Monster Hunter Wilds: Offset Attacks Explained

Monster Hunter Wilds: Offset Attacks Explained
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Though Monster Hunter Wilds streamlines some rough edges of the Monster Hunter formula, the game’s combat is as deep as it ever has been. One of the most important combat mechanics players should learn is what Offset Attacks are.


Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Sharpen Your Weapon

To sharpen your weapon, Monster Hunter Wilds players must use a Whetstone, a permanent tool that takes a few seconds to use.

Offset Attacks require precise timing, but the method to successfully perform Offset Attacks in Monster Hunter Wilds is different depending on which weapon you choose. This guide explains what Offset Attacks are in Monster Hunter Wilds, and offers some tips on how to get better at timing Offset Attacks with each of the five weapons that can perform these moves.

What Are Offset Attacks In Monster Hunter Wilds?

Monster Hunter Wilds Offset Attacks Explained How To Offset Attack MH Wilds Follow Up Attack

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Offset Attacks are a type of parry that only certain weapons are capable of performing. With an Offset Attack, the Hunter uses the sheer might of their weapon (and a good sense of timing) to interrupt an enemy’s incoming attack and cause them to flinch, often sending it off balance momentarily.

Immediately after deflecting the incoming blow and sending the monster reeling, most weapons get a brief window of opportunity to perform a special counter-attack with either Triangle (Y) or Circle (B). During an Offset Attack you will take considerably less damage, even if you mis-time your parry.

This window of damage reduction is short but noticeable, especially with weapons like the Switch Axe that don’t offer another way to block.

You cannot perform Offset Attacks back to back because monsters will become temporarily resistant to it after being hit by one. Even if the timing of your second Offset Attack is perfect, if it’s too soon since your first, the monster will shrug it off instead of flinching.

How To Perform Offset Attacks In MH Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds Offset Attacks Explained How To Offset Attack MH Wilds Offset Rising Slash Switch Axe

To perform an Offset Attack, Monster Hunter Wilds players must do two things: pay careful attention to monster attack patterns to anticipate correct timing, and learn how to time their weapon’s Offset Attack move correctly.

In the Monster Hunter Wilds Training Area, turn on the ‘Smash’ setting for the High Purrformance Barrel Puncher, but keep the damage set to low. To get better at Offset Attack timing, practice your weapon’s unique Offset Attack pattern with this dummy. The training dummy’s smashing hand can be parried with an Offset Attack, which makes it the perfect target to learn how to perform your weapon’s Offset Attack and how to time it correctly.


Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Play With Friends

To play Monster Hunter Wilds with friends, you must either add your friend in-game or establish a private server to invite them to.

When facing a monster, not all attacks can be countered with an Offset Attack. For example, the Lala Barina’s quick jab attacks with its pincers can’t be parried this way. Typically, when a monster rears back to deliver a stronger-than-normal attack, that’s a signal that the incoming move can be countered with an Offset Attack.

If your Offset Attack connects at the same time that the enemy’s power attack would have connected, you will cause the monster to flinch and stumble backward, often onto its back briefly. If you are using any weapon except the Hunting Horn, press Triangle (Y) or Circle (B) immediately after connecting an Offset Attack to initiate a powerful follow-up.

All Monster Hunter Wilds Offset Attacks

Offset Attacks are tied to five specific weapon types, which each have different inputs and timings associated with their unique Offset Attack moves. This list compiles all Offset Attacks in Monster Hunter Wilds amongst the fourteen base weapon types.


Offset Attack Name

How To Perform


Great Sword

Offset Rising Slash

Hold Triangle (Y) and Circle (B) at the same time, then release.

This can be charged, but will automatically proc upon reaching max charge.




Press Triangle (Y) 3x in a row.

The Offset Attack is the last hit of the combo.


Heavy Bowgun

Wyverncounter Ignition

Press Circle (B) to initiate Ignition Mode while wielding the Heavy Bowgun, then hold L2 (LT) and Triangle (Y).

This can be charged, but will automatically proc upon reaching max charge.


Hunting Horn

Offset Melody

Prepare these notes: Triangle (Y), Circle (B), Circle (B), Triangle (Y), Circle (B), Triangle (Y).

Then, press Triangle (Y), Circle (B) and R2 (RT) at the same time.


Switch Axe

Offset Rising Slash

Press Triangle (Y) and Circle (B) at the same time.

Must be in Axe form.


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