How To Find And Solve All Merry Meadow Puzzle Rooms In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

How To Find And Solve All Merry Meadow Puzzle Rooms In Hello Kitty Island Adventure
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In Hello Kitty Island Adventure, accessing every area isn’t exactly easy; to reach certain locations, you need to increase your friendship level with various characters and complete the quests they give you. This way, you’ll unexpectedly find yourself in new areas.


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In these regions, you’ll also meet new characters. One of these areas is Merry Meadow. This lush, flower-filled region has eight puzzle rooms waiting for you. However, it’s not exactly easy to access these puzzle rooms. If you’re ready, in this guide, we’ll show you how to find and solve all the puzzle rooms in Merry Meadow.

How To Unlock The Merry Meadow

There are a total of eight puzzle rooms in Merry Meadow. Three of these eight puzzle rooms are located within the Temple Ruins puzzle room. Merry Meadow does not appear on the Friendship Island map; additionally, you need to complete certain quests to unlock this area:

Once you complete Curious Caverns quest, you can access this region by using the cave beneath the large waterfall between Gemstone Mountain and Mount Hothead.

All Giant Seeds And Planting Locations

The player finds a giant seed on the Merry Meadow in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

After unlocking Merry Meadow, you will only be able to explore a small portion of it. To access the rest of the area, you must find and plant Giant Seeds. There are a total of five Giant Seeds. The locations where they need to be planted resemble big mounds made of soil. These planting spots will already be visible on your map.

Once you’ve planted the Giant Seeds, you need to water them for three days. After that, they will grow, allowing you to climb them.

All Giant Seed Locations


Seed Location

An orange circle shows the location of the first giant seed in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

From the Merry Meadows Fields fast travel point, head right and pass under the wooden log arch. Stop when you reach the wooden bridge and look north; you’ll see a Giant Seed on one of the small islands in the lake below.

An orange circle shows the location of the second giant seed in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

After completing the ‘Cloud Cabins’ quest on Cloud Island, head south from the Outer Cloud Cabin fast travel point. If you check your map, you’ll see a small, round sky island to the south of the cloud ride. To reach it, you’ll need either a thermal potion or a companion ability that boosts floating. The easiest method is using a thermal potion. Once you arrive on the small sky island, break the boulder with the Pickaxe. Inside the treasure chest, you’ll find a Giant Seed.

An orange circle shows the location of the third giant seed in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

This seed is located inside the treasure chest in the Electric Introduction puzzle room in Merry Meadows. To access this puzzle room, you must first find and fully grow two Giant Seeds.

An orange circle shows the location of the fourth giant seed in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

To obtain this seed, you must reach friendship level 12 with Wish Me Mell. After that, she will give you the ‘Care Packages’ quest. Completing this quest will reward you with the Giant Seed.

An orange circle shows the location of the fifth giant seed in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

After uncovering the last planting location soil, go to Cloud Island. Head to the small sky islands north of the Outer Cloud Cabin fast travel point. A boulder will spawn there. Break it to find the Giant Seed.

Planting the first three Giant Seeds is enough to access all puzzle rooms. Planting the remaining ones will only grant access to the restricted areas of Merry Meadow. Additionally, you can find the Giant Seeds in any order and plant them in any of the five suitable soil locations.

All Giant Seed Planting Soil Locations


Seed Location

An orange circle shows the location of the first giant seed soil in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Head northeast from the Merry Meadows Fields fast travel point, cross the river, swim to the right, and you’ll see the first planting soil location.

An orange circle shows the location of the second giant seed soil in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

To find this planting location, you must fully grow the Giant Seed at the previous planting location to gain access to the Merry Meadows Plaza area. From this fast travel point, head straight north, and you’ll find this planting location between two pink trees.

An orange circle shows the location of the third giant seed soil in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

To reach this planting location, you must fully grow the Giant Seed in the Merry Meadows Plaza area. Afterward, climb the vine you grew, turn right, and you’ll find the planting location.

An orange circle shows the location of the fourth giant seed soil in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

To reach this planting location, climb up from the Meadows Crafting Station fast travel point, located south of Temple Ruins. Stand in front of the puzzle room, use a Thermal Potion, and glide left towards the large tree trunk.

An orange circle shows the location of the fifth giant seed soil in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

After planting the previous Giant Seed, once it transformed into a climbable vine, climb up. Break the boulder with the Pickaxe, and the soil will be revealed.

Lilypad Pathing Puzzle Room Solution

An orange circle shows the location of the Lilypad Pathing puzzle room in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where To Find The Lilypad Pathing Puzzle Room

Head northeast from the Merry Meadows Fields fast travel point, swim across the river, and continue right to find the first planting soil area. Once you reach it, keep moving right; you’ll see the entrance to this puzzle room to the right of the waterfall. To enter this puzzle room, you’ll need a Snorkel.

