How To Use Commands In Minecraft

How To Use Commands In Minecraft
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Minecraft’s chat window doubles as a console, granting a lot of power to the player in both Bedrock and Java Editions. With several commands at their disposal, one can bend a few rules in the game, take charge of their world, and ignore the survival aspect in the open-world sandbox. From teleporting to a specific chunk to spawning a specific mob, everything is possible with a few inputs in the chat window.

Whether you are an admin of a multiplayer server or a connoisseur of vanilla single-player, learning how and where to use the essential commands could be beneficial. Especially for the former, they are responsible for managing players and the seed, so they need to have complete authority over the console to make changes around the world whenever necessary. This Minecraft guide will help them do so by discussing the proper method of using the console command.



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How To Enter Commands In Minecraft

Minecraft command preview

In Minecraft, commands can be primarily used via the chatbox; at least most admins and players would want to feed them directly as text to see immediate action. The chat window can be accessed by pressing T for both Bedrock and Java Editions. A command must always begin with a forward slash (“/”) followed by the key text prompts.

It is important to learn what the essential inputs are before fiddling with the command feature. The chat box usually recommends them based on the first alphabet after the forward slash. However, errors will occur when inserting incorrect values or objects into a string. If the command fails to run after entering the correct prompts, the chances are you don’t have the permission to execute it.

In single-player campaigns, commands can be accessed by toggling the “Allow Cheats” option for the specific world. Players in Bedrock Edition can find the feature under the Game tab of the settings menu. Just scroll down all the way to the bottom to locate the Cheats section.

Toggling on “Allow Cheats” in Bedrock Edition will permanently bar players from unlocking any achievements.

There are a couple of things to do before accessing the useful commands in Minecraft’s Java Edition. Assuming you have launched a campaign already, press escape to access the Pause menu. Once inside, click on “Open to LAN” and toggle on the “Allow Command.” The option will be available temporarily once you press the Start LAN World button.

To avoid the hassle, toggle on “Allow Cheats” when creating the world.

The Command Block can also be used to prompt specific actions, as long as the block is properly set up. It can be passed on to a player using the “/give” command or via the creative mode. The Command Block in Minecraft can be placed directly on the ground and activated with any Redstone switch.

Now, right-click on the block to enter the programming console. Type the command you want to execute in the “Console Command” text box and click on Done. After the confirmation text has appeared on the screen, interact with the Redstone switch to trigger the corresponding action.

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