How To Get All Achievements In Two Point Museum

How To Get All Achievements In Two Point Museum

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Absolutely Buzzing

Have a guest reach 2,000 Buzz.

Throughout their time at your museums, guests accumulate Buzz based on the exhibits their seeing and the area around them. By piling like exhibits together and decorating the areas, you’ll find patrons enjoying them more.

Additionally, some of the guests have their Dream Visit based around their Buzz level, so you an kill two birds with one stone satisfying them and getting your shiny sticker.

Skill & Bones

Complete a Dinosaur Bone exhibit.

As you send your Prehistory museum staff on expeditions in the Bone Belt, they’ll occasionally find pieces of a skeleton to bring back. You’ll need to send them back to this location another time or two in the hopes that they’ll collect every piece of the same dinosaur’s fossil for you to display at the museum.

Rising Star

Complete chapter 1 in the Memento Mile Museum.

This is the Prehistory museum, the very first one you’ll unlock when you begin playing Two Point Museum. Level up the displays and progress your museum’s rating, following the tutorial to complete the first area of the game. This section acts as a campaign mode tutorial of sorts.

High-Class Curator

Reach Curator Class 7.

Progressing through each museum in the campaign mode contributes to your overall Curator Class, the ranking system that shows your expertise in museum curating. Play through the story until you reach the seventh level of your progression, and you’ll unlock this Two Point Museum trophy.

Made Them Yourself

Complete 20 Workshop projects.

After placing a Workshop room in any of your museums, you’ll begin unlocking potential new display designs that will fit the theme of your current museum after hiring (or training) janitorial staff. Fabricating them requires workshop-savvy staff at the museum, and once they’ve finished making it, the item is put into your inventory for your to place in the museum as you see fit. Do this with 20 projects across every one of your museums.

Silverbottom Reunion

Reunite Twiggy Silverbottom’s expedition team in a single Polterguest Room.

At Wailon Lodge, you’ll be discovering all kinds of spooky spirits and building them rooms back at the museum to not only give them someplace to stay now that they’re back from the Netherworld, but also to give your museum patrons something interesting to see. After finding Twiggy Silverbottom and his crew, assign them all into the same polterguest room.

Mint Condition

Discover a Pristine quality exhibit on an expedition.

Anytime your staff bring something back from an expedition, you’ll see the item’s quality and rarity scores upon opening the crate that arrives back at the museum. Pristine is the rarest quality for an exhibit, so be sure to send your staff out on as many expeditions as you can swing!

Uncommon Knowledge

Reach 30 Enlightenment for any theme.

As you unlock new exhibits and progress through each Point of Interest in every area, you’ll slowly but surely accrue knowledge about all the items you’re curating at your museums, each of which adds to your enlightenment for that museum’s theme. Reach level 30 enlightenment at any museum in any mode to pop this trophy.

Fishes (Plural)

Have 10 fish born at your museum.

At Passwater Cove, you’ll be breeding fish before long into the campaign there. This trophy triggers automatically after your tenth fish is born in any playthrough of campaign.

Two Point Museum

Complete chapter 5 of the Memento Mile museum.

Play the Campaign story through the ending of chapter five at each of these museums.

Marine Life Museum

Complete chapter 5 of the Passwater Cove museum.

Science Museum

Complete chapter 5 of the Bungle Wasteland museum.

Supernatural Museum.

Complete chapter 5 of the Wailon Lodge museum.

Space Museum

Complete chapter 5 of the Pebberly Heights museum.

Fancily Dressed Five

Have 5 visiting children wearing onesies of 5 different themes at the same time.

This may be easiest to achieve in the sandbox mode, since theming doesn’t seem as critical, but you’ll need to place various onesie stands in the gift shop at your museum, each offering different types of onesies for sale. Children can have them purchased for them by their guardians to wear around the museum, and this achievement pops as soon as the fifth child puts on a unique themed onesie.

Plant Food

Have a guest be eaten by a Chomper Pit exhibit.

Your guest won’t be killed by the Chomper Pit, and it doesn’t seem to impact their opinion of the museum.

Fully Customized Contraption

Have a level 3 Custom Contraption, Science exhibit.

Build and continue to work on your custom contraptions at Bungle Wasteland to improve them.

Qualified Opinion

Train a member of staff as much as possible.

When your staff members aren’t otherwise busy, it’s always a good idea to direct them to the Training Room to dive into a new subject in their free time. Have a staff fill every one of their knowledge slots through these trainings. You can hire staff with open training spots, or wait until they reach enough experience to unlock additional ones as they keep working at your museum.

Everything for Everyone

Display an exhibit from 6 different themes in one museum.

By placing one exhibit from each museum into your inventory and then displaying all six exhibits in one location, you’ll unlock this achievement (and probably some confused guests).

