How to complete the Thunderstone in KCD2

How to complete the Thunderstone in KCD2

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The Thunderstone is one of the longest Secondary Missions in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II and completing this task is not easy at all. Players should arm themselves with patience, and lots of free time, since they are about to set on a quest to find a mythical magical charm, for a lady in distress.

Poetic as this might sound, the task at hand is one of the most tedious and difficult to accomplish. So, here’s a full walkthrough to help players achieve this task successfully, earning all the possible rewards, as well as learning some hidden details about one of the most broken items in the game.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – How To Unlock All Secret Perks

If you’re trying to unlock all the secret and hidden perks in KCD2, this guide can help.

Where To Start The Thunderstone In KCD2

To start The Thunderstone Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, players need to travel to Grund and talk to Kona, the Blacksmith’s Wife. This quest will become available after players talk to several of the Quest Tipsters in the town, which will indicate that Kona is looking for someone to help her husband.

Talking to her will reveal that she is looking for a Thunderstone, a powerful charm that is formed when lightning strikes in the sky, and some rocks fall from it and are buried in the ground. So, basically: a meteorite But finding this special stone will be not an easy feat, and players will need to travel far and wide across Kuttenberg to get their hands on this powerful charm.

The last known location of the Thunderstone was with Tomlin of Horscham, a town west of Grund. So, players should travel there first to get their bearing on the Thunderstone’s whereabouts.

How To Beat Tomlin Of Horscham

After speaking to Tomlin, Henry will have to fight several opponents before being able to defy Tomlin to a fair fight in exchange for the Thunderstone. Beating these three contestants will involve fistfights, bets, and lots of patience.

After beating every common foe, Tomlin can be challenged and the bet will be 500 Groschen against his Thunderstone. Beat Tomlin to learn that the stone was actually stolen from him. Now, Henry needs to play catchpole and find the perpetrators of the burglary. These fellows named Peter and Hensel will be located in a town located to the west, named Raborsch. Travel there and search for Peter to find out what happened with the Thunderstone.


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Where To Find Peter And Hensel In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Peter spends his days near the outskirt fields or the Herb Garden in Raborsch, so finding him won’t be a problem. Getting him to admit he stole the Thunderstone won’t be hard either, but the problem is that Hensel is missing, captured by a mercenary named Andrew.

So, in exchange for revealing where they put the Thunderstone once and for all, Henry needs to go and rescue Hensel from the clutches of the mercenaries. The easiest way to do this is to sneak inside the camp and poison the cauldron with Strong Bane Poison, then wait a couple of hours until every mercenary is dead, then go for the hostage.

Where To Find Mercenary Camp Thunderstone KCD2

The Mercenary Camp is located right in the middle of the search area, near an abandoned waterwheel mill. There are a total of seven Mercenaries inside the camp, including Andrew, and they’re fully armed with brigandine and plate armor, and Heavy Crossbows with Sharpshooter Bolts, so proceed with caution.

Once they have eliminated Andrew and his merry band of mercs, players can find Hensel with his hands tied in a shed northwest of the camp. Approach Hensel from the back and free him, then meet back with him at Raborsch to get the information on the location of the Thunderstone.

If players are good with the bow, they can also dispose of them one by one, as they will be patrolling quite far from each other, and there are lots of vantage points from where players can take aim and fire leisurely.

Where To Find Mlada And The Thunderstone

Talking with Hensel once more will reveal that he and Peter sold the Thunderstone to a desperate Goodwife named Mlada, who is located in Suchdol, near the place where players started their journey through the Kuttenberg region.

Mlada reveals that she bought the stone to help her husband Peter, recover from a dire illness that is robbing him of sleep, and the will to eat and live. So, naturally, Henry will offer to help in exchange for the Thunderstone. This will trigger a new quest named In Primum Nil Nocere: ‘First, do no harm,’ which is the start of the Hippocratic oath all doctors take.


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How To Cure Mlada’s Husband In Primum Nil Nocere Sub Quest

  1. Examine and exhaust every Check.
  2. Prepare a Chamomile Decoction (2x Chamomile, 1 x Sage, Put 2 Chamomile In Wine, boil 1 turn, then remove, grind the sage, add it, and then pour).
  3. Go back to Peter, and start the treatment.
  4. First, players need to address the issue of the Diet.
  5. Then, offer him the Chamomile Decoction.
  6. Finally, talking about Fear: the Easy check is to tell him there’s no shame in running away.
  7. After that, wait for 2 full days of game time and come back to Peter and Mlada to see the results.

Peter should have healed by now, and he will be in a far better humor. Mlada will be pleased, so she will part with the Thunderstone. Now, a choice comes for the players: to turn the stone to their rightful owner, to give it to Kona, or to keep it for themselves.

Should You Keep The Thunderstone, Give It To Thomlin, or Kona?

If players decide to return the Thunderstone to Thomlin, they can complete the quest and receive 150 X Groschen, or a Free Unarmed Lesson. Unarmed experience and level work towards building up strength, so it’s not a bad tradeoff.

On the contrary, if they decided to let Kona be the new owner, they should ride to Grund and deliver the stone to Kona. She will give players a discount at the Horse Seller, some Alchemy experience, and if hard-pressed, an extra 100 Groschen for the trouble.

There’s yet another choice, players can keep the Thunderstone with them, but this will prevent them from completing the Quest, although, it will grant them a mysterious buff that prays: ‘The Thunderstone protects its bearer from disaster and grants them good fortune.’ The bonus might not be explained clearly, but after taking a look at the game files and filing with the character stats, it was discovered that the Stone, in fact, provides bonuses to Stamina regeneration. Here’s the full effect of the Thunderstone while Henry carries it on his inventory:

  • 10% bonus to stamina regeneration.
  • 5% reduction of block and parry stamina cost.
  • 10 % stamina consumption reduction.

This makes the Thunderstone one of the most broken items in the game, and a powerful Buff Item that players can have active all the time with zero cost. In general terms, it would be wiser to keep the Thunderstone to themselves, or players can also attempt to close the deal with any of the NPCs (either Kona or Thomlin) and then immediately pickpocket it from them.

As of the writing of this guide, it is still possible to do that, the same way that is possible to steal the Rikonari’s Sabre from the Voivevode’s Curse quest after completing it. The Stone will be marked as ‘Stolen,’ but the Buff will still be active.

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