Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Notices Neat Combat Detail After Seven Playthroughs

Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Notices Neat Combat Detail After Seven Playthroughs
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  • Arrows can be used as a melee weapon in Red Dead Redemption 2, with one player discovering this on their seventh playthrough.
  • Using arrows as a melee weapon can lead to quick and deadly executions.

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player online has discovered that arrows can actually be used as a melee weapon in the game. The surprising Red Dead Redemption 2 discovery was made during their seventh playthrough of the game.

It has been over seven years since Red Dead Redemption 2 was released, and it continues to surprise players with its small details. Rockstar’s attention to detail in this title was incredible, including many details that most players will never see during the average playthrough. For example, one Red Dead Redemption 2 player noticed a very immersive detail after 2,000 hours of playtime, showcasing how even veterans still have something to discover. This is a big reason players invest so much time into the game, though – it does a great job of making it feel like there are always new things to find every time a player hops into the Wild West.


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Redditor AdEconomy926 stumbled upon their latest Red Dead Redemption 2 discovery by accident. They were in the middle of a combat scenario with a bow in their hand, and were suddenly faced with a melee situation. While spamming the button to punch their enemy, they found out that the game will automatically use an arrow as a melee weapon if they previously had a bow equipped. They push the arrow through their opponent’s neck, making for quite a gruesome execution.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Discovers Arrows Can Be Used as a Melee Weapon

According to the player, they made this discovery on their seventh playthrough of the game, showing how surprising this is. Many in the thread were equally shocked to find this out, while others pointed out that there are similar executions for throwing knives in Red Dead Redemption 2. Another experienced player shared some advice for players, stating that the arrow melee animation is particularly deadly in Red Dead Online against other players, since the animation is so fast.

It’s a good thing that players are still discovering new details in Red Dead Redemption 2, as it’s likely to remain the most recent game in the series for a long while yet. Rockstar is currently focused on finishing the development of Grand Theft Auto 6, making any substantial work on the next Red Dead Redemption unlikely until after this. Rockstar may change its strategy for the next Red Dead Redemption and get it out ahead of schedule, but it’s more likely that a new game in the series won’t be seen until at least the 2030s, which is crazy to think about.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Tag Page Cover Art


October 26, 2018


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs and Alcohol

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