How To Solve The Lilypad Pathing Puzzle Room

Upon entering, go down the stairs to find four green cubes and one red cube. First, place the red cube next to the torch and activate it. Use the air current from the cube to rise with your balloons and reach the stone platform above. Take the green cube from there and bring it down to the others.

Then, use the green cubes to create a lilypad bridge between the stone platform where you found the cube and the ledge above the stairs. Move the red cube across this bridge and place it next to the torch. Activate the red cube again and use the air current to fly even higher to another stone platform, where you’ll find another green cube.

Bring this cube down to the others. Now, with a total of six green cubes, use them to build a bridge from the ledge above the stairs to the opposite ledge. Move the red cube across this bridge and activate it. Use the air current to fly up, giving you access to the chest. Inside the chest, you’ll find ten Worm Tails.

Flooded Fulcrum Puzzle Room Solution

An orange circle shows the location of the Flooded Fulcrum in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where To Find The Flooded Fulcrum Puzzle Room

To access this puzzle room, you must grow the Giant Seed in the southern part of Merry Meadows, allowing it to turn into a climbable vine. Climb up and start from the Merry Meadows Plaza fast travel point, where visitor cabins two, three, and four are located. From this fast travel point, head northeast and go behind visitor cabin four.

Then, swim north toward the waterfall and stop in front of it. Next, swim east and use the Snorkel to dive into the lake, where you’ll find the entrance to this puzzle room.

How To Solve The Flooded Fulcrum Puzzle Room

The player solves the Flooded Fulcrum puzzle room in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Inside, you’ll see some purple symbols on the wall, with a few of them glowing. You’ll also find several buttons and yellow cubes. Your goal is to place the yellow cubes on the correct purple buttons, using the wall symbols as a guide.

However, before doing this, first place all the yellow cubes on the teal buttons. This will cause one symbol in each row to glow, indicating which purple button each yellow cube should be placed on. Alternatively, you can step on the teal buttons to determine the correct placement.

The lowest glowing purple symbol in a row represents the purple button furthest from the wall, while the highest symbol represents the closest button. Once all yellow cubes are placed correctly, the door blocking the treasure chest will open. Inside the chest, you’ll find a Vintage Green Sunhat.

Electric Introductions Puzzle Room Solution

An orange circle shows the location of the Electric Introduction in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where To Find The Electric Introductions Puzzle Room

To reach this puzzle room, you must plant and fully grow the Giant Seed in the Merry Meadow Plaza area. This means you should have planted and grown the second Giant Seed in the region. After that, head north from the Merry Meadow Plaza fast travel point, climb up the vine you grew, and then move left to reach the entrance of this puzzle room.

To open this puzzle room, you’ll need a Rainbow Reef Star Fragment.

How To Solve The Electric Introductions Puzzle Room

The player spawns purple blocks inside the Electric Introduction in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Inside, you’ll encounter a new type of cube that emits electricity. However, one of these electric cubes, located across from the entrance, will be immovable. Electric cubes generate power when they are within each other’s range, which is indicated by the blue circles surrounding them.

First, take a movable electric cube and place it within the range of the immovable electric cube across from the entrance. Then, you’ll find another movable electric cube nearby—place this one between the first cube and the immovable cube to the left of the purple gate. This will cause purple transparent blocks to spawn, allowing you to cross to the other side of the gate.

The player solves the Electric Introduction puzzle room in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Take the electric cube on this side and place it on the newly spawned purple bridge block that is closest to the purple gate. This will enable you to connect the immovable cube to the farthest electric source in the south of the room using only two cubes. Use the remaining cube to activate the unpowered electric cube to the right of the purple gate.

If you place it on the northern side of the purple transparent block, all electric cubes will be activated, opening the purple gate and granting access to the treasure chest. Inside the chest, you’ll find a Giant Seed.

Temple Ruins Puzzle Room Solution

Where To Find The Temple Ruins Puzzle Room

An orange circle shows the location of the Temple Ruins in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

To access this puzzle room, you must plant and fully grow the third Giant Seed in Merry Meadows. After that, stop at the entrance of the previous puzzle room, Electric Introductions, and head straight right to climb the vine you planted and grew. Once you climb it, head right, and you’ll reach the Temple Ruins entrance.

The gate in the passageway at the entrance is missing three petals. There are three puzzle rooms in Temple Ruins, and you can obtain these Petal Keys from them.

How To Solve The Left Puzzle Room In Temple Ruins

Start by entering the door to the left of the temple’s main entrance. Place the electric cube between the immovable electric block and the other immovable block. This will cause stairs to spawn in the north of the room, allowing you to cross to the right side.

