How To Heal The Sick Bullquets In The Infinity Nikki Event

How To Heal The Sick Bullquets In The Infinity Nikki Event
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Infinity Nikki features many events that require you to participate in fun and cozy activities. Taking care of Bullquets by crafting Aroma Vials for them is a soothing task in the game. It even lets you change the color of these lively animals depending on the materials you use.


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It’s worth completing these event quests since they give you great rewards in return. The Bullquet Care Day event is divided into two sections, namely Bullquet Care Notes and Color-Changing Tales. You will help many new characters as a part of your tasks. This will also require you to search for materials that they need.

This is a limited-time event that will end on March 25, 2025.

How To Start The Bullquet Care Day Event

Nikki is grooming the Bullquet in Infinity Nikki.

You cannot start the Bullquet, Perk Up! quest until you complete the Deep Into The Forest quest first. You will meet a girl named Luni, who is apparently afraid of Bullquets despite being a ranger. She will first ask you to search for her notebook.

You can do that by heading in the direction of the quest marker and then investigating the area in the middle. After you find her notebook, she asks you to groom a Bullquet and take a picture with it. After you give her the photo, the quest concludes.

You get Gleaming Wilderness sketch as a reward for this quest.

Bullquet Care Notes

The Bullquet has changed it's color in Infinity Nikki.

You have now acquainted yourself with Luni, so you can now start doing other quests that are a part of the Bullquet Care Day event. Perk Up, Bullquet! is the first quest you need to complete to unlock everything else in the event.

Perk Up, Bullquet! Quest Walkthrough

Aroma Vial crafting menu is shown in Infinity Nikki.

Teleport to the Meadow Wharf Warp Spire and then make your way to the Bullquet Temporary Observation Camp located in the west. Talk to Runi, she will ask you to interact with Romito. After finding him on the Meadow Wharf, he will ask you to give him three Starlight Scallops. You now need to go to the Bullquet habitat near Lakeside Hill Lane Warp Spire.

Romito will tell you that the Bullquet is in a sick condition. To cure it, you need to craft Soothing Aroma Vials. He will also tell you the recipe for three Aroma Formulas, which you can concoct using the crafting materials you have collected.

The first recipe requires you to use 12 plants that you can find easily in Breezy Meadows. This vial will change the Bullquet’s color to yellow. You can use the following plants:

  • Woolfruit
  • Daisy
  • Lampchilli
  • Starlit Plum
  • Buttoncone
  • Seed Pearl

The second vial recipe requires 12 Shellfish. This will change the color of Bullquet to pink. You can use the following kinds of shellfish:

  • Pearly Shell
  • Starlight Scallop

The third vial changes the Bullquet’s color to green. To craft it, you need 12 plants that have specific growing conditions, such as weather and time.

  • Aromalily
  • Sunny Orchid
  • Rainy Orchid
  • Blastpollen
  • Sizzpollen

You can mix and match different types of plants in the same category, and you can also use essences if you are short on materials.

After you complete the quest, you get 40 Diamonds and Shiny particles. You also get the Witness of Vibrant colors title design.

Hand Over The Formula Quest Walkthrough

The Bullquet has changed its color to red and black in Infinity Nikki.

This quest is located in Bullquet Temporary Observation Camp. You will hear a mysterious voice near the tent claiming to make the perfect formula to treat the Bullquets with. The person will test your knowledge before giving you the formula. You will need to answer their questions correctly.

Nikki will hint that you will find knowledge about Bullquets within the camp to search for answers. You can do that by reading the books around the camp.



What did Tesere’s ancestors present?

A tapestry of the Bullquet

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Seven times

The mysterious person will then ask you to give them three Foodie Bees. She will then give you the recipe for the fourth vial, which you can make by equally mixing the ingredients to make the first three vials. This will change the Bullquet color to red. You will get 24,000 Blings, 40 Diamonds and Shiny Particles as a reward.

Researchers Reporting In! Quest Walkthrough

A photo of the meadow wharf is shown in Infinity Nikki.

Go back to Bullquet’s habitat and talk to Romito regarding the research. He will then ask you to find the researchers, Anita and Vincenzo. You will find Vincezo near Florawish Wharf, and he will be immersed in reading a magazine near a stand.

He has lost his way, and can’t figure out how to get to research camp, so you need to help him by marking it on the photo. On the left side of the photo, point towards the area with many tents. You can find Anita inside the Stylist’s Guild building, and after talking to her, she will return to camp. The quest will end after talking to Romito one last time, and you will get 30,000 Blings in addition to 40 Diamonds and Shiny Particles.

Color-Changing Tales

Nikki is talking to Fournier in Infinity Nikki.

The Color-Changing Tales consists of three short quests that are a part of the Bullquet Care Day event. To complete these, you need to complete the simple tasks given to you by the characters in the Temporary Observation Camp and Lakeside Hill.



How To Complete


Snap! Capture The Healthy Moment


Take a photo of a walking Bullquet and give it to him. Make sure the fur is shiny after using an Aroma Vial on it.

30 Diamonds 35 Shiny Particles 30,000 Blings

Color Change, Big Opportunity


Give him one Bullquet Felt. Make sure that it’s during the day.

30 Diamonds 30,000 Blings 100 Threads of Purity

Developing Color-Changing Dye


Give him three Sunny Orchids.

30 Diamonds 30,000 Blings 100 Threads of Purity


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