Idol Of Violent Rebellion Totem Fragment Location In Avowed

Idol Of Violent Rebellion Totem Fragment Location In Avowed

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While exploring the world of Avowed, players will stumble upon various totem fragments dedicated to one of the gods. The Idol of Violent Rebellion is part of the Totem of Defiance quest that players encounter in the Emerald Stair region. Although some of the totem fragments are in pretty obvious locations, this one can be a little tricky to find. So, here’s the exact location of the totem fragment in Emerald Stair.


Avowed: Where To Find Effigy Necklace Totem Fragment

The Effigy Necklace is part of the Skaen Totem of Defiance quest in Avowed and can be found in one of the locations you visit during a main quest.

Where to Find the Idol of Violent Rebellion Totem Fragment in Avowed

Players can find the Idol of Violent Rebellion Totem Fragment on top of the Ranger Headquarters in the Emerald Stair region of Avowed. It’s the same location where you meet Ranger Acierno and start the Steel Resolve side quest. In case you haven’t visited the location before, it’s east of Fior Mes Iverno, not far from the Truffle Farm POI.

Reach the Ranger Headquarters Roof

After reaching the location, you’ll need to go around the right side of the building to find a stack of boxes. Climb over the stack of boxes, jump to grab the ledge, and climb the ladder to the upper section of the building. Once on top, carefully jump across the gap in the middle to reach the other part of the building and arrive at the exterior.

Now, keep heading on the path to the left as you’ll vault over platforms to reach the terrace of the Ranger Headquarters. From the terrace, take another left and jump across the gap until you spot a ladder leading to the roof. Climb the ladder, and you’ll be able to grab the Idol of Violent Rebellion

from the roof.

Equipping the Idol of Violent Rebellion & Its Effects

Once you have the totem fragment, either carefully descend the tower or simply fast-travel to a party camp near you. Place the Idol of Violent Rebellion Totem Fragment on the Schemer’s Offering Totem Base to activate its effect in Avowed. Activating the totem fragment’s effect will increase your damage against skull enemies.

If you’re wondering what skull enemies are, they’re basically a higher-tier variant of the smaller enemies you’ll encounter in Avowed. Bosses also have a skull marked on top of their names, which means the totem will affect them as well.

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