Pokemon GO: Therian Tornadus Raid Guide

Pokemon GO: Therian Tornadus Raid Guide

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Therian Tornadus is a Legendary Pokemon known to be rotated in and out of various Pokemon GO Raid Battles. Raids are a great way for players to battle against and obtain powerful Pocket Monsters and earn rewards. However, as Raids at the 5-Star level are some of the most difficult encounters in the game, going up against Therian Tornadus Raids can be a challenge.

During the Dual Destiny Season of Pokemon GO, Therian Tornadus has returned as a Raid Boss, giving players another opportunity to battle against and acquire the beast. Players will want to ensure that they are properly prepared before diving into combat, so evaluating key weaknesses and resistances is important. These can be used to build a team of reliable counters and take Therian Tornadus down, as outlined in the guide below.

Pokemon GO: Therian Tornadus Weaknesses & Resistances

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Therian Forme Tornadus is a Legendary Pokemon GO monster with a pure Flying Type. In addition to this, Therian Tornadus comes equipped with a solid 3635 maximum CP and a stat spread of 238 ATK, 189 DEF, and 188 HP.

Because of these powerful stats, players will want to target the key weaknesses of Electric, Ice, and Rock-type moves or Pokemon. However, players will also want to try to avoid putting themselves at a disadvantage by wielding monsters of a Type Therian Tornadus is resistant to – Bug, Fighting, Ground, and Grass.

Therian Landorus also gains increased power when battling in Windy Weather. If trainers wish to be careful about not putting themselves at even the slightest of disadvantages, then avoiding raids under such circumstances may be helpful.


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You can win Xerneas raids in Pokemon GO by selecting counters aligning to Xerneas weaknesses by following this guide.

Pokemon GO: Best Counters For Therian Tornadus

pokemon go forces of nature

Utilizing the STAB mechanic can be highly beneficial in overcoming Raid bosses, due to the damage increase. By selecting Pokemon whose move Type matches its actual Type, extra damage is applied to the opponent on a hit. This can make all the difference in taking down Raid Bosses and enable players to gain the upper hand in many situations.

A list of the best potential Therian Tornadus counters has been identified below. However, if you do not have access to these specific monsters, you can simply use them as inspiration for building your own team of counters from specimens you do have available.

Best Therian Tornadus Counters in Pokemon GO


Fast Move

Charged Move

White Kyurem

Ice Fang

Ice Beam

Mega Diancie

Rock Throw

Rock Slide

Mega Rayquaza

Dragon Tail

Dragon Ascent


Charge Beam

Fusion Bolt

Shadow Raikou

Thunder Shock

Wild Charge

Shadow Rhyperior


Rock Wrecker

Therian Tornadus

Volt Switch

Wildbolt Storm

Mega Tyranitar

Smack Down

Stone Edge

Black Kyurem

Dragon Tail

Freeze Shock

Shadow Zapdos

Thunder Shock


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July 6, 2016



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