Mega Museum

Have a level 50 museum.

Continue to add exhibits that are well-decorated and informational to your museums. You may want to do this in sandbox, where it’s easiest to fit a variety of items into one location.


Give a fish exhibit a custom name.

After building an aquarium room in your marine life museum or in the sandbox mode, click on it to bring up a menu showing plenty of info on the aquarium itself and change the name of the tank.

Map Reader

Unlock 25 expedition points of interest (POIs).

Every time you send your staff out on expeditions, you’ll need to first choose someplace to send them. These locations are called Points of Interest, or POIs for short, and more of them unlock as you train your staff and unlock the areas before them. The paths for expeditions tend to branch out quite a bit, but this achievement asks that you unlock access to 25 individual locations, no matter which museums they unlock in.

Tour de Force

Create a 5-star tour.

By placing the tour stand item someplace in your museum, you’ll be able to choose staff members to give guided tours of your museum for patrons looking for an expert’s take on the exhibits. These are rated based on quality, so design the best one you can to pop this achievement.

Healing Holiday

Cure an illness or injury by sending staff on an expedition to Remedial Springs.

When staff come back from expeditions, they’ll have some treasure with them, but they’ll have taken a bit of damage while they were gone. Sometimes, the medicine box just doesn’t cut it for these folks, so send them off to Remedial Springs for some speedier healing to pop this trophy.

Perked Up

Install 3 perks on a single exhibit.

Different exhibits have different quantities of perk slots based on their overall rarity, and the more perk slots you have, the better you can make each exhibit. Finding one you can fit three perks onto will require some truly excellent quality loot coming back from expeditions, but imagine the hype you’ll build with it!

Directly to Jail

Catch a thief who has stolen an exhibit.

You’ll need plenty of security to do this, but you’re able to apprehend would-be thieves if you notice them taking your exhibits. Have a security guard, human or robotic, stop a thief in progress.

Byte at the Museum

Employ 10 Robo-staff (Janitors or Security Guards) in a single museum.

After prototyping robotic staff members in the workshop after reaching higher levels of machine upgrades on the workstation, you’ll be able to begin crafting a few types of employees instead of hiring them. Fill ten staff positions at any museum with robots you made at the workshop.

Built on Sand(box)

Build a level 10 museum in Sandbox Mode.

From the main menu of the game, instead of playing the game’s main campaign and unlocking museums in a linear progression-based order, you could always choose to play in Sandbox Mode instead, fully customizing your museum as you see fit. This mode still tracks the quality of your museums and exhibits, though, so continue to upgrade them and reach level 10 to unlock this achievement.

This is easiest to do if you set your Sandbox run with the maximum amount of money as possible – the game doesn’t factor in your starting funds, only what you do with them.

Product Placement

Earn $10,000 from Sponsored exhibits.

Head into the details of your museum’s finances, and you’ll see the option under the dollar sign tab along the top that brings you into a menu that allows you to opt into taking sponsorships for your museum. These require you to place certain gift shop stands or floor decorations, and you’ll earn money for every guest that sees it. Earn $10,000 from placing sponsorships around your museums while guests can see them.

Comprehensive Curator

Earn 100 Shiny Stickers in the Sticker Book.

Progressing through regular gameplay goals as you improve each of your museums will earn you various stickers, commemorating things like unlocking certain displays, seeing specific types of visitors, and more. Once a sticker has been unlocked, you can then unlock a secondary shiny version of it by completing and additional goal in the same vein as the original sticker’s goal. Do this for 100 individual stickers in your sticker book, which can be done across multiple museums in the same save.

Thaw & Order

Have a donation stand vandalized by a Defrosted Cave-Person.

After you’ve used the Time Portal and gotten a Cave Person in the museum, their curiosity about this sudden new world may drive them to act out. Having one visit your museum is a start, but this trophy triggers automatically when they first wreck a donation stand.

The Anomalonians *

Activate the final Astral Anomaly exhibit.

Once you’ve reached the Space museum, Pebberly Heights, as part of the campaign, you’ll have quite a few unique universe-themed campagin requirements to hit. This is the final goal at the Space museum, the de facto end to the campaign though you can play as long as you’d like in any museum.

Prehistory Mystery *

Activate a Prehistory Mystery exhibit.

Those completed exhibits and taxidermy creatures you’ve been reassembling on expeditions aren’t coming back to life and scaring your patrons, are they…?

Ex-plorer *

Lose a staff member on an expedition.

The more dangerous an expedition, and the less prepared your team is to handle those potential dangers, the more likely it is that one of your staff members won’t come back from the expedition. You can force this by sending undertrained staff to high-level locations with minimal preparations.

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