Once you reach the right side of the room, take the red thermal block and place it to the south to collect the electric cube from the two-story stone block. Next, place the red thermal block in front of the three-story stone block in the north of the room to collect the electric cube from there. Place all these electric blocks on the purple buttons.

This will cause stairs to spawn on the north side of the room. Place the red thermal block between the two newly spawned stairs and activate it to reach the chest, where you’ll find the First Petal Key.

Additionally, there’s a chest next to the immovable electric block on the far right side of the room, which contains Flower Rangers #19.

How To Reach The Center Puzzle Room In Temple Ruins

You can move to the central room from here or from the right entrance of the temple. The central room is located in the upper part on the right side of the room, where the star symbol is.

First, place the red thermal block to the northwestern corner of the left side of the room, in front of the three-story stone block. Collect the electric block from there. Then, place one of the electric cubes on the block located on the left side of the electric generating block, on the boundary between the two sections of the room.

This will extend the electric range to the right side of the room. Additionally, stairs will spawn in the south of the left side. Use these stairs to reach the right side of the room. Use the remaining electric blocks to bring power to the electric block on the far right side of the room.

Finally, use the red thermal block to fly up to the upper door on the right side, and you’ll reach the central room.

Additionally, you can reach the central room by using the lilypad block in the right puzzle room.

How To Solve The Center Puzzle Room In Temple Ruins

The player solves the center room of the Temple Ruins puzzle room in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

The puzzle in the central room is quite simple. You’ll find several movable and immovable electric blocks here. Some will have a yellow star symbol next to them, while others will have a red X symbol. Your goal is to use the movable electric blocks to bring all the yellow star symbols into the electric range, but never allow the red X symbols to enter the range.

The yellow star symbols within the electric range will glow. If you manage to bring all five yellow stars into the range, the purple gate in the room will open, and two treasure chests will appear. One contains a Petal Key, and the other contains five Strawberry Crates.

How To Solve The Right Puzzle Room In Temple Ruins

The player solves the right room of the Temple Ruins puzzle room in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Leave Temple Ruins and enter the rightmost room. If you climb the stairs closest to the entrance, you’ll find a hidden chest beyond the purple cable; this chest contains Flower Rangers #18. Then, climb the other stairs to reach the top of this puzzle room. Here, you’ll find an electric-emitting block.

Place the electric block near the red thermal block below within the range of this electric-emitting block, in the space between the block and the stairs. This will open the purple gate in the north of the room, allowing you to access the treasure chest, which contains a Petal Key.

Once you’ve found all three Petal Keys, you can place them in the Temple Ruins gate and complete the ‘Petal Puzzle’ quest.

Zealous Zap-up Puzzle Room Solution

An orange circle shows the location of the Zealous Zap-Up in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where To Find The Zealous Zap-up Puzzle Room

To access this Puzzle Room, you must reach Temple Ruins, meaning the third giant seed needs to be fully grown. Then, head to the right entrance of the Temple Ruins, go past the waterfall, and you’ll reach the entrance of this puzzle room.

How To Solve The Zealous Zap-up Puzzle Room

This puzzle room is quite simple; your goal is to move the red thermal block to the top of the room. To do this, take the movable electric block next to the entrance and place it south of the electric-emitting block. This will activate the first-floor staircase, which is associated with the teal-colored triangle symbol. Take the red thermal block and move it up the stairs.

Afterward, place the movable electric block north of the electric-emitting block to activate the red heart symbol, which will spawn the stairs that will allow you to move the thermal block to the third floor.

From this point, since the previous stairs are no longer available, you’ll need to use the purple-colored climbing walls.

After moving the thermal block to the third floor, return to the first floor. Finally, place the movable electric block to the right of the electric-emitting block. This will spawn the stairs that will allow you to reach the fourth floor. Move the thermal block to the top floor and activate it; by doing so, you’ll be able to fly and reach the treasure chest, which contains a total of five ingots.

Lightning Lockout Puzzle Room Solution

An orange circle shows the location of the Lighting Lockout in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where To Find The Lightning Lockout Puzzle Room

To access this Puzzle Room, you must plant and grow Giant Seeds until you reach the Temple Ruins, meaning your third seed must be fully grown. Cross the wooden bridge south of Temple Ruins and head south. Then, jump to the right and continue south.

After passing the stone path, turn right, and you’ll see a green plant mass next to the fast travel mailbox. Climb it and then climb the cliff to reach the entrance of this Puzzle Room.

How To Solve The Lightning Lockout Puzzle Room

The player solves the Lightning Lockout puzzle room in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

In this room, you will see several green buttons and a white button. When you press the white button, certain green buttons will glow for a limited time. Your goal is to press the glowing green buttons.

If you press the wrong green buttons, you will need to press them again to turn them off, otherwise, you won’t be able to open the door to the treasure room. Inside the treasure chest, you will find 15 Sticks.


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