consumption)

Soul Core Bonuses

Ippon-Datara (Equipment Drop Rate, Auto-Grave Recovery) – Nuppeppo (Life, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption) – Kasha (Life Drain – Yokai Ability Hit, Faster Movement – Amrita Absorption, Treasure Sensor)

While Ninja Skills in Nioh 2 definitely incentivize the usage of stealth and subterfuge to catch enemies by surprise, the Shinobi of the East relies on the capability to throw element after element at opponents to destroy their defenses. As such, this build relies on building enough Onmyo Magic to supplement the casting of Elemental Talismans and element-imbued Shadow Arts to inflict defense-destroying Confusion, with the ever-reliable One-Leged Fury (Ippon-Datara) to stun-lock enemies into submission afterward. This is a decent build that can be used in the early mid-game while players upgrade their gear as they make progress.

Assuming players have already enhanced their Onmyo Magic Power (Divination Board, Incantation Mastery) to boost their overall damage, the Shinobi of the East can build survivability via Life Regeneration when absorbing Amrita (Extraction Talisman, Yasakani Magatama, Oh, Nuppeppo Soul Core). Keeping a Quick Change handy can also help players escape pesky lethal blows. However, with the right setup, players should consistently secure heals even when fighting tougher enemies.


Twin Venom Sticks

Attack Speed Lifesteal With Ki Break Finish

Twin Venom Sticks

Set 1

Benzaiten’s Grace (7pcs) – Royal Tonfa – Tatsuke Matchlock – Kunitomo Rifle – Coiled Snake Helmet – Veteran’s Cuirass – Veteran’s Waistguard

Set Bonuses

Life+, Ninjutsu Power+, Damage Taken Reduced, Amrita Earned+, Versatility, Ki Recovery Speed+

Set 2

Taira’s Grace (3pcs) – Chi-Azamaru – Taira no Kagekiyo’s Gauntlets – Taira no Kagekiyo’s Greaves

Set Bonuses

Life+, Life Drain – Grapple+, Grapple Damage+


Chi-Azamaru (Melee Damage+, Amrita Earned+, Saturation Accumulation – Enemy+, Melee Attack Ki Consumption Reduced) – Royal Tonfa (Melee Ki Damage, Melee Attack Ki Consumption Reduced, Grapple Damage+, Attack Bonus – Constitution, Life Drain – Melee Attack) – Tatsuke Matchlock (Rifle Speed+, Item Drop vs Yokai+, Break+, Bullseye Bonus+) – Kunitomo Rifle (Amrita Earned+, Damage Bonus – Agility, Equipment Drop vs Humans+)


Magatama (Anima Charge+, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Paralysis Accumulation – Enemy+, Melee Damage vs Poisoned Enemy+, Melee Damage vs 0 Ki Enemy+) – Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption+, Saturation Accumulation – Enemy+, Melee Damage vs Poisoned Enemy+, Melee Damage vs 0 Ki Enemy+)


Extraction (steal Amrita from enemies on hit) – Purification (bestow Purity on weapon) – Archyokai (more Anima) – Carnage (more Damage) – Sloth (reduce enemy Speed) – Feathers (Flaming Heron, Yaroka Water, Raijin, inflicts Elemental Damage of the type)

Guardian Spirit

Yumehami (Anima Bonus – Ranged Hit+, Anima Bonus – Gold Earned+, Melee Ki Damage+, Extended Yokai Shift+, Recovery – Amrita Absorption) – Ho (High Attack Damage+)

Soul Core Bonuses

Gozuki (Charge Attack Boost+, Attack – Yokai Shift+, Anima Bonus – Final Blow+, Yokai Ability Damage+) – Nuppeppo (Life, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption, Anima Charge Bonus – Cumulative+, Amrita Earned – Yokai Shift+) – Kiryoki (Active Skill Damage+, Extended Elemental Weapon+, Amrita Earned+, Melee Ki Damage+)

Sometimes, the strongest gameplay strategies in Nioh 2 are created as a result not just of innately maxed buffs and endgame gear, but rather the right combat prep—something Twin Venon Sticks emphasizes with its combination of statuses and high-damage output. To pull this build off, players capitalize on opening the room for more damage via status effects like Poisoned (Toxic Groundfire), Paralysis (Paralytic Groundfire), and combining multi-element damage (Scorched, Saturation, Electrified) to inflict damage-boosting Confused.



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With these prepared, players proc immense damage numbers through high base DPS (via bonuses to Melee Attack, Melee Ki Damage, Active Skill Damage) and boosted sustains through Life Recovery via Amrita Absorption, and lower overall Ki costs for attacks and skills. Central to this build is Versatility (Benzaiten’s Grace), as its 9-stack effect can consistently provide up to 60-percent damage boost on properly-timed attacks, emphasizing combos that are within the Tonfa’s wheelhouse.


Night Rain Iai

Hyper-Optimize Iai For One-Shot Potential

Night Rain Iai

Set 1

One for All, All for One (4pcs) – Ishida Masamune – Gallant Gauntlets – Gallant Greaves

Set Bonuses

Life+, Night Rain Damage+, Melee Damage+

Set 2

The Crossed Sickles (5pcs) – Atagi Sadamune – Kingo’s Helmet – Kingo’s Cuirass – Kingo’s Waistguard

Set Bonuses

Life+, Final Blow+, Melee Damage+, Backstab Damage+


Ishida Masamune (Paralysis Accumulation – Enemy, Imbue Paralysis, Active Skill Break, Attack Bonus – Heart) – Atagi Sadamune (Amrita Earned+, Final Blow+) – Warrior of the West Bow (Bow Speed+, Movement Speed at Aim Range +, Attack Bonus – Agility) – Master Archer’s Bow


Yasakani Magatama (Set Bonus Requirements Reduced, Life Recovery – Amrita Absorption)



Quick-Change Scroll (temporarily survive a fatal blow) – Tiger-Running Scroll (increase run and dash speeds) – Protection (damage mitigation) – Carnage (lower Defense for higher melee Attack) – Weakness (lower enemy Defense) – Extraction (steal Amrita from enemies on hit)

Guardian Spirit

Tengen Kujaku (Anima Bonus – Ranged Hit+, Stance-Based Amrita Bonus, Extended Elemental Weapon) – Atlas Bear (Life Drain – Grapple+)

Soul Core Bonuses

Otakemaru (Anima+, Anima Bonus – Confused Enemy+, Armita Gauge Charge+, Yokai Ability Damage+, Extended Yokai Shift+) – Gozuki (Charge Attack Boost+, Attack – Yokai Shift+, Anima Bonus – Final Blow+, Yokai Ability Damage+) – Enki (Anima Bonus – Damage Taken Reduction, Melee vs Humans+, Attunement Cost Reduced)

There’s just something compelling when a samurai sheathes their katana and somehow a thousand slashes appear on their enemy, which is perhaps the reason why the Night Rain Iai can be such an appealing build in Nioh 2. Doing a similar real-life Iaido maneuver requires a lot of build-up beyond just having the right weapon, with prep work including getting buffs for melee attacks (Carnage Talisman, Melee Mastery), Yokai Ability Damage (Otakemaru, Gozuki Cores), Final Blow damage (Gozuki), and boosting damage bonuses (Attack Bonus – Heart, Skill).

Of extreme importance here is the Iai Quickdraw Damage buff (Kingo’s) that can immensely boost the potential of Iai Quickdraw as a final attack. For the actual combo sequence, players on Tengen Kujaku can load up on a Carnage Talisman before using Stun Arrows. They can then follow up with a transition to Atlas Bear, release a Weakness Talisman plus Yokai Skills to inflict vulnerabilities plus a Confusion status, and then finish with a Night Rain followed by an Iai Quickdraw.


Onslaught Of Grace

Hyper-Aggressive Combat Healing Loop

Onslaught of Grace Player

Set 1

Grace of Oyamatsumi (6pc) – Little Crow & Quickdraw – Kusanagi Tsurugi – Chinzei Hachiro’s Bow – Tanegashima Matchlock – Magatama

Set Bonuses

Life, Guard Ki Recovery, Damage Taken Reduced, Damage Taken Halved (Unscathed)

Set 2

Izanagi’s Grace (7pc) – Heirloom Cuirass – Heirloom Gauntlets – Heirloom Waistguard – Heirloom Greaves – Shuten Doji Mask – Yasakani Magatama

Set Bonuses

Life, Ki Recovery Speed, Increased Defense (Purification), Purified Accumulation (Enemy), Melee vs Purified Enemy, Cleansing Prayer


Scroll of the Damned – Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Courage, Ultimate Stamina, Untouched Onmyo Magic, Path of the Ravenous


Extraction (gain Amrita per hit) – Steel (gain Defense) – Barrier (gain Ki Recovery Speed)

Guardian Spirit

– Ho-oh (Purified Accumulation – Enemy, Melee Damage vs Purified Enemy, Calming Breath) – Baku (Anima Charge+, Melee Damage vs Corrupted Enemy, Corrupted Accumulation – Enemy+, Pleiades – Amrita Absorption)

Soul Core Bonuses

White Tiger (Purified Accumulation – Enemy, Yokai Ability Damage – Yokai Shift) – Kasha (Life Drain – Yokai Ability Hit, Faster Movement – Amrita Absorption) – Ippon-Datara (Equipment Drop)

The myriad of combat options and boosts that enhance Nioh 2’s gameplay is supplemented by a wealth of equipment options for players, with an endgame build like the Onslaught of Grace encouraging gamers to get their bases covered, especially when opting for aggressive playstyles. In this play style, building upon Transform Bonus – Magic and Attack Bonus – Heart and Strength buffs can help the Onslaught of Grace tap into the game’s strongest support effects in combat.

Aggressive playstyles are encouraged with a stun-locking One-Legged Fury (Ippon-Datara) that could lead to nasty combos buffed further with per-hit damage mitigation (Firm Resolve), reduced Ki Consumption (Momentum, Ultimate Courage), and Amrita gains (Extraction Talisman). The latter is especially important for sustains, as this is affected by stacking Health regen per Amrita gain effects (Yasakani Magatama, Magatama, Heirloom Cuirass, Path of the Ravenous). The three-stack buffs of Cleansing Prayer (Izanagi’s Grace) benefits immensely from Purifying enemies, which in itself is buffed by faster accumulation effects (Ho-Oh Guardian Spirit, White Tiger).

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March 13, 2020


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Koei Tecmo, Sony Interactive Entertainment

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